Scars of the past.

by Sim D

Chapter 4: "You thought THAT was bad?"

Chapter 4

"You thought THAT was bad?"

'-And that was the day I discovered I had a natural power to control ice, or other known as "frost" magic.'

'Thou has intresting abilities. In Equestria, 'tis the pegasi that mainly welcome winter time.'

'Well, I can't take all the credit, for the pegasus ponies in our world assist me in changing seasons. I'm sure I could do well on my own, but they have a strong sense of responsibility for every upcoming winter. I am, of course, grateful for their help.'

Princess Luna and Frostbite walk around the castle grounds during the peaceful night, sharing tales of their worlds, their pasts and other intrests. As they chatted, the morning sun slowly rose over the horizon. Frostbite looked at Luna and noticed her horn glowing.

'Oh, we've completely forgotten our responsibility over the night.'

'Oh, that's right'He thought 'She did say she's the ruler of the night.' Frostbite looked at the setting moon, switching places with the sun. 'Forgive me, your highness, I must have wasted your time with my tales and made you forget to set the moon.'

Luna turned to Frostbite surprised. "No, no! We've thoroughly enjoyed sharing tales with you and we likest being around y-' Luna imediately placed her hoof to her lips, stopping her from finishing her sentence.

Frostbite looked at her, she had a faint blush on both cheeks and her eyes were looking down, avoiding his gaze. 'Thank you, princess Luna, I enjoy being around you aswell.' Frsotbite smiled, which made Luna blush more visibly. 'But perhaps, for now, you should get some rest. You've been awake ever since yesterday noon.'

Luna didn't feel like departing yet, however, he was right. She had only now noticed how heavy her eye lids have become. 'Perhaps you are right.' Princess luna spread her wings, preparing to fly up to her tower room. 'But..' She paused. 'We would very much likest you to join us again, during the next night.'

Frostbite stared at her for a few seconds. ''Wait, is this what the citizens of my world would call a "date" ?' he thought, then he replied. 'I would very much like that aswell, your highness.'

Luna was overjoyed, but didm't express her happiness to Frost. Eh, it's a royalty thing. 'Just Luna is fine, Sir Frostbite.'

'If so, then just Frostbite is fine, Luna.' They both smiled, both sharing a moment of silence. 'Or Frosty.'

'Beg your pardon?' Luna was confused.

'Frosty. i believe it's a nickname, given by on of the Elements Pinkie Pie.'

Ah yes, Luna remembers her well, the hyperactive pink mare who gave her some trouble whilst making friends with the citizens of Ponyville. But in the end, because of her methods of scaring the children, they've discovered new found love for the princess, and both Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle are to thank. ' Then, until evening comes. Goodmorning, Frostbite.' Luna ascended and flew to her tower room.

Frostbite just stood there with a confused grim. 'Good mor-...Oh, I get it!' He chuckled. He watched how the sun was slowly rising, illuminating the gardens. 'Perhaps I should go see princess Celestia, maybe she'd want to discuss about Crimson some more.' He thought as he began to walk towards the castle's entrance. As he walked, he noticed the castle was once again at full guard. Royal guards stood in every passage, hallway and balconies. The castle was as much guarded as Frostbite's, if not even more. Soon, he'd reach the room where he and the Elements came to see the princesses yesterday, and noticed princess Celestia standing in the middle of the room, waiting for Frostbite.

'Ah, it's good to see you woken up early, Frostbite.'

'With all honesty, your highness, I never fell asleep. Instead, I chatted with your sister through the whole night, until she became weary and went to bed herself.'

'I see, then I suppose you're enjoying Equestria so far?'

'Oh yes, this world is great, nothing like the one we live in.'

'Curious. If it is of no trouble to you, can you tell me about your world? And what is it called?'

'Of course, but there really isn't much to telln and I'm afraid the name of our world can't be pronounced in your language. In your case, it would propobly mean "Eclipsia". It got such name for having no day time. Which is propobly why I'm more of a night pony.' He smirked. 'That's the main difference, really, and other than that, I'd wager it's much more dangerous there, what with that dragon attack I spoke of yesterday, or how the ponies there are so much more aggressive. It's a land nopony wants to live in. Heck, not even our own subjects.'

