Final Reign

by Lise

Forever Waiting

"Please don't go, Discord," Fluttershy pleaded.

"You've nothing to worry about, Fluttershy." Discord clawed a tear into the fabric of reality. "You're perfectly safe here. I've made sure—Are you crying?"

"I don't want to lose you!" Fluttershy grabbed Discord's leg, as tight as she could. "I don't—"

"Hey, hey." The draconequus patted her on the head. "No need to be sad. Everything will turn out okay. Am I not the omnipotently powerful spirit of chaos?"

"Yes, but—"

"Tut, tut, tut." Discord shook a finger. "There's nothing in this world, or seven hundred twenty-three others for that matter, that can harm me. So don't ruin your lovely face. I'll snap there, k—show that pup Blueblood the error of his ways, then snap back. I bet you won't even know I'm gone."

"That's what they all said." Fluttershy sniffled. "Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack..."

"Bah!" Discord waved a paw. He'd never admit it, but Fluttershy knew he missed them. In his own way, he cared. He had always cared. "Don't compare me to three silly little ponies. Pinkie had a spark of promise, I must say, but Applejack? Rarity? It's like throwing hay at a fire." He snapped his fingers, teleporting Fluttershy onto her couch. "I'll be back in a few minutes, maybe ten or fifteen at most, definitely not more than half an hour. Just in time for tea."

"But it's eveni—"

"Evening tea, yes!" Discord made a step towards the tear. "Some good old evening tea!" He passed through the rift and disappeared. Fluttershy just sat there, gazing at the empty spot the draconequus had been, letting the events of the past minute sink in. Shortly after, the tear reappeared and Discord’s head popped through. "Oh, and don't be stingy with the sugar. And maybe make some of those chocolate cookies I adore?"

"Umm." By the time Fluttershy managed to speak the tear had vanished, leaving her alone once more. "Umm, what do you think, Angel Bunny?"

The white rabbit hopped on the table, glared at her with its arms crossed, then vigorously shook its head. Fluttershy chuckled. Angel and Discord had never seen eye to eye on anything.

"Let's go make some cookies, Angel." Fluttershy climbed off the couch. "And I'll make you your favorite dessert."

Discord will only be gone for a few minutes. I hope I have enough time to get tea ready. He's always been impatient. Fluttershy went into the kitchen and started pouring water into the kettle. Despite appearances, Discord was very picky about his tea; if it was too thick or too watery, he'd put on a grumpy face and spend the evening making sarcastic remarks. He still did that when it was perfect, but Fluttershy could tell the difference.

"Angel, could you see if there's enough honey in the jar?" Fluttershy moved the kettle to the stove. Instantly, green flames appeared underneath. "I wouldn't want to bother the bees for more unless I have to."

With a frown and a grumble, the bunny hopped to one of the kitchen cabinets and pulled it open. The cabinet was fully stocked, as usual, brimming with all sorts of food anyone could think of. A few of them were even edible. Sadly, there was a suspicious lack of items Discord didn't care about. There were five different types of sugar, but not a single jar of honey, and Fluttershy liked honey.

"Half a jar?" Fluttershy interpreted Angel's gesticulation. "That's wonderful. Please, put it on the table, Angel."

You're always such a help, Angel. Fluttershy smiled, going to get some flour and raisins for the cookies. I really don't know what I'd do without you. Usually she'd just do chocolate chip, but this time she wanted to make them special. Raisins and orange peels, when mixed with chocolate, would give the cookies a unique bouquet of taste.

"Angel, could you please get some eggs from the attic?" Fluttershy took out a whisk from a drawer. "I know I'm relying on you too much, but I really want the cookies to be ready by the time Discord comes back. Please?"

The rabbit sighed heavily, but hopped out of the kitchen. Fluttershy hoped he wouldn't forget to thank the hens for their work; of everyone, they missed seeing the sun most of all. Even if it was pale, even if only appeared for a few hours per days, it still remained the sun—a symbol of hope that made life bearable.

The sound of a kettle whistle filled the room. Fluttershy stopped her cookie preparations and went to take it off the stove. She then poured the water with care in the teapot, adding four spoonfuls of tea, along with half a jar of sugar. Did I add a teensy-weensy bit too much?

"Discord, is half a jar too—" Fluttershy stopped. There was no draconequus in the kitchen or living room. "Umm, never mind."

He's probably taking his time. It wouldn't be chaotic enough if he was on time. I'm sure everything's fine. It's only been ten minutes.

