//------------------------------// // To Not Fail is a Prize of Its Own // Story: A Future Unseen... // by Edenme //------------------------------// This is the final chapter of this story. Starlight figured that with her record she would definatly be imprisoned under Ceseltia's rain. Yet, she was not being juged by the princes of the sun, but by the princes of friendship. With that title, she figured she had some pritty good chances of being forgiven. "Well, let's give it a try.", starlight said in a kind of hopeful tone. Soon after these final words, her horn began to glow with a magical aura. She also chanted an incantation in a whisper and a language unadiable in any way, shape, or form. As the chanting became more lengthy and mermered, more layers of Starlight Glimmer's magical aura enveloped her and her horn. 'This is good' is what Starlight Glimmer was most likely thinking of at that time. Then, there was a loud bang and a big sizzle and Starlight found herself face first in the deserts of the End. She then asked,"Where are we?". Then, to Starlight's joyous ears l, she heard the wonderful voice of a one Twilight Sparkle...* *At this point, the season finally of My Little Pony season 5 (I think at least. Correct me if I am wrong please) goes on as normal. This time though, Starlight Gilmmer knows what truely happened within that time loop...