//------------------------------// // Into The Human World Part 1 // Story: When Two Worlds Meet // by Darkness 1 //------------------------------// Moments later, Darkness, Snowshy, and Snowshy, were traveling at the speed of light, and Darkness looked to his left side, and said, " Twilight! We will have to talk loudly! We are traveling at the speed of light! So it can get a bit loud traveling this way As I said before! Don't let go of my hoof, and don't either of let go of each other's hooves, okay?!" They both only nodded, and Darkness asked, " Twilight! What am I looking For?! Just tell me what this 'human world' looks like, and I'll take care of the rest!" Twilight responded, " Look for a big building with a pony monument in the middle, I think! and a large, oh I don't know! It would look kind of like a courtyard to you in the front of the building!" Darkness said, " That's not a whole lot to go on! But, I'll see what I can do! Everypony! Hold on tight! This could get rough!" Neither said anything, they just held on with everything they had, a couple moments later, Twilight said, " Hurry Darkness! I don't know how....much...longer...I can....hold on!" Darkness said, " Just hold on! Almost...there!" Twilight said, " I'm slipping!" Darkness said, " Just hold on!" And Darkness, with everything he had, he flew as fast as he could, with all his strength, and Twilight said, "Darkness! I can't hold on!" Darkness said, " Just a little more! There! Hold on!" Darkness began to see the world as Twilight had described just ahead, and he flew to it, and in an instant, everything went white. It was then, a few moments later, Darkness saw the ground, but he was flying so fast, the ground was coming up too fast, so all he could do was slow down, or try to. At the same time, he already felt something was missing, felt his sides: his wings were gone! All Darkness was able to do was brace for impact, moments later, he crash-landed into the ground, tumbled over several times, before he came to a stop, slumped against the monument. He looked around, and he said, " Ouch.....Hey, where are the others?" Right about that time, he heard, "LOOK OUT!" Darkness looked around to see where the voice was coming from, by the time he looked up, it was already too late, Twilight and Snowshy were coming in from above, right above where Darkness was. All Darkness could say was, " Aww...Crap." As Twilight knocked Darkness over, and landed on his back, followed shortly by Snowshy landing on Twilight's back, and Darkness said, " Please...get off...of me...can't breathe.." Snowshy got off of Twilight's back, and then Twilight got up, and Twilight said, " Sorry, Darkness, I tried to warn you ahead of time, to move out of the way. Without looking up at them, he simply got on all fours, and then Darkness said, " Yeah, a little hard to do that, when I was still recovering, but its alright, it could've been worse. Well, I have to say, that trip was little more intense than expected, I guess the first time, taking more than just me through that, couldn't be helped. And by the way, where did my wings go? Twilight, you've been in this world, what's going on?" Twilight said, " Uhh...before I explain, you might want to get up, humans don't get around on all fours, and you might want to look at yourself as well." Darkness said, " What do mean get up? I am up, oh, I guess fine, I'll look at myself, I'm still the same, I have hooves just like the rest of you..............What the? What kind of sorcery is this?" Darkness looked at himself, and then he looked up at the others, and they had no wings, and Twilight had no horn either. He then touched his head, and his horn was gone as well. Twilight said, "Darkness, you need to get up, get on your feet, on your two feet." Darkness then held out what he thought what would be his hoof, only to see it had changed as well, his golden gauntlets had five points, that all moved, as he moved them, and then he tried to use his powers, but nothing happened, and then Darkness said, " This is ridiculous, I already don't like this world, I can't fly, I can't even use my powers, and I have to stand on two...uhhh....what did you call them? Feet? What in world is that? But, I suppose, I'll try." Darkness then tried to get up on his feet, and only fell back over, and Darkness said, " I really don't like this world...the sooner we get that blasted mirror, the better, the sooner we can get back to back to our own world." Both Twilight and Snowshy just laughed at Darkness, and Snowshy said, " Brother, you can be so silly at times!" Darkness scoffed, and said, " humph...silly, you try getting up on these weird things!" Snowshy said, " I think I already got it down, try centering your center gravity, that'll help, that's what I did." Darkness said, " Alright, alright, alright, I'll try that." Darkness tried again to stand on his feet, and balanced himself, a bit wobbly at first, but finally got to the point where he didn't fall over, and Darkness said, " Geez, this is so weird, a world with no magic, no wings, and these things called feet, how strange. Also, Twilight, what the heck are these five-point thingys, that are on me?" Twilight snickered, and said, " This must be your first time in this world, isn't it? They are called, 'hands', and the five-point