//------------------------------// // Prologue (Escaping the hellhole with a shower) // Story: Madness Combat, Ponies with Improbabilities // by Metei //------------------------------// Subject 1A27; please step forward to the platform The announcement rang throughout the facility loud and clear, making the people who were waiting shoot their heads up towards the door. The silence was eerie as the room behind the door was usually accompanied with screams of help and mercy or usually just shooting and explosions. However, this time the room was silent. Tension was growing between the test subjects as they were left to guess what the hell was happening in there. Just as the test subjects were about to talk to each other, the sound of a gun discharging rang from out the door. With the gunshot, a bloodcurdling scream came after in just a millisecond. As the test subjects were about to brace for the sight of their fellow test subject’s corpse to be dragged out of the room towards the waste compartment, an alarm sounded with an announcement. All guards, a test subject has escaped. Last known location: testing facility room number 147. The entire test subjects out in the hall looked towards the door for the sign that told what testing room it was, room number 147 In room 147 there was nothing really special about it. Blood spatter was the only decoration and colour on the war instead of the dull grey that every other building in Nevada was painted with. The room had only one piece of furniture, one lone metal table. The table itself was not interesting nor was it used in the tests. It was what lied on top of the table that was used in the tests. The test that was supposed to be carried out today was the test of the new prototype handgun, which the creators called APSFDB (All Purpose Small Firearms Death Bringer) and was totally a shit name when the people who was testing them first found out what it was called. The gun was in a small brown box when it was bought into the room, except the gun had been stolen. It was stolen by the test subject and replaced the original contents of the box with the head of the tester. There was another interesting thing that was in the room. It was the window, the window which the test subject escaped through. The test subject ran through the empty hallway as the guards that patrolled the area had left to go see the empty testing area. The test subject ran past the other poor victims as they were bound to the wall with shackles and could not escape themselves. The test subject kept up his sprint until he had to stop and rather abruptly. Up ahead where the seemingly endless hallway turned to the left, he could hear faint voices, voices which seemed to be shouting orders as if they were guards. With no choice, the test subject ran towards the group as he had the element of surprise on his side. As the guards turned around the corner they were greeted with the end of a gun that was aiming towards them. With no hesitation, the test subject began to gun down his victims, starting with the one on the far left. He fired one round through the poor guards crossed face, strafing to the right to avoid the gunfire coming out of the others rifles. Time seemed to slow down for the test subject as his adrenaline from this whole ordeal had made his senses heighten to inhuman levels. He grabbed the muzzle of a rifle and proceeded to smack the guards face with the butt of the rifle. Seeing that the guard had lowered his hold on the rifle, he put a bullet through his heart, going through and getting lodged into his buddy next to him. 3 guards were down ad only 2 were remaining. He jumped through the air and unloaded al the bullets from the rifle into the bodies of the guards. Happy that they were all finished off, he started to change his clothes with the deceased guard that died first. Once he swapped clothes, he picked up a rifle and a keycard from the one he assumed was the squad leader. He walked back down the corridor as he had spotted a door that had a lock that required a keycard. He swiped the card downwards and waited for the tell-tale ding that indicated that the door was now unlocked. Inside the previously locked door, the entire room was bathed in darkness. He surveyed the room to see if anything hostile would come rushing towards him. When nothing came he switched on night-vision mode on the mask that the guards wore. Thankful for the scientists who urged the guards that the night-vision was necessary, he walked into the room on guard, pistol at the ready if he found guards waiting for him. However, he did not expect the door to suddenly shut behind him, locked However what he found was the most peculiar thing ever, on the floor, towards the right back corner, laid a dead body. Why there was a dead body in the room was anyone’s guess. The test subject’s face lit up in recognition and horror as the body belonged to Jesus. When he angled his head to the left he saw something else that surprised him. There just lying on the floor, was the P.I.D (Portable Improbability Drive) He looked at the two of them and came up with the conclusion. If he wanted to have a chance to escape, then he would need two items: 1. The P.I.D and 2. The halo, which was still on top of Jesus’ head. He bent down and grabbed the halo, which shook in his hands and lightning which came from the floor came into contact with the halo. He quickly put it on top of his head so the lightning would stop arcing towards the halo. The usually bright yellow colour on the halo changed to snow white, leaving the test subject confused as to why it changed. He next picked up the P.I.D and held it in his hands. He was thinking on how to carry it while holding guns when the P.I.D got absorbed into him. Before he had time to register what just happened, the test subject could hear someone speaking. He could only make out some words ‘He’s here… Locked room… The corpse… Blow it up!’ That last remark snapped him out of his stupor and thought on how to escape. As he was thinking on how to escape, a bright light filled his body and he began to disappear. He looked on in a surprised yet scared manner as the floor beneath him gave way, showing that he was plummeting down towards a colourful planet, so he did the only thing he thought of, becoming a meteor. In Equestria, a group of locals, or ponies as they are called, were busy with looking up at the night sky, which was housing a meteor shower that only came once in a hundred years. Everyone, or everypony in their native tongue, was fascinated in the shower. One pony was particularly fascinated, as she bought along a book to read about the shower. “HEY TWILIGHT, STILL READIG ARE YOU? COME ON! PUT THE BOOK DOW AND PLAY HOOFBALL WITH US!” Twilight cringe at the volume her friend was shouting at. To make it even worse, her friend was nearby. “No thank you rainbow, I’m still reading. It’ll be some time until I’m finished” Her friend Rainbow Dash gave her a dead pan look. She sighed. “Twilight you are a real egghead, you know that right?” Twilight huffed in anger; being called egghead was a real insult towards her. She let it go when she just chalked it up to as Rainbow’s behaviour. She did not understand her friend’s behaviour sometimes, for example: playing hoofball at night, or Pinkie’s behaviour. Twilight was about to go back to reading when she saw one meteor heading in the opposite direction then all the others, not only that but it was curving, curving towards where they were and at high speeds. “What in the name of Celes- Everypony look out!” Everypony who was near Twilight could hear the urgency in her voice and all activity stopped, even the hoofball tournament stopped. Once they all stopped, everypony heeded her warning and ducked for cover. It took a minute for the meteor to go through the stratosphere and aiming towards the group of ponies. However it did not land where they were, instead going straight towards the Everfree Forest. Once impact was made, the sound was deafening and the force of the crash blew some ponies off their hooves, even some houses got utterly demolished. In the Everfree forest, the meteor was glowing a faint hue of grey. One stallion was walking along the edge of the forest when the explosion got his attention. Picking himself up, he quickly limped towards the crash site, curiosity taking a hold of him. Once there, what he found took his breath away. He had found the meteor and thought that the discovery was going to make him rich, dancing on the spot. What he failed to realise was that the meteor was shrinking, shrinking down to a more humanoid appearance. Once the shape had taken place, two hands shot out and grabbed the stallion by the neck. All he could get out was his struggled breath when he felt himself being absorbed. Where the human was standing was now a silhouette of a stallion glowing, indicating the changes and lighting up the forest. When the light began to die down, the only thing left glowing was the stallions’ red eyes. He only uttered four words. “This will be interesting”