//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Vantage Point // Story: The Wings Have Eyes // by Prophet Of Doom //------------------------------// It took the griffon nearly an hour to get the three mares back on the right path. He said nothing during this entire time, just looking over his shoulder occasionally only to check that the ponies were keeping up. The mares were slowly getting their bearings, as the low clouds thinned out considerable. Soon, Rainbow Dash was flying a small distance overhead. Fluttershy kept her eyes firmly on the griffon. Her initial fears had died down but she was still unnerved by his presence. His silent, emotionless stance that made him impossible to read, wasn't helping. Twilight was also pondering on the guide. His sudden appearance, his reason for being present so far into mountains. Both of them were drawn out of their thoughts by Dash’s call. She had landed on top of the rise ahead of them and beckoned them to her. “We’re there!!” With a sudden burst of energy, Fluttershy and Twilight raced past the still silent griffon and joined Dash up on the rise. From their new vantage point, they were able to see the wide and largely flat valley. Comprising of various plowed fields, a small river, and some small woods. At the far end of it, was the small town they had been seeking, Three Feathers Rise. All of this was covered with a thin layer of mist, giving the area an almost holy appearance. “Well there's the town,” Dash commented. “So why is this place important enough to get its own railway?” Fluttershy rolled her eyes, “Rainbow, did you listen to Twilight’s explanation at all?” “In my defence, I listened to at least three words.” Dash brazenly flashed her trademark grin, bringing face-hoofs from her friends. “Well, Dash,” Twilight began, still digging her hoof across her hoof across her face. “The towns gem miners have discovered a large vein of wolframite. An ore which makes a very strong metal that we make, amongst other things, armour with.” “Armour, huh,” Dash pondered. “That's pretty neat but is it really worth building a railway through these mountains for it?” Twilight nodded, “Normally we have to import it, making it very expensive.” “You can see the mine now,” Fluttershy indicated with a hoof. The mist had rolled on, revealing the whole town and its mine entrance at the base of a mountain. “It looks like a pretty homely place,” Fluttershy chimed. “Like something from Spike’s game, erm… Ogres & Oubliettes.” “Yeah,” Twilight agreed. “Pity he’s sick, Spike might have liked it here.” “Are you kidding,” Dash chuckled. “He’s being looked after by Rarity.” She gave Twilight knowing look, which brought a chuckle from her as well. “He still thinks we don’t know,” Twilight added, bringing a collective chuckle from the three. “So, we heading into town or what?” Fluttershy asked dryly. “Yeah,” -Twilight nodded- “We have wasted enough time already, getting lost and all. First, however, we must thank our guide…..” Twilight turned around to face him, “…And, he’s gone.” The other two spun around. Their eyes, along with Twilight’s, scouring the path the had just come from and the surrounding mountains but the griffon was nowhere in sight. “He was quiet,” Fluttershy remarked. “No kidding,” Rainbow Dash added. “He makes Big Mac look like a public speaker.” Fluttershy put a hoof over her mouth, trying not to giggle. Twilight, however, was deep in thought, “Did you see that scar on his neck?” Dash raised an eyebrow, “How could you not see it, Twilight?” “I might be wrong but I think it was inflicted by a magic spell.” “From a pony?” Twilight nodded, before turning back to the town, “Come on. The town’s residents might know who he is.” “Yeah,” -Dash took off and beckoned the other two- “C’mon, I’m starved.” Twilight followed her but Fluttershy lingered for a bit, staring back into the mountain path. After a few seconds, she trotted after her friends.