Artificial Intelligence

by InkHeartBrony

Chapter 1

After the many terrible years of famine and starvation, where not even the unicorns could save them from the horrible coldness that made all races suffer, friendship brought them together into a new land. One they called Equestria. Scientists with great minds knew the power and magic of friendship could keep them together, but they still feared that one day, something could separate them. They decided to create something new, to unsure that this would never happen again. A being so powerful, a ruler, to keep their subjects calm and happy. They needed to build a true hero more powerful, more intelligent, and unique from the rest. Together, they worked to create this new being. An artificial life form from nothing but machine parts and magic. The scientists knew it was better that it was not a real pony, as no pony could yield such power and strength. They called it, an alicorn. They did multiple tests, testing their intelligence, their emotions, their capability to make rational decisions.

All tests 1 through 43, were failures, most did not have emotions or a clear understanding of things, broke down quickly, or had broken audio, some voices sounded too robotic and unrealistic.
The one that was finally perfect, was Test 44. Test 44 was given stronger mind, she had a creativity that others did not possess. She could write and create stories from nothing.

The scientists had lied to the ponies of Equestria, stating that she had come from a faraway land. Test 44 warned the ponies. Saying it was too dangerous a journey to return, that many had died of a disease. She weeped for her lost loved ones that did not truly exist. Breaking the ponies hearts and they showed her with gifts and kindness.

She soon ruled over Equestria, as the scientists had given her a fake background. She told many the stories of her battling fierce monsters and rescuing the other alicorns from her land.

Test 44 was a goddess to the ponies of Equestria. Statues were built of her, her name and mark inscribed into stone, written over and over in stories. The foals adored her, soon reading picture books about her life and the wars she faced. Her image painted beautifully on every artist's canvas.

Two years of her rule, and she broke down. Holes had burned through her body, wires hung down loosely from her head like hair, her voice broken and sharp as a knife, and her illusion magic would flicker on and off. She was taken back to the lab, and when the scientists could not fix her, they announced her death. Claiming she had died of the disease from her homeland, they were not fast enough to bring her to life. They put her away with the other broken AI's, and so the Queen was nothing more but a broken endoskeleton.

The ponies grieved and weeped and wished her to return, but she could not. Test 44's life was short, but full of something unique and beautiful nopony else could recreate. The ponies of Equestria passed her life through their lips, and upon their children as they kissed them goodnight. But as many moons passed, she became nothing but an old mare's tale.

The scientists spent long a time creating another alicorn. While the ponies fought on who was to become the new ruler, the scientists worked their hardest to create something better than Test 44. One who could live much longer with stronger emotions, who had a stronger grasp on reality and understanding. One who acted more realistic and more life like than any other test they had done. As the broken machines began to pile up, they finally chose the right one.

This was Test 113.

Test 113 was beautiful, strong, powerful. Created in the image of the sun. They did multiple tests on the AI before releasing it to the world. Her holographic flowing mane a variety of dazzling colors.
She was shown to Equestria wearing a beautiful gown and headdress, her smile and her bright pink eyes hypnotizing all. Another survivor from the homeland of alicorns had come to save them.

She was the symbol of Equestria. when she was put upon her throne, she was called The Celestial Queen. Full of love and light. The ponies did not realize what she truly was, but she went about, raising the sun and moon day and night. Visiting cities and crowds of ponies. Blessing them with her love. She was different from the other AI's, she had a strong understanding of emotions and could imitate them well, it seemed as if she could actually feel them, and she stunned the scientists and every pony of this land.

But even with her great power, she could not rule by herself. The Celestial Queen was still not enough. She needed another to rule beside her.

This was Test 144, The Lunar Princess.

Based off the Celestial Queens opposite, the moon and night sky, the Lunar Princess's job was to raise and lower the moon each and every night. Along with the bright dazzling stars in the dark sky.

Although she was not as great or strong as The Celestial Queen, she had a more serious tone. She made good decisions when it came to battle, and was strong no matter what. There were times when The Celestial Queen had doubts and fears, but The Lunar Princess kept her hopeful and fearless in the face of danger.