'I am very sorry to hear that' Celestia said with a saddened tone.

'Please, don't be, not like it was your fault. Ragnarok rules with an iron hoof, what he says - goes.'

'I wonder, if your fa-' Celestia noticed Frost raising his eye brow. 'If Ragnarok is such a cruel ruler, why hasn't anypony tried to stop him?'

'Oh, believe me, many have tried, so many...'

'I trust many have failed?'

'Not only that, but Ragnarok has no mercy for rebels. Let's just say, after he passes judgement on to the rebels, they fear to even think about rebelling once more, poor souls.'

'This Ragnarok, his cruelty speaks for himself, we must stop him at any cost. I fear to even think what would happen to Equestria if he were to succeed.'

'Hey, don't worry princess, you have my word - I won't rest until I see him in his own chains, not until the last drop of blood leaves my-'

'Princess Celestia!' Frost was interrupted with a shout made by a royal guard, who ran up to the princess and bowed.

'What troubles you, guard?'

'Your highness, we have just received word from you student - miss Twilight Sparkle, that an unnatural earthquake is shaking Ponyville. From what she has gathered and informed us, we fear it might be the actions from the same enemy that has attacked the village yesterday.'

Celestia's eyes widened in fear and worry. 'Guard, inform the rest of your group of this danger and head to Ponyville as soon as they've gathered.'

'Yes ma'am!' The royal guard didn't need to be told twice, as soon as he received his orders, he sprinted through the door he came in.'

'Frostbite, give me your hoof'

Frost knew where this was going, without hesitation, he lifted his hoof and connected with Celestia's. The same second as he did, a flash of yellowish white light emitted from Celestia's horn and they both dissapeared.


Frost knew this was a teleportation spell, as after one minute, they were both floating a small height in front of Ponyville's hall. upon landing, they felt a dreadful rumbling, that forced some of the building's beams to break, causing most of the hall to collapse.

Frostbite and Celestia were both able to keep their balance, but other ponies were constantly tripping and failing to keep their own.

'This kind of quake..' He lowered his head and his horn glowed 'I'm sure of it, this is Carter's doing.'

'I will evacuate my subjects to safer ground. Frostbite, make haste to the library to find Twilight and her-'

'Way ahead of you, princess.' Frostbite launched himself from the ground and flew swiftly to the library. His flight didn't take long, as the library was quite close to the hall. He landed and entered the library, where the elements of hamrony have already gathered.

'Frostbite, oh thank Celestia you've-'

'Took your sweet time, pal! What if there was no more Ponyville anymore when you'd come, huh?' Twilight was interrupted by Rainbow Dash, who had the look of both anger and concern in her eyes.

'Yes, it's good to see you too Rainbow, but I'm here now, aren't I?'

'Easy now, suga'cube. Ah'm sure he came as fast'as he could.'

'Faster than you think, actually.' I was teleported here by princess Celestia, who is now evacuating everypony to safer ground, while I'm supposed to find you and...'

'And...?' The ponies said in unison.

'..And i didn't get that last part' He said in frustraton. 'Because I was already on my way here, but I'm pretty sure she wanted us to meet up with her after I've found you.'

'Then let's not keep her waiting, let's go girls!' Twilight was prepared to go through the door, but noticed Frost slightly frowning at her. '..And Frostbite.' With that said, the group sprinted through Ponyville and followed Twilight. Appearently, Twilight could sence the princesse's magical aura.'

'Frostbite, this doesn't seem like any ordinary earthquake, you think it might be-?'

'Yes, I'm quite sure this is Carter's doing, But this one feels different.'

'Different, How?'

'Different, as in, this force is way past his own limits, something isn't right.'

'Hey look, theres the princess!' Rainbow Dash pointed out. The group had finally reached Celestia.

'Twilight, I'm glad to see you and your friends are not harmed.'

'Princess' Twilight spoke. 'This rumbling isn't from any ordinary earthquake, it's-'

'Yes, my student, I believe I've detected it's source due north-west, not too far from here.'

'Alright, time to show that chump he's messed with the wrong town.' Rainbow Dash cracked her hoof joints and flew in the direction Celestia mentioned.

