//------------------------------// // Closure // Story: Sunflower Seeds of Change // by Johnny B Mediocre //------------------------------// The group of pajama-clad friends lay in their respective sleeping bags, fast asleep (a few in particular snoring) after the activities of tonight's sleepover. Well, almost everyone. Sunset Shimmer, the host of the party, was lying awake in her bed, her magical book clutched to her chest. A wave of reluctance washed over her, unsure how to put her feelings into word. With a sigh, she grabs her bedside pen, opens the latches on the book and puts her pen to the aged paper. After a bout of nervousness, she begins to write. Dear Twilight Sparkle: I'm sorry to bother you at this hour, but there's a question that's been bugging me these last few years, and I keep forgetting to ask you it. ...Well... that, and... I'm scared of the answer. So, please. Just tell me... ...Does she care anymore? She lets out a deep exhale, as if a burden of stress had been lifted from her shoulders. The pen drops from her hand as she lays back and shuts the book, thinking that she probably won't get a response. She thought of many reasons why Twilight might not respond, other than her being asleep - which, knowing the Princess and how busy she kept herself, she probably wasn't. Could it be an awkward subject? Has she sworn the young princess into keeping silent on the issue? All sorts of anxious ideas cloud her mind that she doesn't notice the book glowing on her lap until a few seconds pass, to which she quickly opens the book again, noticing the reply underneath her message. The first half of it makes her eyes widen. She puts her hand to her mouth, as tears form in her eyes, trying to hold her emotions in and not wake everyone up. Dear Sunset Shimmer: Yes. And she forgives you completely. There's more that follows, but that was the clincher for Sunset. That was all she needed to hear. She smiles and wipes her tears away. She'd read the rest in more detail tomorrow. For now, she shuts the book and places it back inside a drawer by her bedside. Lying down, she closes her eyes as she feels the last of her troubles fading away. She can finally relax. She is Sunset Shimmer. And her past was not today.