The Misadventures of a Few Ponies

by Power Hors3

Ch 8: Complications

Ch. 8: Complications
Cherry, led by Einstein, go to an office-like place where the old pony that had led Einstein on the watch was sitting at. Einstein salutes, “Sir, I come to you from orders from Der Stammvater. He’s said to show this mare the locations of the ponies we let go”
“He did? Well that old pony is pushing his influence. I’ll need to talk to Stinious of this, we can’t keep making so many exceptions. We already have the yellow stallion here.” The pony states and walks to Cherry, “I’m Commander Nin and I’ll take you with me to show you.” Turns to Einstein, “You’re to stay here and watch over that yellow one”
“Yes Sir” He leaves the room.
“Would you mind marking my map with the locations too? In case we get lost” Cherry asks.
“We won’t get lost.” Nin says and goes out, with Cherry following behind.
“Can I ask questions?”
“Don’t stack them up and we’ll be fine” He opens a gate that leads outside to a small dirt path. Cherry sees that the fort had a wall around it, as well as fencing.
“How far are the ponies?”
“A few 10-20 miles.”
“Security precautions I’m guessing. Why don’t you guys er, serve the country better? Being here in the forest is sort of a waste of your skills. N-no offense intended”
“We do it because it has only been 4 or so years since Luna has come back. The only batponies I’ve heard of that are in public are those ‘oh so honorable night watch’ batponies that are the royal guard. They’re so full of themselves and the best known of our kind.”
“Have some friction between them?”
“How’d you guess?” He says sarcastically.
“Do you guys not go out because of it? What is it with them that keeps you from making your presence better known?”
“Inward disagreements that you shouldn’t concern yourself with”
“Ah, a struggle within your own clan”
“We shall speak no more of this.” Nin says and continues to trot at a faster pace.
Back in the fort, Alina was deep into her readings, she had a multitude of books laid out in front of her. By the light of several candles, she had made herself comfortable. A knock at the door strays her attention, “Come in heh”
Einstein trots in with the fore-mentioned yellow unicorn. “Hey Miss or Mrs. Alina, this is Striker, the one they talked about earlier.”
“Nice to meet you” Striker says, greeting himself with a smile.
“Likewise, and it Miss hehe, just say Alina and it’ll be all good.”
“Okay Alina, Einstein told me you liked the batpony culture too” Striker says, Einstein stays by him like a little companion.
“Yes, and you are too from what I’ve heard” She rises and shakes his hoof.
“You must be new here, but they didn’t take you away so it must mean they’ve allowed you to” He says, “And in the room of The Patriarch, you must be good!”
“Well, it was just basic communication skills, nothing fancy, or maybe it was that I had a reason to be here. To find you and the other missing ponies.”
“Wait, someone was looking for me?” He asks.
“I think so, if I saw the file my friend the detective has on you, maybe I’d know who.” She tells him.
“Must be my parents...I haven’t seen them in years”
“Guess so, then are you coming back?”
“I must, I can’t let them down, and I think the batponies here aren’t liking me staying here this long.” He says. Einstein chuckles.
“Perfect! Now Cherry can rest easily now, having the case closed.”
“Cherry is the detective yes?”
“So who are you?”
“A friend of hers that helps her out in this stuff, and you?”
“I’m an archeologist, sort of, does adventurer count as a job?”
“Are you…uh well educated in archeology?”
“I mean, no I didn’t go to college for it, but I still go out and look at old places.” He stutters.
“Conduct any research? Or how do you go about looking for these places?”
“I ask around usually”
“Okay then why do you go to them?”
“I find artifacts and sell them to museums”
“You what?? You’re not supposed to sell them! You find a place, get a warrant and team to search it. You’re supposed to be funded by the government to do this!” Alina says, she sounded greatly offended.
Einstein jumps up and hisses, Striker pats the batpony’s head and clears his throat, “Since, like you said, I’m not college approved or anything, some museums pay to have scavengers or my types to search ruins and get them things because it’s more costly to send a whole team with approval taking forever”
