//------------------------------// // Wanning Time Shall Teach the Unteachable // Story: A Future Unseen... // by Edenme //------------------------------// As the small, purple dragon began to fall virtually unknowingly, the now unfrozen Twilight Sparkle flew to the rescue of the otherwise doomed dragon. "Spike! Are you O.K.?" Twilight said in a very concerned and almost motherly voice. "I think so, but what did just happen?", said spike in a, for some reason, tired tone. "Well you were... Um... You were. Hey you there-uhh- what just happened to Spike?", Twilight said this in a very question esk tone. Starlight ignored her because she was very much troubled with the end of things. In the background she could still hear Twilight Sparkle talking away. After a second she started listening to what the purple alicorn was saying. The talk of Twilight included things uncommon for any right minded person to say. Such things may include the following: where am I? What is this purple and green thing in front of me? Last time I checked, I was in the-uhh- what do you call it? And so on and so forth. Eventually Starlight realized what Starswirl's words about time unraveling and then wrapping in to each other to be correct currently in this present situation. Then suddenly, as if to prove Starlight's dark thought was to be true, Twilight suddenly poped out of existence. This event truely set in what her evil ways had brought the world to. So she thought, and thought, and thought a little more. (Some time in this thinking, Spike also poped out. This made her truly alone in the world). Every time a new thought came about, she alwaysed returned to the basics of magic theory and its principles. Eventually, she thought of a certain stallion by the name of Fredric Piliance Diltion Brian Pumbldare and his 'Theory of Time and Nine Ways to Bend and Mend it With Magic'. His paper talked about a paradox and nine ways to fix such a paradox. It was called the Boot Strap Paradox*. One of the magical ways to fix it was to implant memories of all people whom knew this person until there deaths and do this after the person you have done something to is past the point of danger ( this is because of time folding in on it self and such). Of course, Starlight had learned her lesson. This made everything O.K. in the end of course. *Boot Strap Paradox- If you go back in time and kill your grandfather, you will not be born. So, no one will be able to go back and kill your grandfather. So, you are born and go back to kill your grandfather so you are never born, and ect. and so on forever and ever and such.