My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic. The Light at the End of the Tunnel.

by StormBreaker

Ch.5 Registration Situation.

After breakfast, everyone went to do there own thing. Pinkie wanted only to become friends with everyone. (I mean everyone, she already has a good 15,000 friends on ponysquare).
Applejack wanted to finish the garden, and plant some apple trees. (To her suprise it takes many a years to grow an apple tree).
Rainbow Dash wanted extreamly badly to learn an instrument. So I brought out my guitar, which she was realitivly good at. (Not realy).
Twilight again continued her bet against herself that she could learn every human fact there was to be learned.
Rarity insisted that I be the test dumby for her first attempts on human outfits. (Much to Rileys entertainment, before my fist encouraged he take a nap).
Fluttershy just cought some pets the entire day. (Although I'm still trying to figure out how she convinced a deer, three squirels, two bunnys, a baby bear, and a family of gardner snakes to stick around).
After helping Applejack finish the to-be apple orchard in a hundred years, I walked inside and started making some lunch. (Leftover burnt bacon, and floor batter pancakes).
"Jason?" Twilight asked, in that tone kids use to convince their parents of something.
"Whats up?" I answered.
"I've been reading about somethiing called school, we do it back home. But our education ends yeeeeeears before human education." Twilight started. "And I was wondering..." she halted. "If we could go to school with you and Riley!" She bursted.
"Why are you asking me? I'm not you'r dad. I don't know how you'd do it, but sure." I laughed.
"Oh, well. Thanks!" Twilight said, shocked for a second.
"Do you know how you would get an ID?"I asked Twilight.
"Actually... no." she said nervously.
"Wait a second, I'll be right back." I said, grabbing my phone off of my dresser. (Which was now technicaly in RD's and Pinkies room, so it was kind of weird).
"Wait." I mouthed, to Twilight while I called my mom.
"Hello?" my mom answered.
"Hey mom, its me, Jason. I have a question." I asked.
"Sure, whats up?" my mother answered.
"Lets say... you found this person on the high school football field, and they didn't have an IDentity in our world. Oh, and they previously lived on a TV show." I said, waiting for my mom to start laughing.
"And?" she answered.
"Well... how would you get one?" I asked shepishly.
"Illegal imagrents?" she asked.
"Kind of."
"I told you to stop hanging out with the wrong crowd!"
"I wasn't! I promise!"

*Insert awesome instructions to get ID. Will someone help me on this? I don't know what to do.*

"Thanks mom! I'll call you tomarrow!" I said, hanging up.
"Wow, your moms awesome to just tell you how to get a fake/real IDentity just like that." Twilight exasperated.
"Yeah, well... yeah shes awesome." I replyed.
"Want some burnt bacon?" Twilight laughed, handing me some of the bacon she re-heated for all of us.
"Sure!" I said with a grin.


"Um, sir?" John asked his Head Supervisor.
"Yes? What now?" he said grogaly, not looking up from his intense game of Zuma.
"I've found something realy interesting with that video footage." John said, holding a little tablet with the downloaded video footage.
"Well lets see it." the Supervisor grunted.
"Here." John said, setting up the video, and starting it.
Two kids walked onto the video footage, then stopped and began to talk. And within three or four seconds, a blast of lightning shuttered the ground. Knocking out the footage.
"What was that?" the Supervisor questioned.
"I don't know sir. I think we should look into it more. What do you think?" John asked.
"Yeah, I agree. Forward the footage to the police in that area. They may be able to tell who the youths are to sort this out." the man said with suprise in his voice.
"Got it sir." John answered, walking back to his desk to carry out what his boss said.
"I wonder whats going on?" John thought as he sent the video.
"I know I shouldn't... but I'm gonna track this. I want to know whats happining with this." John continued in his mind, as he started creating a virus to track the fotage and its path.