Alina crosses her hooves, “I don’t like the sound of it”
“I still pick up history, I’m careful”
“It dangerous, it’s probably how you ended up here, isn’t it?”
“Sort of, I heard there was a fort 5 miles in and was curious but my real goal was to go deeper, I was mapping out a new path through the forest but was ambushed my timber wolves, I fled in an aimless direction till I was crossed by Einstein and his patrol who imprisoned me. I made friends with him and that’s how I’m here now.”
“Okay, well when you go, you’ll come with us. Cherry is getting the other ones and will join us here, I think”
“I-I guess…yes. I must go, I don’t want to disappoint my parents” He says and looks at Einstein who seemed sad.
“Einstein, are you okay?” Alina asks, looking at the expressions of the batpony.
“Yes…it’s just, Striker is the only real friend I’ve had…” Einstein hugs onto Striker.
“Aww, you can come with us too” Alina offers.
Einstein thinks a while and starts to pace, “I don’t know if that’s breaking the rules…I can ask, pardon me” He goes away from the room.
“I hope he gets permission…” Striker says, he seems worried.
“Me too, if they force him to stay, we’ll need to do something about it”
“And I’ll gladly fight for him-”
“We don’t need to fight if we sneak him out heh” She suggests.
“Only if it comes down to it…no one deserves to stay basically locked in here and protect this place all their lives”
They sit and wait for Cherry to return.
Cherry walked with batpony till they find one of the ponies who was wandering aimlessly, they had gathered five of them already.
Cherry looks at the files to the picture and name, “Rogan?”
The pony turns, “A rescue party…? Yes! I’m Rogan!” He runs to them.
“Welcome to the crew, we’re going to get a few more folks, rendezvous at a point then head to Ponyville.”
“Good good! I just want to get out of here already!” Rogan says happily and walks with the pack.
“Three more, and you said they’re together, right?” Cherry asks the batpony.
“Yes, if they’re not there when we get there, then that’s on them.” Nin replies.
Cherry nods. The group walks on for a few miles before finding a camp fire with the three ponies huddled up and asleep. “Ahem” Cherry nudges them gently.
“Ponies!” One says aloud, the others are startled and wake up, falling over one another.
“Woah there, we’re the rescue team” Cherry says.
“With a batpony too?” One asks.
“Yes, he’s a guest to our team. Special operations right Nin?”
“Right.” Nin coughs.
“We should go back now.” Cherry leads them, Nin at her side.
“Cherry, I’m detecting a pack of timber wolves.” Nin whispers to her, his sword was ready to be wielded.
“Do you think you can hold them off while we go near the fortress?”
“Yes, but remember we agreed that they shall not enter the fort.” He makes his way to the back and stays as Cherry tells the others to pick up their pace. They do so as Nin separates himself and dashes in the direction of the wolves to distract them.
Once they’re near the fort, Cherry stops, “Okay, um, you guys stay here, I’m going to go get my partner” Cherry says and goes through the bushes and into the fort. “Alina?” Cherry goes through the areas.
“She’s in my dwellings with Striker, the other unicorn here.” The Patriarch states.
“Please take me to them, time is a of the essence” She smiles as he nods and guides her to them.
“Cherry, finally you’re back! I’ve learned so much!” Alina gets up, hugging her.
“That’s what I thought you’d do silly smart pony” Cherry hugs back. “We should go before another day passes, and the ahem, victims are restless.”
Alina sighs, “I wish I had more time here...”
“Maybe we can visit again” Cherry says.
Einstein enters, “Oh hey everyone, um Striker?”
“Yes Einstein?” Striker rises.
“They said yes, I-I can go” He shyly smiles, Striker hugs him tightly.
“YES! I can show you around our society, it’s quite different from here”
“Eeee! I bet!” Einstein struggles playfully at Striker’s strong hug.
“Perfect, let’s get a move one, we have road to cover” Cherry says as she adjusts her overcoat’s buttons, preparing to escort them all.
The small convoy of ponies group up outside, and with all its members there, they set off into the woods towards Ponyville.

End of Chapter 8.