//------------------------------// // Chapter 8 // Story: Discharged // by The_Last_Centurion //------------------------------// This story is a fan-fiction of MLP:FiM. I don't own any of it. It belongs to Hasbro, etc, etc. Don't sue. Seriously. That would be so uncouth. Also a little note: the <> are used just for when things get a little sketchy. I think it's mostly clear in the beginning, but near the end they are needed to designate a change between story/current time. Chapter 8 “It was right after last year's Hearth Warming eve and my unit, Puck unit, was stationed in Stalliongrad. I was pleasantly surprised to find this out since it meant I could spend the holiday with my folks. Now, nopony else in my unit came from Stalliongrad, and they were gonna just lounge around in the hotel we were assigned to stay in while Celestia's diplomatic ambassadors wrote up a treaty for the Clan-Federation between Equestria. After it was written up we were supposed to escort the ambassadors 400 miles north of Stalliongrad, out of Equestria, and into the heart of Timber wolf country.” “Weren't you scared?” Twilight asked “Nah. The Timber wolves were the ones who requested the treaty. Plus they're big ol' softees for a pony with determination. They love underdog stories and stuff. Real dramatic they are.” Twilight and Spike gave me incredulous looks. “Well I know ponies down here see Timber wolves as huge monsters that would eat them in one gulp, and you'd be true. They used to do it all the time a couple hundred years ago. But that was when ponies lived further north. The only reason they attacked ponies was because our Earth Pony farms took up fertile land. Up north, that's pretty scarce and the Timber wolves need it to feed their herds. With a lack of land for their herds, they, how should I put it, changed the dinner they put on the table parse.” “So why a treaty? Why would they want it after the ponies moved south?” Spike asked intelligently. “Well, up north, at half of the year is spent in total darkness.” “What?” Spike said. “Remember what Princess Celestia said about how the sun affected countries away from Equestria differently.” Twilight gently reminded him. “Oh yeah. So why would they need the treaty?” “Well, Timber wolf populations have been growing and they were running out of food to comply. They needed more room to grow their crops of arctic shrub and grasses to feed their herds, which in turn fed them. So they struck up a deal with Princess Celestia and Luna. They would move down south, closer to Stalliongrad during the winter. In turn, they would ally themselves to Equestria and even help us fight if we ever got in trouble.” Twilight and Spike sat there with open mouths. “So you're telling me that Timber wolves, a creature that would terrify most ponies to death, literally, would fight in an Equestrian army?” Twilight said. “Yes, as long as the negotiations and treaty were finished and accepted by both sides.” “Twi, think about it! Great big Timber wolves that could help us beat up the bad guys! They'd be awesome!” Spike said enthusiastically. “Actually, there is a contingent of Timber wolves working for the princesses right now, but I'll get back to that later.” “So there we were in Stalliongrad, my unit starting to go stir-crazy, and the ambassadors stilling hammering out the final draft of the treaty. Being the captain of my unit, and also host in my lovely hometown of Stalliongrad, I couldn't let my family of nine go crazy. So I talked with my parents and invited the unit to spend the holidays with the Steelhooves family.” “That's sweet of you Crimson.” Twilight said, gushing cuteness. “Ew. Get a room you two.” Spike said “But after you finish your story.” he caught himself. I chuckled as Twilight blushed a deep red and continued on. “So there we were all having a good time at my parent's house, and their phone rings. My mother picks it up since my dad was telling us a story about how he and a few other of his metalponys had gotten in trouble for trying to make this big old metal suit for a pony. 'But their working on one in Neighppon. Something called a mehaygazord....' he told us, but my mom interrupted the story and called me over to the phone. 'It's for you honey. Sounds important.' I put the receiver to my ear and listened. A few minutes later I went back to the room where my unit was half-listening, half waiting for my return. 'Well colts and foals, it's game time. Sorry pa, ma, but we gotta go back to the hotel to get ready. We're leaving in two hours.' My mom came and gave me a hug, a kiss, and some food she had somehow gotten ready for me. 