//------------------------------// // Chapter Ten - Aaaaaand Wile's 'Happy Place' is gone... // Story: The Dash and the Furry-ous // by UniqueSKD //------------------------------// Wile. E's eyes widened to the yelling from the open window behind him. Startled, he threw his soup bowl and shot high into the air with a loud yelp. His head smacked against the ceiling with a loud THUD, and he plummeted back down, head first again upon the floor. He stood upright, head on the ground and legs in in the air for a few seconds, before toppling over and landing flat on his back. Rainbow Dash burst out into hysterical laughter, her head hanging over the window sill as she pounded on the frame. Moments later, she wiped a tear from her eye as her laughter subsided into childish chuckles. "Oh mane! That was hilarious, Fluttershy! Ha ha ha!" Rainbow Dash chortled, wiping a tear from her eye. "Oh wow! I really got you good there, didn't I? Ha ha ha! But hey; no hard feelings right, Fluttershy?" Wile. E sat up, snarling and baring his sharp teeth as he massaged the large bump on his noggin. His eyes fell upon the pony laughing at him from the window. Looking at one another face to face, Rainbow Dash gasped and her eyes went wide in shock. "Wait...you're not Fluttershy!" Oh, how very observant of you, Wile. E thought as he began to rise from the floor. But as he was about to get up, the bowl of tomato soup he had flung into the air suddenly decided to land on his crotch. Upside-down. Spilling the soupy contents on to him. As it was still very warm. Wile. E's eyes widened, his pupils shrunk to the size of pinpricks. He felt a tremendous burning pain all over him, though mostly in his crotch area. A horrible inappropriate word began to form in his throat, and he quickly cupped his hands over his mouth, not wanting to utter it in case children were reading the story. Still at the window watching the scene playing out before her, Rainbow Dash winced at the awkward sight. "Ooooh, that looks really painful." Her eyes shifted left to right nervously, unsure what she should do next. "Um...I think I'm just gonna go now", she said with a nervous chuckle, and with that she disappeared from the window. By the second, the profanity made its way to Wile. E's mouth, demanding to be released and be heard by anyone around to hear it. Wile. E tried his best to hold it back, to resist the urge to utter such a word. But try as he did, the scalding pain in his nether regions proved too much for the poor coyote. And Fluttershy chose that moment to reenter the living room. "Okay, I'm back Mr Coyote. So, um, what did you think of the special ingredient I added to your last bowl?" Unable to hold it back any longer, the coyote's hands slipped from his snout, and he replied very loudly. "FFFFFFFFU - !!!" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The front door of Fluttershy's cottage swung wide open, and Wile. E was hurled outside before it had even opened fully. He went face first into some wooden post with a thud, and landed on the ground in a dazed heap. In the doorway appeared Fluttershy, looking very angry. Absolutely livid even, her eyes giving the Stare and her wings flared out in a threatening manner. "If you didn't like the special touch I made to your soup, you should have just said so!" Fluttershy exclaimed sternly. "How dare you scream such a horrible vulgar word in my face! And how double dare you frighten poor Angel Bunny with your shouting!" On cue, the white rabbit peeked out from behind Fluttershy's mane, shivering and with a scared look on his face. Fluttershy turned her head away from the coyote. "You should go and think about what you've done, mister Coyote," Fluttershy said, visibly hurt and upset. As Wile. E came to his senses and looked towards Fluttershy, who already was stepping back into the cottage, he saw Angel Bunny smiling wickedly at him and sticking his tongue out at the poor coyote. Wile. E pulled himself to his feet and ran to the door, but it closed on him before he could reach it in time. A locking sound was heard from the other side. No! Wait! Hold on! Wile. E cried, pawing at the wooden door. No, no no no no! Let me back in, yellow flying horse! This was becoming my happy place! Please! He banged against the door furiously. I didn't even finish the soup! The lovely delicious wonderful soup! Any and all hope that Wile. E had left of being allowed back into the place he was beginning to call his sanctuary quickly slipped from his grasp. Wile. E sunk to the ground in despair, and started to pound the ground with his fists. It had been right there. It had all been right there for him! He had everything he wanted in his life; He had warmth. He had shelter. He had food. He even had a really cushy sofa to lie. He had it all for just one chapter, and now it was gone forever! Because of that cyan mare with the weird rainbow hair. Wile. E stopped his fist mid-air. A moment later he slowly started to sit upright, as the image of that pony laughing at him from the window played itself over and over in his head. Wile. E's face began to contort into a look of rage. Seething rage. There was red in his eyes, and steam blew from out his ears, which suddenly perked upright and assumed a pose similar to curved horns. That pony...she did this to me! Wile. E stood up and began to stomp angrily away from the cottage. It's all her fault! If I ever see that blasted creature again, I swear I'll make her pay in the worst possible way, once I figure out what that is exactly!