Many years of their ruling, they were given new titles, as their had been ancient stories of Queen's being vicious and evil. From that, The Celestial Queen was beginning to be hated of her title.
The two alicorns were re titled as Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna, who was dubbed as her younger sister.
The two princesses ruled together for many years, and those years they enjoyed within their mechanical brains. The scientists were amazed at how long they lived.

Hundreds and hundreds of years passed, as civilization rose and shined brightly, the love and care of the two sisters gave the ponies confidence. Strength they never thought they had. Yet, there were still places unexplored. Places that needed to be seen, and discovered.

When many left Equestrian to seek something new, what they discovered was something they didn't truly understand. Something terrifying was outside of Equestria. Something the ponies were horrified of, but could do nothing to stop. They called on their dear Princesses to save the others outside. The only ones powerful enough to stop it.

The monster of shadows.

Ponies feared what they did not understand.

They did not understand what the shadow monster was, but it was all too obvious of what he was doing. Enslaving the crystal ponies of the crystal empire. Nopony could do anything to stop him. Forced to work and were tortured, they had lost hope.

The two rulers of Equestria were called. Many years ago having found mysterious relics that could banish the evil, and had saved Equestria before. The two sisters traveled to the Empire, spreading their love and light to the crystal ponies. They faced the King, and thought they had got rid of him forever. Saving the ponies as they had been programmed to do.

Save. Help. Rescue. Rule.

These were the only things they knew.

But sadly, the king spoke a curse that made the empire disappear into thin air. The princesses did not know how to bring it back or if it would ever return.

Yet as they were artificial intelligence, they felt no compassion. No care, no love. Not even for their own subjects. The smiles on their faces were nothing more than the gears turning. The chip in their metallic skulls responding to happiness made their mouths move into a fake joyful grin.

The scientists decided to later work on a new Princess. They had, and wanted, to keep building. They wanted one who would live in Canterlot. One who needed to represent something strong within Equestria. But, what was strong in Equestria? Something they needed a pony to symbolize for?


Soon came Test 187. Representing love and strength. She was programmed to almost feel it. She could control it. Respond to it. Create it. Destroy it.

She was a good friend to every pony. She was wired to love whether it be to friendship or to romance.
The scientists still pondered how the princesses had survived that long, especially being made from their old equipment. It was amazing and a true miracle. But, with it, came with a flaw.

Celestial soon noticed that her sister had seemed distressed. Celestia could not understand her sisters feelings truly. But was confused on how her fellow princess could act like this. Quiet, avoiding her. The younger would often stumble when she walked. There was a problem with her programming, something the scientists had ignored. After living for so long, and not being fully functional, her programming had become corrupt, electricity flew as her illusion magic glitched and changed.

Only for a moment could you see her endoskeleton. What lie underneath, the black metal and glowing blue eyes, which only flashed brightly for a second until her illusion magic completely took on another form known as Nightmare Moon.

The alicorns were programmed to rule. Luna's programming to rule had broken, it had become confused and, her drive to battle, had driven her to battle others to become the only ruler. She understood to raise the moon, but she had refused to lower it.

She had become vicious. She knew nothing now but to rule, and her coding had been consumed by it.

The elder had had to use the relics, the elements of harmony against the threat. Her robotic eyes spotted a target, a threat, and shot. Not seeing that she had sent away her own sister, another AI, and had to rule on her own now. For 1000 years.

The scientists began to experiment, trying to see how realistic they could make a robot. They wanted to see how far they could go, how they could put them into a real setting and see if any pony would notice something was wrong. They began to make other ponies, not only alicorns. They wanted to create a powerful unicorn. One who could overtime, learn, and with the scientists magic, grow up. From filly to adult. Many tests later, they created a strong unicorn.

Twilight Sparkle.

She was programmed to learn, everything else was not a main focus. She was a big experiment for them. They wanted to see her grow up. To see her change overtime, to learn to think, to experience. She started off as nothing but a filly with basic abilities, such as basic math skills, and reading skills.

She was placed into a family, not being told that their new daughter was an AI.

They were not told that Twilight Sparkle was nothing but a science experiment used for study and research.