A shell, a spell, and...wait, what the..??

by MrWriterWriter

Mini-Chapter: Blue Bloods and Yellow Bellies

Blueblood's lungs burned as he pelted down the hallway, his pursuer...that abomination...right behind him. He knew it! He KNEW that beast would be their downfall the moment he laid eyes on it. Those horrid scales, its beady eyes, and that misshapen horn!

His aunt was a fool to allow it to remain. He told her it couldn't stay...it wouldn't stay...not if HE had anything to say about it! But she refused to see reason; she even had the gall to scold him like a commoner, telling him to 'stop being jealous'.

Him!? 'Jealous'!? Of all the preposterous...she couldn't see what was right in front of her nose! He'd made a note to send her to a shrink once he was in charge.

Fortunately, his cousin, Cadance-if she could even count as one-had come to her senses. She had recently told him the beast had begun to look at some of the servants in an odd manner; as if seeing its next meal! This only cemented the fact that it HAD to be removed.

She had also warned him it could now cover ground quickly when not watched, mentioning she had seen it opposite her in the dining hall one evening. She had looked away to retrieve a fork when an abrupt scuttling sound made her look back. Just in time to see that thing at her hooves!

Loathe he was to admit it, he should have listened to her and not take his eyes off that monster! Now it was after him, intent on its first taste of pony flesh. He had to find somepony, anypony, to help him stop the beast before it achieved its goal!

Celestia looked up from her book when she heard the sound; just in time to see her nephew run shrieking down the hall. A couple of minutes later, Spike came toddling after his 'prey'.

"You know, Cadance. I'm not sure what amazes me more." She glanced nonchalantly at the shaking, snickering form in the nearby chair, "The fact that Blueblood actually fell for this, or that you managed to get my two-year-old son to go along with it."

Cadance giggled softly, "Maybe this'll teach him to stop braiding gems in his tail."