Cutiemark Crusaders 10k: The fourth deity

by The Psychopath

To the waves

Sweetie Belle had stationed two guards in front of Abstract's room to report anything he was doing that could prove potentially dangerous. I

"So...he's been in there for several months now?" the fist guard asked her comrade.

"I know. I haven't seen him even get out once," the second replied.

"What do you think he's doing in there?"

The stallion shrugged. "You think he's teleporting out of there or something?"

"Ehhhh...I doubt it. The Grand Mage put wards and detector spells all around him."

"But he uses weird magic we don't know. We haven't managed to study it at any point."

"It doesn't matter. The essential is that they detect magic."

A loud, undetermined noise broke the two out of their discussion, and shortly thereafter, the crystallize door leading to Abstract's room opened by splitting into two halves and folding itself multiple times into small cubes to the sides of the wall. Abstract passed through, ignoring the guards, and continued his way through the hallway. Curious, the ponies took the chance to see the inside of Abstract's room and were surprised to see crystal growths all over the place. A pink object blurred in the window -the only non-crystal object in the room- brought their attention to it. Another tremor rocked the palace, bringing forth its source: Pinkie Pie. She was stomping around far away and yelling something too indistinguishable to understand.

"So she's having another temper tantrum," the first guard noted.

"I guess the crystal guy is going to fight her or something?" the second shrugged.

Abstract walked through the city, pushing aside and scaring away many of the refugees of various tribes and species in his way. He was searching for the four he had 'liberated' when he first awoke, and after some tracking, he used his magic to call them to him, like animals accustomed to a whistle blow and met with the crystallion in the middle of the large street.

"You four are coming with me," Abstract spoke in a commanding voice.

"For what purpose?" Concrete Cavel asked.

"A purpose to test a new spell. You'll be distracting the test subject while I approach."

"Distract?!" Amber shouted. "We can't do something like that."

"You will," Abstract told her dryly.

"I...isn't it 'You can and you will'?" she asked meekly.


"Don't bother trying to argue," Blue Mellow suggested.

"You will fail convincing him otherwise," Rosy Notes added.

Amber groaned in defeat and followed the three other ponies with her head drooping low, knowing that whatever it was that Abstract wanted was going to be something she really hated yet she had no real way to defy him. He saved her life and her mind, and she needed to repay him. Did it really require her to sacrifice herself for that? Abstract and his group approached the giant gates to leave the city and was quickly seen in the crowd standing around the slumbering chyrsanthemium.

"It's Abstract again," a guard spoke with a tired tone.

"Just open the gates and let him out. He'll be back later," a captain replied with the same level of enthusiasm.

With the usually heavy creak and grind of gears and stone, the city became vulnerable once again for but a brief moment, revealing the dark world outside, and the pink gargantuan fumbling about the land, trying to crush those that mentioned parties. Approaching Pinkie across the vast mounds of hills and grass proved rather easy. She was so angry that she had developed a form of 'tunnel vision', and the closer the group got to her, the stronger the tremors of her stomps and punches became. Eventually, only Abstract was able to keep his balance thanks to the entity swirling within his body shifting his center of balance.

"A-Abstract, how are WE going to do this?" Concrete asked whilst falling left and right.

"I don't think I want to do this!" Sweets stammered.

The landscape where Pinkie was stomping had been turned into a brownish, muddy desert of craters and uneven shapes. The air had been replaced by dust and pollen, preventing the four ponies from breathing and seeing correctly.

"She's over there. Distract her until I find the moment to use my new spell."

"But how are we supposed to do that?!" Concrete Cavel shouted.

Abstract ignored the question and spread his crystal wings, flying off to the side and disappearing behind a mound of mud and dust. The four were left standing there and staring at the chaos lord. What hope did they have against something that could wipe out entire armies on its own?

"We don't need to attack her," Blue Mellow explained.

"We just need to annoy her enough until she trips on herself," Rosy Cheeks added.

"If we can bring her attention to us and part in different--"

"Directions, then we can confuse her."

"She's an idiot," they both laughed.

"Sounds like a plan," Concrete agreed. "But how so we execute it? There's nothing around here that could serve as a way to hide and taunt her or to even be used against her."

"What about those pieces of rock she damaged? They look like they're going to topple," Amber pointed out.

Close to Pinkie Pie's reptilian tail was a large 'claw' of stone jutting out of a newly formed mound and just waiting to crumble. With enough force, it could topple over and make her vulnerable enough for Abstract's spell.

"I'll sneak around to that pillar while you three distract her and drag her to the stone," Concrete said. "Ready?"

The three nodded and headed out while the stallion galloped towards the large piles of dirt to hide himself while the siblings rushed to either side of Pinkie Pie and poked her feet with rocks lying about. Pinkie reacted to the pricks and looked down to see just what was causing her discomfort. Curiosity and confusion were occupying her face when she saw the source. Rosy Notes lifted the rock and shouted as loud as she could.


The pink chaos lord grabbed her head and yelled loudly. "MY NAME ISN'T PINKIE PIE, AND I HATE PUNS!"

"Don't gravel over such little things," Blue Mellow added.

Pinkie yelled loudly again. She pointed to the horizon where a bunch of smaller figures were shrinking to. "First, they wanted to celebrate my anniversary of coming out of the pool, then YOU come out of nowhere and start making terrible puns and calling me by that name!" The chaos lord pulled her hammer out of her armor and forced it to grow to a large size. "Now I'm going to crush you with this!"

"Go go!" Amber shouted.