'Make sure you have your lucky gauntlets darling.' she reminded me. Then she went and gave the rest of my unit the same hugs and kisses and had two of the mares from my unit help her pack a larger casement of food to share between the unit members. My dad gave me a hug and told the unit he expected them all to come back within three days, so he could finish his story. They laughed and we left my parent's house in high spirits.” “We got back to the hotel, got suited up, checked our essentials, and went over our sit-rep. We would be taking an light airship 200 miles north, and then be dropped off at an LZ which had our convoy of magic sleds ready to take us the rest of the way. Without a hitch, the trip was supposed to last only 6 hours, and then we'd stay a day with the Timber wolf chieftains. We would leave at a time my unit, nay, the whole Lunar Battalion was so comfortable with: Midnight.” “Why would you need so much secrecy if it was just a simple escort mission?” Twilight said. “Twilight, haven't you ever seen a Jame Bit movie? Bad guys always attack the good guy when they are escorting somepony, duh.” Spike said. “Spike's right, surprisingly.” “Hey!” “If the 'bad guys' tried to stop us, they'd have a hard time, since you could barely see anything on the trip up there. Also, It was winter season up north, so if we left in darkness, we wouldn't have to adjust to a world of darkness, and we'd be that more alert.” “Ok. I get it. So what happened next?” “Well, we got to the LZ without a problem, and got moving fairly quickly after we were go to our sleds. Nopony attacked us as we traveled through the dark night. I remember the dark arctic winds whipping around my face and parka, chilling any exposed skin to the bone. We rode like that through the night to witness the rise of the day. It was amazing. Where there should have been sun, there were bands of colors that arced across the sky in waving cosmic motion. In fact, they remind me of Celestia's mane. I later found out the Timber wolves considered the lights as spirits of a long-dead culture. They said the lights were caused by the dancing of the dead culture's spirits. But to get back to the point we rode on and the lights became stronger as the day dragged on. Their beauty was multiplied by the glossy snow reflecting them along with the inky-black sky. When we reached the village where we would meet the timber wolf chieftain, we got off of our sleds and walked around on the snow. Our boots crunched in the densely packed snow and it felt like we were walking in oblivion. Nothing but the heavens, the heavenly-lights, and their reflection could be seen for miles.” <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< “Whoa. Awesome.....” “It sounds so beautiful.” “It was. But then we were greeted by something even more beautiful.” <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< From the village, two large timber wolves loped out and stopped in front of us. They we much larger than us and they were frightening. But at the same time, they were awe-inspiring. Like the first time I saw Luna, I couldn't look away. They were terribly amazing. 'I am Swiftfoot' said one 'I am called Triscar' said the other pointing to three long scars that ran over his front shoulder. 'We are guards to the great chieftain White Fang; thus we are also guards to his esteemed guests.' he motioned for us to follow into the village. Swiftfoot led us to a large meeting hall set in the middle of the small village. 'This whole village was set up three days before your arrival' he said. 'It is not grand, but will become a site of celebration for our generations to come.' Swiftfoot was leading us into the hall, but Triscar stopped him and us. 'Ponies,' he said solemnly. 'Be warned. Not all of our people agree to this treaty, Lord White Fang's son being the most prominent dissenter. He may try to cause you trouble, or even stop the treaty from being signed. However, rest assured knowing no harm will befall you.' Swiftfoot nodded in agreement to Triscar's admonishment, and then led us into the hall.” “The hall was lined with tables that held Timber wolf nobles, all sitting in a large U so that Lord White Fang sat at the end of the hall. In the middle a peculiar bonfire was crackling away. But it seemed almost impossible to be real. This fire glowed blue and it used logs of ice as fuel. It also kept the hall warm, not by giving off heat, but absorbing it. It was the strangest fire I had ever seen. Even stranger, it seemed to give off a calming sensation. We were led to the end of the hall, all the time being watched by the Timber wolf nobles, to stop in front of a looming gray and grizzled wolf. He gave us a predatory grin, showing off his large, bright, white teeth. His smile also scrunched up an eye patch the wolf wore over his right eye. His teeth told all of us who he was, and it suddenly made us feel like very small ponies, far away from home. Despite this, I wasn't scared. Sure, I felt small, but the Timber wolf chieftain's smile wasn't one of the hunt, but of friendship.” <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< “You should write a letter to Princess Celestia about all you learned with your friendship with the Timber wolves.” “Not now Twi.” Spike hissed. “Go on Crimson.” <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< “'Welcome, friends!' he boomed out. 