Scootaloo's Nuzlocke Adventure

by maemaee

Prologue: Welcome to the World of Pokemon!

Prologue: Welcome to the World of Pokemon!

Today is the day in which life goes on and gets better. When did life start? Well, my life started yesterday's yesterday's yesterday, ongoing, all the way to exactly 10 years ago. Today, I'm finally able to leave home and to technically start my journey in the world of Pokemon! What are Pokemon, you might ask? Well, Pokemon are what live on this very land! Other then ponies of course. Some ponies keep Pokemon as companions and pets, while others train them to be used in battle for glory and bits. Some even steal Pokemon from others, which is just nasty! Me? Well, I'm gonna become a Pokemon Master! My first goal? Meet the sixth gym leader, Rainbow Dash! The coolest, most amazing, awesomest pony to ever exist EVER!

"Scootaloo, are ya there? You seem a little out of it." Apple Bloom shook me, and I was brought to where I currently was; Ponyville Schoolhouse, the Trainer School in Ponyville.

"Happy birthday, Scootaloo! I can't believe that it's finally your 10th birthday. You're the last birthday in the class, aren't you?" Sweetie Belle exclaimed happily, giving me a pat on the back.

"Mhm! That means that we all finally get to start our very own Pokemon Adventures together! Won't that be great? What're all you gonna do first?" Apple Bloom answered for me, and I listened in to what they wanted to do.

"I think I'll get into contests just like my sister, Rarity! She retired from contests when she had to take care of me, but now that I'm travelling she can do it again too! I hope we can compete against eachother, or I get to see her compete live!" Sweetie Belle began humming.

"Ooooh, you'd be great at contests, Sweetie Belle! I might try to fill one of those fancy Pokedexes, or start breedin' Pokemon! I know that Applejack will want me on the farm, but I got my whole life ahead of me to work at the farm! I gotta travel while I got the chance, ya'know? What about you, Scootaloo?" They both looked at me expectantly.

"Me? There's no doubt in my mind about what I'm gonna do! I'm gonna take on the Gym Leader challenge! I'm gonna come face to face with the champion!" I said confidently. "We're gonna be traveling together, right? It will be great!"

""Of course!"" The two said at the same time. I put my hoof in, and they put theirs in as well. We smiled as we promised that we'd stick together.

"Hush, class!" Ms. Cheerilee settled the class down before speaking. "Soon, all of you will be setting off on your own Pokemon journeys. I know you 10 year olds already have been waiting for the last of the younger fillies to have their birthdays, but I hope that the wait was worth it."

"The wait was completely POINTLESS. I could've started my journey any time I wanted because of MY father, Filthy Rich. He could get me any Pokemon I want." Diamond Tiara retorted, and Cheerilee smiled over at her, almost as if to say 'I'm not getting paid enough to do this'.

"Maybe, but if you graduate from Trainer School you get your very own starter Pokemon, courtesy of Professor Celestia! These Pokemon are exotic, pretty much one of a kind! Today, we have our final class birthday, which means that all of you will be able to graduate!" The class cheered, some even throwing their books in the air. It took another few moments for Ms. Cheerilee to get the class settled once more. "With that said, this is a tape that is played every year for the graduating class of the Ponyville Schoolhouse. This year, we have a brand new professor in Ponyville that is from the big city of Canterlot! You would have seen her, she's an amazing pony who has given a lot of time to the education of young foals like you. Here's the tape... Hold on..." Ms. Cheerilee fiddled with the tape for a bit before putting it into the tape player. She turned off the lights so that we could see the screen better. A countdown shows up, and the tape starts playing.

"...Is it on, Spike? Oh...! Hello! I apologise to keep you waiting, young soon-to-be-trainer!" The unicorn smiled nervously.

"What is she talking about? She didn't keep us waitin-" Sweetie Belle said before quickly getting hushed by Ms. Cheerilee, which made her stop halfway through her sentence.

"Welcome to the World of Pokemon. My name is Twilight, however many affectionately refer to me as the Pokemon Professor. This world... Our world, is inhabited far and wide by creatures known as Pokemon! Some ponies use them for battling, while others use them as pets and companionship. As for myself... I study Pokemon as a profession. There are so many things that we do not know about Pokemon, and it is my job to uncover the mysteries behind them. If you are watching this then congratulations on your graduation from Trainer School! I remember when I graduated from Trainer School..." A voice from behind the camera cleared their throat.

"Focus, Twilight. You're explaining Pokemon?"

"Ah, yes. Sorry! With your graduation, comes brand new challenges ranging in different shapes and sizes. Whether you journey or not, you will be given a Pokemon of your very own, along with a Pokedex, an encylopedia giving information on what Pokemon you have seen. So no matter what you do-- a trainer, a breeder, a ranger, a scientist-- you will contribute to our society in your own way! Your own very Pokémon legend is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with Pokémon awaits! See me in my Lab... Er, Library."

The tape clicked off, and Ms. Cheerilee turned the lights back on. "Well, I hope that cast some light into your future! I will meet you all tomorrow at the Ponyville library at 8:00, try your best not to be late. Class dismissed, and I hope that your futures are bright."

"I can't believe this! Isn't this exciting? Aren't you excited?! Girls?" Sweetie Belle began to squeal in... Well, excitement.

"Of course, silly! This is it, we're goin' on a journey that'll get us our cutie marks!" Apple Bloom smiled. We trot out of the schoolhouse together, leaving no pony behind.