The siblings galloped around Pinkie and did their best to avoid her strikes. When one of the three ended up trapped, another would repeat Pinkie's name along with rock puns to aggravate her enough to make them attack them instead. This game of baiting and missing went on for several minutes until Amber managed to get Pinkie under the jutting stone, giving Concrete the queue to apply just a bit of pressure with his strength onto the stone, creating a loud crackling noise as the fissure along the base of the spike spread more and more. The shadow of the object loomed over Amber and the pink giant. Having forced her back to the trap, Amber grinned just barely as the shadow grew more and more, but she gasped in surprise when Pinkie spun around and smashed the stone to bits with her warhammer.

"Hahaha! You stupid ponies! You thought you could hurt me with a rock? I'm a chaos lord!" she bellowed. She turned around to look at Amber, hammer raised. "You can't stop me with a--"

A loud crackle and flash of black 'light' came out of Pinkie's forehead as Abstract punched her there and used his spell that spread through her body like a bright poison. Slowly did she fall backwards, and slowly did her grip on the hammer lessen until it slipped out and crashed upon the ground with a loud thump.

"What is this?" she yelled.

She was floating within a void of darkness, nothing around her. Struggle as she might, the former-pony only made herself spin around uncontrollably and nearly vomit from the endeavor.

"Stupid pony," Abstract's voice echoed. "Only a pony would be so easily bent to the will of another." Abstract's eyes glowed in the darkness and created a trail as they moved around Pinkie before vanishing. "So weak willed."

"Shut up! I'll crush you like everyone else?"

"Every'ONE'?" Abstract emphasized. "Shouldn't it be 'everyPONY', or did your corruption also destroy your ridiculous ponyisms?"


"And what of your friends? You ponies have a fascination with this concept."

"I don't NEED friends! Only servants! Friends are a weakness!"

Abstract's reappeared, but this time, they were massive lights covering the void and blinding Pinkie with their light. "But you don't truly believe that. It's the corruption that makes you think this. You LOVE your friends, and by displaying such aggression, you only serve to make yourself feel better as you play the role with which you have been given."

"SHUT UP!" Pinkie yelled. Her rage manifested in the form of shockwave of transparent pink colors that cast away Abstract's eyes. "You know nothing, weakling! I CHOSE to become like this, and IT-THEY made made me as I chose!"

"Oh? Then let us play back some scenes in your mind then, shall we?"

Pinkie blinked. "Scenes?"

"I have seen that you weaklings had your past torn from you, with only sections kept for the sake of control with the promise that they will be returned...eventually." Abstract gave a single laugh. "A promise that will never be held, of course."

"I don't need those memories just as much as I don't need any friends!"

The darkness became a blinding assortment of rapidly changing colors and flashing lights, dispersing Pinkie's sealed memories across the walls. Many of the memories were fuzzy and corrupt, and Abstract tightened his gaze when he saw them. Pinkie, however, was enthralled, and tried to look at every single one as long as she could, then she burned a red until bits of pink flame erupted haphazardly over her body. She struck at all the images, shattering them like glass, then she yelled at the void.

"You think you can fight me with stupid pictures?" she laughed.

"Yes. I can."

Abstract's normally monotonous voice was spiced with some cockiness in it, and Pinkie soon learned why. A strange moisture formed in the fur under her eyes, and she put a finger to them to try and figure out what it was.

"What is this? Tears? What did you do to me?!"

"Good. It's working," Abstract thought to himself. "The spell is still too unstable. I would need at least a full year for it to be fully formed. Luckily, this one has no true will. I need to work diligently and put the steps in quick succession if I want it to be successful." "Do to you?" Abstract stopped out of the darkness and approached the chaos lord. They were now face-to-face.

"A part of you still lives. The real you."

"THIS IS THE REAL ME!" Pinkie took a swing at Abstract, but her strike phased through the crystallion as though he were made of mist. Pinkie insisted on trying to hit him, but her frustration simply grew more and more. "Why can't I hit you?" she roared.

"Because I'm not here, foal." He shook his head in disappointment. "You would know that if you were still yourself, but I don't think this would excite you in the slightest."

Abstract backed away and showed an image of a new stallion walking into Ponyville. He was nervous and shy and didn't know where to guy, and no one was approaching him to help.

"What should I care about this pony? I'll just crush it like the rest!" Pinkie said.

"Oh really? In this place your true emotions are free. Would you really leave something like this unattended? No welcoming committee? No party of any kind?"


"No cakes? No balloons? No games?"

Pinkie's face contorted as the words struck at her like tickling feathers.

"No presents?"

The image became a large wrapped box that sent out confetti when it was opened.

"Everybody loves presents, don't they? What would be in the presents? A gift?" The image returned to the stallion pulling out an art piece from the box. "Or a prank?" Another image appeared next to it where the stallion was pie'd to the face by said desert on a spring.

Pinkie's face contorted even more and she chuckled, albeit almost inaudibly. "I'll destroy you for torturing me like this."

Abstract's eyes glowed bright. "I'm not doing anything. YOU are."

The crystallion approached Pinkie and thrust his hoof through her armor and chest, making the chaos lord cough and feel a sharp, searing pain. Back in the real world, Abstract was jettisoned from the chaos lord's head and into the mounds further away. Pinkie Pie, however, smashed against the cliff where the stone spike had been, shaking Concrete Cavel off it it and making him tumble down the collapsed giant's body. The other three rushed to Abstract and dug him out of the mud and dust that had piled atop him during the fall. Amber Sweets pulled him up and noticed he had his magic around something.

"Abstract, are you okay?" she asked as she wiped dust off of his body.

"Yes, and I will return with a treasure to my city."

"Then we should do it now," Rosy suggested.

"As she rises while Concrete approaches," Blue finished.