'It gladdens me to know that our peoples will be friends forever more. Hopefully one day ponies will be living amongst us without fear, and Timber wolves will be able to travel through Equestria without being feared. Let's hope this treaty is a new start for both of our people.' His jovial hopefulness made me feel great knowing that this would be a quick and easy mission that would help two people into a lasting friendship. However, this was not to be. The timber wolf who sat next to the great chieftain spoke up. He was smaller and also younger than his counterpart, but he was much more fiery than him. 'Father, why would we sign a treaty, when we could just take the land by force?' to my horror, a few of the nobles nodded and muttered in agreement. White Fang seemed surprised by his son's outburst. 'Fenrir, do you wish to start a war between the Clan Federation and Equestria?' 'No father, I would not be so foolish.' his son said. 'I do not believe we should serve these.....ponies for land that should belong to us. We have no reason to serve them in times of need, seeing as they have never helped us in times of trouble.' 'Fool!' White Fang shouted loudly. 'Celestia of the Sun has not only risen the sun each day, but managed to convince her subjects to move out of our crop lands over 400 years ago. You were not born yet, but it ended a long period of strife and hate that would have destroyed us all. Never forget that, cub.' his father said, each word seething with malice. 'Never the less father' Fenrir said steadfastly 'I will call an Ogiarpok.' At his words there was a wave of muttering and whispers that went through the hall. One of my best friends in my unit, and my lieutenant, was Solitary Shadow. He's a snarky unicorn who has a black coat and a mane of salt and pepper hair. When the Timber wolf prince said 'Ogiarpok' Solitary strode up to White Fang and asked politely 'What in hell is this bucking 'oggiepork' thing?' White Fang gave him a smile that failed to hide his annoyance with his son. 'Ogiarpok means dog fight in our language. It is an ancient custom used to settle large problems between Clans. My foolish son already has his own Clan, and he has issued a fight to your Equestria. Until, someone beats him in this fight, his clan will not go by the treaty, and I fear cause trouble to all of us. I am sorry for this idiocy. I should have beat the 'listen to your elders' lesson into him when he was a pup.' Solitary turned slowly to face me with a foolish smile on his face. 'Guess who gets to have fun on this mission cap'n....” I sighed. 'Damn it. And I thought we'd get out of this easy.' I went over to the ambassador and asked him what would happen if I didn't succeed. He started mumbling something about how I shouldn't even try to fight Fenrir since it would put our diplomatic relations in trouble. I told him 'If they got a problem, they can take it up with the Lunar Battalion.' Then I turned to the muttering crowd of nobles and one Timber wolf prince who didn't look like he cared about the challenge he just issued. I called to him as he was inspecting his claws. 'Hey bitch.' The muttering stopped and White Fang looked at me with amusement. I continued to Fenrir. 'You just issued a challenge. So if I beat your scrawny ass, will you accept the treaty?' I taunted. Fenrir looked surprised at first, then pissed off, as he gave me a nasty growl. White Fang burst out laughing. He motioned to Swiftfoot and Triscar. 'Go set up the ring outside. The challenger and my son will fight in five minutes.' he said. Then to us and the hall. 'Fighters prepare thyselves. You will fight until the other competitor or thyself cannot fight any more. However, you may not kill each other. I don't want to start a war with Equestria, and I need my son's Clan. Now go prepare. Meet outside in the ring in five minutes. Go.' Fenrir glared at me as he walked out of the hall with the rest of the higher echelon of timber wolves. The Great chieftain stopped and talked to me before he went outside. 'I want to see my pompous son get the shit kicked out of him. It's a good lesson to learn. So on that note, good luck.' he said as he patted my wither and left the hall. My unit all came up to me and cheered me on, slapping my back and wishing me luck. I told them to all go outside and wait for me. The ambassador followed my unit, nut said 'I hope you know what you're doin..' 