'Rainbow, wait! Remember what Frostbite said about not engaging them alone!' Twilight shouted, but it was too late. Either she couldn't hear Twilight because of the wind blowing through her ears, or she was too confident that she could stop the "chump" on her own.

'Darn it, does she remember anything I've told her yesterday? Said Frostbite and flew after her.

'Princess, we have to help them.'

'And we will, Twilight' Celestia spread her wings, getting ready to take flight 'A squad of royal guards should be arriving soon aswell.'

'That should make things easier, come on gal's' Said Applejack as she began running to Rainbow Dash's direction, while the others followed.'

As they were running after Frostbite and Rainbow Dash, they felt the violent rumbling become stronger.
They were close.
As soon as they ran up on top of a small hill, their eyes widened in horror. Rainbow Dash was on the ground with blood coming from her head and Frostbite standing in front of Carter with a serious wound on his side, as if he was hit with a sledge-hammer.

'Dashie! Frosty!' Pinkie shouted as she ran to them, while the rest followed.

'Hehe, looks like ah've fanally got ye'r attention, eh elements?' Carter smirked.

'Frost, are you okay? Oh no, Rainbow Dash!' Twilight nudged Dash's body

'Rainbow Dash is fine, she's just unconcious. Me on the other hoof, I took one to the side hard.' He grunted silently in pain.

'We'hell don't you worry, princey', there's plenty more where that tha'r lil' bruise came from'

'You horrid monster!' Rarity yelled at Carter 'How could you do something like this?'

'Jus' doin' what any other good soldier would do for his king, lil' miss - followin' mah' orders.'

'As we will for our princess, feind!'

The ponies looked above them, where they saw about fifteen pegasus guards getting ready to land. The leader of the guards approached the princess.

'Your highness, as you requested, I have brought my squad to help stop this enemy.'

'Well done, lieutenant' Celestia looked at Carter. 'You are outnumbered and outmatched, stop this destruction now and you will be spared from serious harm.'

'Outnumbered - true, but outmatched - not on yer life!' Carter shrugged his hat off to hang on his neck. 'Ah know what'yer thinkin'. Yer' thinkin' to use them wings o'yers to your advantage.' He turned to Frostbite 'Nice try, Frost. But before ah' got here, Arcane gave me a lil' "power up", if ya will.'

'Power up? ..Oh no...' Frostbite frowned in worry.

'Eyup, think he said somethin' before he casted it, now what was it again...oh right, he said "Ar' Gundai", or somethin' like that.'

Frost slammed his hoof on the ground. 'You fool! That's a forbidden limit breaker spell!'

'Ah still don't see how ah'm a fool 'cause o'that'

'Because this spell comes with a grave cost - the longer the spell remains on you while using any type of combat activity, magic or physical, death it self gets closer to knocking on your door!'

Carter stood silent, slightly quivering. 'Hold on there, does that mean ah'm actually slowly killin' mah'self? His quivering suddenly stopped and he looked at Frostbite with a serious grim. 'Well then, ah guess that means ah'm gonna hav'ta finish this before ah die, startin' with them fancy guards o'yers.'

'Don't be a fool, Carter! You'll sooner be killed by the spell before you can take any of us down!'

'Is that a challange? Ah'll take all those guards out in ten seconds...tops!' Carter turned to the guards and cracked his limbs. 'So, there's about fifteen o'ya, no problem. One!' He slammed his hooves and a large stone pillar rose from the ground, hitting four guards.'

'Attack formation! Ascend, scatter and attack from the skies.' - The lieutenant shouted and his guards followed their orders. 'Two!' They scattered and started flying in random directions around Carter, attempting to confuse him with their numbers. Two guards attacked from his left and right, but Carter foresaw that. 'Three!' Just before the impact, he jumped back to dodge them. The guards were quick enough to stop from hitting into each other, but Carter rose his hooves and hit them both in the head, slamming them to the ground. 'Four!'

One of the guards felt enraged and charged right at him, confident that a direct hit would overpower him, but as soon as he was about to hit Carter, he raised his head and headbutted the guard. 'Five!'

'I don't understand, they're moving at amazing speed, but why isn't it working against him?' Said Twilight.

