//------------------------------// // Chapter 8 // Story: Requiem of Darkness // by ChaosDragoon //------------------------------// Present Day: The creature turned just as the golden beam of magical energy slammed into its side. The creature let out a wail of pain as the golden energy burned like fire on its skin. The creature slammed into the ground as the golden beam hovered in the air. It's glow dimmed and Celestia hovered in the air glaring down at the small crater the creature made on impact. The creature limped out of the crater and looked up. Its glowing blood red eyes met Celestia's glare. The crackle of flames making up Celestia's halberds axe was the only thing that seemed to make noise even though there was a war going around them. Celestia's magic twirled her halberd before it sliced at the air between her and the creature. From her halberds, axe blade shot a crescent moon made of flames. The creature jumped to the side just before the flames slammed into the ground. It left a burnt scar in the dirt. Celestia's glare intensified as he magic twirled her halberd more aggressively as she rapidly sliced at the air and created more crescent moon shaped flames that shot towards the creature. The creature began to scramble to keep from being hit by the flames but, when the creature put pressure on its right arm. It crumbled to the ground. Celestia slashed three times at the air and sent three crescent moon shaped flames towards the fallen creature. Tendrils shot from the creature's body and their tips morphed into snakeheads and let out a silent hiss as they soared towards the crescent moon flames. The snakehead tendrils collided with two and stopped their advance, but the third broke through and slammed into the creature's body. The flames caused the creature to go into a frenzy and roll around on the ground to extinguish the flames. Even though the flames lasted all of 60 seconds. The creature still flailed around on the ground like the flames were still burning its body. The frenzy began to create a dirt cloud around the creature as it continued to wail and roll on the ground. Celestia simply watched as the creature went into a frenzy. Never losing sight of the creature until the dirt cloud obstructed her view. She twirled her halberd in her magic again and pointed the spike of her weapon towards the dirt cloud. The spike began to glow gold as she glared into the dirt cloud. She was so focused on where she thought the creature was. She didn't see its tail whip out of the dirt cloud and slam into her body. Celestia let out a cry of both shock and pain as she was sent into the ground. The creature limped out of the dirt cloud and let out a low growl. A large gash dripped white blood from the right side of its midsection. Celestia lay on the ground as the world began to spin. She tried to clear the blurriness from her eyes, but when she shook her head it just made the blurriness worse. She began to move, but let out another shriek of pain as she felt pain shoot through her body from her right broken wing. The creature began to slowly stack towards Celestia. The creature crouched down, ready to pounce, but before it could a dragon slammed into the ground behind Celestia. The dragon walked out of dirt cloud it created with the collision and stood over Celestia in a protective stance. The dragon let out a roar as its underbelly began to glow and before the creature could react. The dragon let out a stream of green flames. The creature let out a wail of pain as it backed away. However, when the creature tried to escape. A group of dragons landed around it and vomited out green flames at the creature. The creature let out a wail of pain as it tried to find an escape from the ring of fire. However, it found no way out of the flames. Wails of pain continued for a long while inside the flames before the only sound was the crackling of flames. When the flames ceased the creature lay motionless on the ground as steam rose from its body. The dragon standing over Celestia slowly made its way towards the lifeless creature. The dragon reached out towards the creature then stopped. Like it was waiting for the creature to come back to life and jump at it. The dragon's arm hovered in the air for several seconds before it grabbed the creature's head and lifted it up. The creatures glowing blood red eyes were gone. In their place were pools of darkness like looking into a deep cave. The dragon let go of the creature and its head flopped back down to the ground. Celestia began to stand up. The pain from her broken wing shot through her body, but she bit her lip to keep from screaming again. She began to shakily walk towards the dragon and said, "Thank the gods you're ok Drake." The dragon scuffed at Celestia as it turned towards Celestia. Celestia's eyes began to adjust and slowly she started to make out the Dragon's features. The dragon's scales were black with green lines between them and it was missing its right wing. Green flames erupted around the dragon and when the flames disappeared. Chrysalis stood where the dragon once was. Celestia looked at her in confusion and questioned, "Chrysalis?" "Drake's gone, Celestia. No amount of wishing will bring him back," Chrysalis said before she continued, "I couldn't just let that thing take you out." "Thank you Chrysalis," Celestia said. "Don't take me saving you as an act of Friendship," Chrysalis hissed before she added, "If anyone is going to take you out. It's going to be me." Celestia shook her head and chuckled before Chrysalis ordered her changelings that had changed into dragons to help the sky and ground forces. They did what they were told and Chrysalis turned to Celestia. Only to let out another hiss as a group of creatures stacked around them. The creatures lunged for the two but were stopped in midair by an invisible force. The force began to spin the creatures before it let them fly into the air. Chrysalis and Celestia looked at one another before a disembodied voice sighed, "Why is it when there's a welcoming party. I'm never invited?" there was a flash and Discord appeared in front of them floating on a pink cloud. He let out another sigh and continued; "I mean: how hard is it to get in touch with me?" he reached into the pink cloud and pulled out a phone. As he listened to the ring tone he twirled the cord in his griffin talons. There was a second flash and a second Discord appeared behind Celestia and Chrysalis. The second Discord sat on the pink cloud watching TV when the cloud began to vibrate and ring. The second Discord reached into the cloud and pulled out a Fluttershy Plushy. He placed it under his arm and reached back into the cloud. After a few seconds of searching, he pulled out the phone from the cloud and said, "Hello?" "Why hello Discord. It's Celestia. We're having a party for a new group of creatures and didn't know if you wanted to come down," Discord said in his best Celestia voice. "Sounds lovely. I'll be there in a flash," the second Discord said before he disappeared in a flash. "Do you honestly think this is a PARTY!" Chrysalis screamed. Discord sighed as the pink cloud disappeared and he landed on the ground. He rubbed his eyes in annoyance. "Really Chrissie? You need to learn how to take a joke," Discord signed. "This isn't the time for jokes!" Chrysalis yelled. "Thank you for your help Discord," Celestia interrupted before she added, "We require your assistance in this battle. Please lend us your power." Discord looked at Celestia and sighed again. "You're lucky you're cute," Discord said before he turned towards the raging battle. "What is he supposed to do? How can Trickster Magic actually help turn the tide?" Chrysalis Questioned. "Really Chrissie. Your lack of magical knowledge disappoints me," Discord said before he added, "There's more to Chaos then just simple Trickster Magic. There's also Destructive Chaos Magic." Discord lifted his lion's paw as flames engulfed it and a Chester cat grin formed on his face.