'I never do child.' I replied to him with Luna's manic grin. He almost fainted right there and then. I readied myself physically first. First I took off my parka and felt the freezing air hit my muscles, and I started to stiffen up. I had to move quickly. I reached into my saddlebags and found my gauntlets. I put them on and started to dance around, shadow sparring to warm up.” <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< “So you were going to fight a timber wolf prince in the freezing cold? Are you insane?!” Twilight sputtered out. “It happens when you spend so much time with Luna. Where do you think the word 'lunatic' came from?” “Wait. Why aren't your gauntlets here with the rest of your keepsakes?” Spike asked me. “I'll show you them some other time, but they're still in my suitcase.” “But I..” “Don't worry about it Spike, I'll show you them later.” “So why were these gauntlets so special?” Twilight asked. “Well when I joined the Battalion, my parents wanted something that would remind me of home, my family, and would protect me. So my dad made the greatest things ever. He first got the strongest metal he could create in the factory, Colossus steel and forged together with the most flexible metal he could find, Quicksilver. He then formed the new metal into four gauntlets that would fit over my four hooves and cover up to my fetlocks. Not only did he craft them for protection, but he also crafted them beautifully. The have the Puck unit insignia intertwined with the Steelhooves family crest, which is two crossed hammers with horseshoes on the opposite ends of the hammer heads. The crest traced out from the tip of my hoof, where I'd be hitting, but then traced up along the gauntlet, making interlocking lines. It all looks like a Ghaylic carving, but in metal. After my dad finished them, he sent a letter to Princess Luna asking her to infuse the gauntlets with magic that would prevent rusting, wear, tear, and also help me pack a punch with them. She happily obliged and I used them the whole time I was in the Battalion. If I made my uniform sound like a close friend, then my gauntlets are actually part of me. We couldn't be closer.” “Wow, that's so intimate Crimson.” Twilight said transfixed. “Twilight, don't ruin the story just cause you'd rather have Crimson sleeping in your bed than in the couch.” Spike said grumpily. Twilight turned Big-Mac-red and said something under her breath, while looking at the ground. I was amazed at Spike. When he misses his bed-time, he turns into a monster! “Spike, say your sorry.” “Why?” “Do it or I end my story here.” “Ok, ok. Twilight I'm sorry.” “And?” “I didn't meant it.” “And?” “You're the best big sister ever.” Twilight grabbed him and gave him a hug that made his eyes and tongue comically bulge out. “Good. Ok, where was I.” “Abouttofightthebigbadwolf!” Twilight said in one breath energetically. “Woah...: “I love a good story! Come on, finish it!” <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< Alright. So there I was in the hall warming up. Physically, I still felt a little cold, but I was limbered up which was good. I had a few precious minutes left, so I started getting mentally ready. I started thinking about fighting. The way it makes my heart race, the feel of dodging attacks, the way I feel when I win the fight. I was riled up. I started to think about the fight conditions. First off, it would be colder than it was now, so I needed to use my inner fire. Inner fire is a technique that my Colt Maga master taught me, and it helps me raise my body temperature, my pulse,etc at any given time. It's usually for emergencies only, but I needed it to function then in the cold. I had just raised my body temperature, and felt my inner fire truly spreading throughout my body as White Fang called both fighters to the ring. I walked out of the hall briskly, not wanting to spend any more time in the cold than I had too. Apparently, my lack of snow-gear shocked some wolves and one ambassador who chose that time to faint, but I didn't notice. The only thing I saw was Fenrir. He was walking to the center of the ring like me, but he wore a smug grimace on his lips. When we came near each other he whispered to me 'I will show my father that we souldn't be serving weak ponies like you, after I beat you six feet under the snow.' 'Funny. I was gonna say the same thing.' I said annoyingly to him. His hackles raised and he growled at me. White Fang cut off our banter when he directed us to follow the correct way to start the Ogiarpok. We each took an ice pole that had some of that blue fire on it and went around the ring, lighting equally spaced ice poles stuck in the ground. They blazed and gave the circle an eerie glow, their light reflecting off the snow like the heavenly-lights. We brought the lighting torches to White Fang who took the torches and told us to go to our sides. We departed one another with a glare and waited for the start.White Fang held the torches, opened his mouth, and dropped them in. He then blew a gout of fire into the sky and howled after it. The fight had begun. In the beginning I underestimated Fenrir's speed. He was on me quicker than I could defend, so I just attacked back. He was incredibly fast, almost dodging my kicks and punches, while I luckily sustained minor cuts and scratches thanks to his swipes with his claws and bites with fangs he must have inherited from his father. After a long barrage by both of us, we separated and circled each other. I kept my eyes on him, but also checked on my injuries out of the corner my eye. Fenrir was foolish enough to look at his wounds directly, leaving