'It's that forbidden spell, looks like it did more than increase his strength. This is going to be a problem..' Frostbite grunted, his side was still injured. 'And this isn't helping at all.' His horn glowed and a layer of ice enveloped his wound. 'This will have to do for now.'

'Six!' Carter noticed a guard charging at him from behind. He leaned on his fore-hooves and bucked the guard in the chest. He was aiming for the head, but the guard was quick enough to avoid that...more or less. 'Seven!'

'Soldiers, Penta Charge positions, slam him to the ground!' Five guards got into their positions and charged in a pyramid form.

'No, that's not going to work, they can't overpower him!' Frostbite shouted, but the guards ignored the warning and continued their charge. Carter wasn't moving and the guards didn't stop. As soon as they were about to make impact, Carter swiped his rear hooves, forcing a stone wall to slide at the guards from the side and knocking them to the ground. 'Eight!'. Carter turned to look at the lieutenant, who he thought was the last of the guards. However, he didn't notice something yellowish coming up to him from his side. One of the last guards flew as hard as he could, put his rear hooves up front and kicked him the side. 'How's that, huh?!'

Carter took one step to the right, regaining his balance, for he didn't expect a good kick like that, but.. 'Nine..' Carter quickly stood on his rear hooves and picked up the guard with his front's, then threw him at a nearby boulder that the had risen during the battle. The guard hit the boulder hard and passed out from the impact. Carter, now confident that there were none of the guards left, turned back to the lieutenant, who was on his rear, eyes wide opened, almost quaking from fear. 'Ten!'

Carter charged at the last guard at full speed. He lowered his head, planning to knocking him away with a powerful headbutt.

'Enough!' Carter was stopped by something, something hard and cold. He scratched his head, giving a slight grunt in pain, looked at the object he had hit and saw a massive wall of ice.

'That's enough, Carter! You're fighting a losing battle here.' Frostbite shouted at him.

'Huh, your ah'ce was the only thang that ah' couldn't ever break. But don't you go thinkin' that-KHUGH!' Carter gave a sickening cough, leaning from the sudden pain in his body. He wiped his lips with his hoof and saw blood...alot of it in fact.
'Wha-..What in the hay is this?'

'I told you, you're fighting a losing battle here.' Frostbite approached Carter calmly. 'You've over-used the spell's effect, this whole time, you were slowly killing yourself, thinking that ten seconds would be more than enough, before the side effects take place.'


' 'Fraid so, Carter. The battle was pretty much over the second you started your countdown.'

'So then, this's the end of the road for me, ain't it?'

'Well, Not necessarily. You see, I know how to nulify this spell from you and I consider doing so, but you have to do something for me first.'

Carter spat a small amount of blood to the side. 'Yeah? An' just what would that be?

'Drop your loyalty to Ragnarok, forget following his orders to conquer Equestria and come work for me.'

'What!?' Yelled Carter. 'What!?' Yelled the lieutenant. 'What!?' Yelled the few still concious guards. 'What?!' And finally the main six yelled in unison. All but Celestia, who just lookd surprised. She then coulnd't help but smile at Frostbite's mercy and approached them both.

'Frostbite is giving you a generous choice, Carter. You would be wise to accept this second chance.'

'Hmph, jus' what in tarnation happened to 'ya, Frost? The Frostbahte ah knew would take this chance to freeze me solid.

'I guess as time goes on, ponies change, even if it's our kind. So, what do you say, "partner"? '

Carter coughed a few more times. 'You're right, princess, this here [bi]s a generous offer comin' from Frost, but...' Carter sighed deeply. 'But ah just can't take it, b'cause ah swore loyalty to our king till the end of mah life.'

Frostbite tiled his head. 'You're not telling me something, Carter, something else is bothering you and I feel it's the real reason why you can't accept my deal.'

'Now how in the-..y'know what, nevermind. It's mah parents, Frost, king Ragnarok said somethin' about a deadly plague that caught to them, and he said he'd cure'em if ah followed his every order.' The ponies couldn't help but gasp from what he had said. If it were their parents, they might just do the same to save them. But Frostbite didn't flinch from this, he only frowned in anger. 'Ah know it's an un-honorable way to use mah loyalty, but would you do any different if-'

'Carter, I didn't think my father could stoop this low, but what he didn't tell you is that...your parents are long dead.'