thingys, as you called them, are 'fingers', they each move, as you move them, you can also move one at time, if you want." Darkness tried, and got his fingers to move one at a time, and he said, " I think I got it, now, anypony know where to find that mirror?" Twilight said, " Yeah, we don't say that either, we are humans now, so you would say 'anybody'." Darkness said, " Ugh, even the speech here is weird...Anyways, fine, does 'anybody', have any ideas where to find that mirror? I want out of here as soon as possible, this world is already driving me nuts." Snowshy said, " Just guessing here, but maybe we should check out what looks like a school." Darkness said, " Good thinking sister! Although, what a strange-looking school, but before that, I want to check if I can at least use my dimension-traveling powers." Darkness held out his hand, and closed his eyes, waited a few moments, and nothing happened, and Darkness said, " You have got to be kidding me! Now, how are we going to get out of here!?" Twilight said, " Well, seeing as we got here that way, and the portal is right through that monument, but we can't go trough it, for at least, another thirty months." Darkness said, " Yeah, I don't think so, I am not staying here that long, no way! There has to be another way to go back, right?" Twilight said, " I'm afraid not, you said it before, you getting us here by your powers, was our only way of getting here, so it will be our only way back, so we will have to find a way for you to able to use your powers in this world." Darkness said, " Fine, I suppose we can worry about that later, now let's check out Snowshy's suggestion, and check that school building thingy." Both Twilight and Snowshy chuckled, and Snowshy said, " Yeah, I really think that would be a good start." Right about then, other humans stopped, and stared at Darkness, and were pointing at him, and laughing at him. Darkness said, " Humph, what do they think they are laughing at?" Right at that moment, one human came up to Twilight and said, " Welcome back, Twilight! Some landing though, but who are your new friends? And what's up with him wearing armor? Is he like a knight or something?" Twilight said, " Oh! This is Snowshy, and that's Darkness." The human said, " Snowshy and Darkness, huh? Well, nice to meet you both! If you are a friend of Twilight, you a friend to me! But Darkness...what a strange name...you never answered Twilight, is he like knight or something? Also, I just noticed, what's up with the katana?" Darkness said, " These 'humans' are weird creatures indeed, humph! Calling my name strange.." The human said, " He even talks like he's ancient or something, Twilight? Is he like from some old time or something?" Twilight sighed and said, " I suppose there's no hiding it, yes, he's a knight, he's part of an order that was once known as 'The Crimson Blades', and yes, he's from a older time, but he's from my world." The human said with much excitement, " That...is....so COOL!" The human then went over to Darkness, and held out both his hands, and began to shake Darkness's left hand, and said, " Wow! You even have really pointy golden gauntlets! Can I get your autograph? Are you immortal? Can you fly in Twilight's world? What kind of sword moves can you perform?" Darkness gritted his teeth, and took his hand away from the human, and said, " Humph.." The human backed away, and went back to Twilight and said, " He's not very friendly for a knight." Darkness said with frustration, " Grrrrr.....How about some sword lessons, 'human'? How would you like them apples?" Twilight said, "Uhh, anyways, we are looking for something, a mirror, with some symbols, have you possibly seen it anywhere around here?" The human said, " A mirror....hmm.....I afraid not, but you might want to ask some other people around school. They might know something. And of course, you can always ask principal Celestia, and to look around inside school, and tell her what you are looking for, if nobody knows." Twilight said, " Thanks for your help, we was planning on going inside." The human said, " With a grumpy knight guy like that? Talk about strange..." Darkness said, " Grrrrr.....!!! That's it! I can't take this! Fine! Twilight, Snowshy, please go check inside the school, and I'll check the outskirts, of this courtyard, and then I'll check other locations in the area." Twilight said, " Okay, but don't go too far, the humans might freak out if seeing you like that, especially with a sword that long." Darkness said, " Okay, okay! I got it! I'll stay close by the school! Just find that blasted mirror already! These humans are driving me nuts already! I really don't like this world!" The human said, " Well, I got to go, I'll be late for class! Go luck finding that mirror!" The human whispered to Twilight and Snowshy, " Uh, for the record, Darkness is really cool, he just needs to chill a little, just saying, alright! Got to go! See you all later!" Twilight waved to the human and said, " Alright, Darkness, we are going to go inside the school now, we'll back as soon as we can." Darkness said, " Okay, okay, find that mirror, I want out of this stinking world as soon as possible." And with that, Darkness took off. Snowshy said, " Let's go, Twilight." Twilight nodded, and with that, the two entered the school.