me an opining. I took it and charged in at him with a zigzag approach. He spotted me, but it was too late. I was already up close and personal with him, returning the speed attack from earlier that caught me off guard. I manged to kick him in the chest, sending him backwards and making him fall on his stomach. I walked over to check if he was out, but he surprised me with a lunge to my legs. He got his maw around my right back leg. I bucked him off, but the surprise attack broke my rhythm. We both knew, were it not for my gauntlets, I wouldn't have a back right leg. I got angry, and even though I shouldn't have done it, I reached inside myself again for another burst of inner fire. My body temperature increased with my pulse, making me more flexible and alert in the cold arctic air. I created a plan right there to beat him. We were circling each other again when I feinted toward him. He reacted and started to come at me to defend by attacking, but I forced him into the offensive with my feint. He started to attack me with his swipes and bites, but I bobbed, weaves, and evaded all of his attacks. I left my left back leg a little open to see if he would see it. He did after a while, an must have thought nothing of it. He went straight after it. Before he could bite into my gauntlet like he did with my right back leg, I kicked his muzzle upwards away from the ground and my hind legs that I was standing upon. His face was that of utter surprise as I punched it. Then before he could react I followed up with an uppercut, some hooks, a few more jabs, and some other mish-mash for good measure. Then he started to regain his composure. He was a resilient one. However, it was nothing a well placed buck couldn't solve. Before he could attack again, I turned around and bucked him square in the chest. He went flying as he did before, landing on his stomach with his legs sprawled. I took a few careful steps toward him, but then I realized I didn't need to. He was whispering something to the snow. I held my breath as he rose his head and said 'I submit. I can no longer fight.' to the crisp and clear arctic air. My unit cheered and White Fang shouted 'We have a Champion! Now my son's Clan, Clan of the Star beast, will submit to the treaty. And as is custom, our Champion will receive the blessing of the tundra. I wondered what he meant by that, but then I saw him look at me and breathe in deeply. He howled and ear-deafening howl straight into my face. My eyes snapped shut, but I opened them again when I felt something strange happening. When I looked around I found White Fang still in his howling position, but he was breathing the blue flame onto me. I started to panic, but the flame's calming magic soothed me. I soon stood within the raging inferno, letting the fire wash over my body, even breathing in the flames. Then in an instant it was over. I examined my body and found all my wounds were gone and I didn't feel cold anymore. White Fang walked up to me and said hoarsely 'Let us celebrate in the great hall. We will have a feast!' he passed be me and picked up his battered son by the scruff of his neck. When they passed by me, I could see dejection in his eyes, but also something else. Something like respect. I turned to follow White Fang in, but my team tackled me in a large unit ponypile. They were all happy I had won the fight, but I was a little tired. 'Could we save it for after I get my clothes back on?' I asked. 'Cap'n, you know it ain't fun if you ain't naked!” Solitary Shadow said. I facehoofed and my unit laughed, but we all went into the hall. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< “Ok so you beat the Fenrir guy and fixed the treaty?”Spike asked. “Yep.” “But what was that fire? Some sort of healing magic?” Twilight asked. “Don't know. We could always call up Fenrir if we needed anything.” “WHAT?” Spike and Twilight exclaimed. I chuckled. “Let me finish the story.” <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< White Fang had thrown us a huge party, and someone had managed to wake up the fainted ambassador, so the treaty could be established. He now laid in one of the sleds pleasantly drunk off of a beverage the Timber wolves called “Hearth's draft” because it kept you warm. My whole unit enjoyed a job-well done celebration and now we were packing up to leave. Before we could go, and Timber wolf came sprinting out of the makeshift village. I didn't recognize him until he stopped about ten feet away. It was Fenrir. “Captain, may I have a talk?” he said politely. My team noticed and started to slowly take up offensive positions. “Lieutenant!” I called in my military voice. When I called it that voice, Solitary stopped his fooling around. “Yes sir?” “I'll be back in a minute. Make sure everything is set to go. Remember, our ETA at the extraction point three hours from now. We need to leave as soon as I get back.” I told him as I walked over to Fenrir. “Yes sir!” he replied as he got the unit working again. Fenrir and I walked