The ponies gasped once more. 'C-come again, Frost?'

'You heard me, Carter, your parents have been dead for a year or so and Ragnarok lied to you, so that you would do your best in your assignments. You thought he would save them if you did, but that's just like him to do something like this.

'Frost, this isn't funny, partner, you're jus' pullin' mah leg, you gotta be!'

Now Frostbite felt sorrow for Carter aswell. 'I'm sorry, Carter, but it's the truth. The night I saw you walk to your room with a serious grim, I thought he had told you, but apparently, it was just another chance for him to use somepony...' Frostbite closed his eyes 'Just like he had used me.'

'Ma and pa...dead for a year now, and ah didn't even see them off, not even lay a single rose upon their graves...' Frostbite widened his eyes from what he was seeing: Carter, the toughest pony he had ever known, was weeping. He heard someponies in the back sniffing aswell. 'Unforgivable...' Carter looked up at Frostbite with a serious grim and wiped his tears away. 'Prince Frostbite, ah am leaving Ragnarok's elite group and joinin' yer cause. To use me like this, he's got sum' nerve, that king has. Ah'll help'ya bury him to the ground, ah promise!'

Frostbite smiled and looked at the princess. 'I think he's determined on this, your highness, but the real choice is yours to make.'

Celestia looked in Carter's eyes and she saw his hunger for vengeance. 'I believe he is, do it.' With that, Frostbite's horn glew light blue and engulfed Carter, removing the forbidden spell that was put on him.

When Frostibte had released Carter from the spell, Carter barely held his balance. 'Woah, ah feel like ah just dropped a boulder from mah shoulders.'

'While you're in the clear now, the spell still damaged your body, so just, you know, take it easy, alright?'

'Frost, it's me yer' talkin' to, remember?' Carter lifted his head in pride. 'You know me, ah'll just shake it off in a couple'o'days.' While he was boasting, Pinkie Pie swooped in and held her hooves around him.

'Yay, Rocky's gonna be ok!'

'Woah thar', little lady, ah'm tough, but ah don't heal that fast.' He chuckled and saw Applejack approach him aswell.

'Welcome to Equestria, partner.' AJ gave a welcoming smile, which seemed ever so odd to Carter. Sure he just agreed to give the Equestrian's a helping hoof, but they look like as if this chaos never happened.

Carter smiled back. 'Thank'ya kindly, ma'am.' But then he remembered how much destruction he had caused in Ponyville. 'Think ah know what ah should first, bein' yer ally now and what-not.'

Frostbite smiled at Carter. "Yeah, I think you're gonna be busy for a while.'

'Pfft, no. Ah repaired stuff on mah farm all the time, this ain't no problem either, you'll see.'

The ponies smiled in unison. while Carter, led by Frostbite, walked to Ponyville to ask for their forgiveness, everypony else was helping the guards and Rainbow Dash, who was slowly regaining consciousness, to the hospital.

Meanwhile, at the elite's temporary hide-out.

'Boy, oh boy, king Ragnarok ain't gonna like this, not one bit.' Red Clash said and gulped.

'That fool, what is he thinking, joining them like the prince?' Said Arcane.

'You know, even if it was the king's order's, it wasn't very nice of you to put that nasty spell on him.' Said Boo.

'Nice? In situations like this, Boo, the word "nice" doesn't exist. This is war, Boo! We do what we are told, for we've sworn to obey the king no matter what. If this is Carter's choice, then so be it, but I don't want to see anypony else following his hoof-steps, understand?'

The group had their doubts, but in the end, they nodded in agreement. Crimson Heart was sitting on a cliff, watching as the sun was still high above the horison and smirked. 'Well played, Frostbite.'

To be continued...

Author's note: Yes, i know, I know, this chapter took way more time than it should have. It's just that, I don't feel the "rush" if you could call it that, while writing this fan-fiction anymore. And this fic has nine OC's with nine different personalities. In conclusion, I might write some more chapters, but I just feel like quiting on this fiction and perhaps write something else. Oh, and I also draw stuff on deviantART, so I have 2 hobbies :3. It isn't much, it doesn't have alot of this fan-fictions drawings, but if you're curious, It's right here --->