out of earshot from the unit. “What is it, Timber Wolf?” I asked him. He looked at me with an honest face. “I am truly sorry.” he apologized. He sounded like a changed pony, er wolf. Where was all the confidence and princely attitude he had not 2 hours ago? “I was a fool when I said we shouldn't help one another. I just....I wanted to show my father I could do things on my own. I may have my own Clan, but I need to make my clan strong, and thus make myself strong. I thought if I rejected the treaty and did everything myself, I could become a better leader than my father. But you showed me I was wrong.” I was skeptical of what he said, but from his face it was coming from the heart. “I appreciate your apology Prince. I forgive you. Everypony wants to be strong, and they all have trouble finding their way. They always get there in the end though.. They aren't always strong physically or mentally, but there are as many types of strong as there are ponies.” Fenrir gave me a genuine smile. “Thank you captain. I'd like to give you something. As a token of my devotion to the treaty, but also my friendship with you.” That's when he pulled the claw necklace out from around his neck. He handed it over to me. “That is a claw from an Ursa Major. The Ursa Major that I killed and granted me my clan.” I looked at it shocked and disbelieving. “This is an Ursa Major claw? But they're huge!” “Yes, but not many know that when a great star beast dies, the cosmic magic that is infused within it leaves it's body, shrinking the creature and leaving a material that is much like the stars that fall to the tundra. I believe your people call them meteorites?” “But you actually killed an Ursa Major?” Fenrir gave a throaty laugh. “Yes, but it put up on hell of a fight. You know the magic my father used today? The howl and the fire?” “Yeah he healed me with them.” Fenrir chuckled again. “He did much more than that friend. But he can also use a much stronger magic than that. I can too. I slayed the creature that was terrorizing a clanless village by using one of the Timber wolves' strongest magics: cosmic magic. It's like what your princesses use to raise the sun and moon daily, but ours is less potent since it cannot be focused as well. However, I may have solved that problem.” “So you know how to use a magic that is stronger than that of two immortal princesses?” “I do not think I know how to completely use it yet, but I am learning to. I can focus the energy because after I killed the Ursa Major, it's energy left it, to come to me. I can already augment myself like I did in the fight.” “What?” “I made myself faster, like you wore your gauntlets of strength. I tried to do more, but I am still figuring it out.” “Well, I'm glad you're on our side.” Fenrir smiled and I noticed something. “Know what? We were never properly introduced.” I started. “Captain Crimson Moon Steelhooves of Unit Puck, 7th Unit of the Lunar Battalion.” I put out my hoof. “Fenrir Fang, Song of Great Chieftain White Fang, Chief of Star Beast Clan.” he said as he took my hoof in his paw and shook. I left knowing we'd be lifelong friends. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< “Crimson, you're soooo coooll.” Spike said whit a great big yawn. “Thanks kid. I think you should hit the hay. I gotta job to get to tomorrow morning, so I should go to sleep too.” “Wait!” Twilight said to me, clearly energized by the discovery of a new form of magic. She started barraging me with questions, until I reached out and gently grabbed her face, and put a hoof over her mouth and brought her face close to mine. “Shhhssh. I can get Fenrir to come over here sometime and he can tell you all about the magic. But look over there.” I said as I pointed to Spike who laid curled up in a little dragon-ball on the couch. “Take him to bed. I have to go work at the Sweet Apple Acres tomorrow morning to.” I let her go as realization came over her and she gave a meek smile. I noticed she hadn't moved away from me yet. She looked into my eyes and I looked back, knowing that we were going to share a kiss. I went in, but a tiny draconic voice stunted my efforts. “hnnghsn....get a room..nnnhszzzzzz.” Spike snored in his sleep. Twilight pulled away from me and picked up Spike with magic an started to ascend the stairs. “Hey Twilight.” She stopped and looked back at me, her face flushed red from almost being caught by a sleeping dragon. “Goodnight.” I said. She smiled and her embarrassment fled, leaving nothing but a genuine loving look. “Goodnight Crimson.” she said as she ascended the rest of the stairs. I moved the coffee table out of the way, careful not to knock anything over, and I pulled out the couch. I went around the room and blew out the candles and stood there with my eyes closed, as I had been trained from day one. When I opened them again, I could see clearly in the dark and I found the bed. I laid down to find sleep and dreams of showing a beautiful mare and energetic baby dragon the heavenly lights of the north.