Fluttershy went back to cooking. Angel arrived with a basket of eggs—a baker's dozen, freshly laid—and put them on the table. Those were easily enough to make three batches of cookies, maybe four. Milk was the big issue, though. Discord hadn't transported any cows to his pocket reality. There was an endless supply of chocolate milk, of course, but lately Fluttershy had started to tire of it.

"Maybe I'll ask Discord to bring some more guests to my cottage," Fluttershy said. "It will be nice to have someone else to talk to. Not that I don't like talking to you, Angel." She smiled in the rabbit's direction. "It's just that I miss Equestria, and Discord won't let me visit unless he's with me." She wished Twilight could be here, or Treehugger, or the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Discord had been adamantly opposed to anyone else entering his reality. As much as she begged, the answer remained no. Ponies weren't like animals, according to him; any more than one and reality might collapse. Fluttershy knew he was lying, but never called him on it.

The first batch of cookies went into the oven. Twenty minutes had passed with no sign of Discord. Maybe he's gone to see Princess Celestia? Fluttershy thought. They've known each other for longer than anypony can remember. Of course he'd want to talk to her. I'm sure he'll be back right when the cookies are ready.

"I'm being silly, aren't I, Angel?" A few steps away, Angel shrugged.

Oh, I completely forgot about you, didn't I? Fluttershy rushed to get ingredients for his dessert. Although he didn't show it as much anymore, she knew that the bunny was as picky as Discord. Every week or so he'd protest, demanding something other than a cucumber cherry salad, and each week Fluttershy would indulge him.

Carrots, lettuce, and whipped cream had become one of her favorite desserts for Angel—easy to make and the bunny loved it. Naturally, he feigned disinterest the entire time Fluttershy was preparing it, but once served he descended upon it like a diamond dog on a pile of gems.

“Don't forget to chew.” Fluttershy giggled and went to check the oven.

The cookies were almost ready. Fluttershy opened the oven and tapped one with her hoof. The surface was hard. Just a few more minutes and she could take them out. One dozen seemed like enough for Discord and herself, with a few going to Angel, of course. But what if it wasn't? The draconequus would probably be exhausted by his long talks in Equestria. What if he wanted a few more biscuits, but there were none?

I had better make a second batch, Fluttershy thought. I don't want to disappoint him. Once more she whisked eggs, sugar, butter, and chocolate milk into the bowl. This time she added scrapes of lemon peel, along with bits of cherry, and flour followed.

"Won't Discord be pleased?" Fluttershy asked as she put the new batch into the oven. "I know he says he doesn't like it, but he always sneaks into the kitchen to wash the bowl I made cherry batter in, and then—" she giggled "—eats it."

Angel just stood on the table, looking at her, one ear flopped. There was no angry thumping, no eye rolling, or grumbling, just an air of sadness that surrounded him.

"Don't worry, Angel." I'm afraid. So very afraid. "It's just Discord being Discord." I told him not to go. Why didn't he listen to me? "Like back when he transformed you into a rhinoceros for no reason?" What if... No! I don't believe that! I can't believe that! Discord is fine and he'll be here any moment!

The second batch of cookies was ready. Fluttershy arranged them on a tray, then took them and the teapot into the living room. There she placed them on the table and waited.

Minutes passed. Some of Fluttershy's animals friends called for her attention: the diurnal creatures needed to go to sleep, and the nocturnal ones needed to be fed. Fluttershy smiled and gave each and everyone the care they deserved. The hungry were fed, the dirty were washed, and the tired were tucked away to rest until morning. Every now and again she'd glance back into the living room, but there was still no sign of the draconequus.

Maybe he got lost? Fluttershy wondered. It had happened before. Maybe she'd find him wandering outside? Tucking the last of the animals to bed, the pegasus went to the door and opened it. Her eyes gazed into a vast sea of nothingness, not black, not white, just an ever-shifting notion of color that Discord had placed her cottage inside. No magic other than his own could find its way here, just as nothing inside could escape.

"Umm, Discord?" Fluttershy spoke into the void, her words echoing twice before vanishing into silence. "Discord, your tea is getting cold," she added. It had been cold for hours.

No answer. Fluttershy waited for a few more minutes, then closed the door with a sigh. Looking at the nothingness made her feel unwell. I'll just have to wait a bit longer. She went back to the couch and climbed onto it. Maybe I'll read a bit. I need to improve my cooking for when Discord comes back. I've been doing the same dishes for months, I'm sure he must be bored—.

Angel Bunny hopped onto the couch and huddled against her.

"There, there, Angel." Fluttershy smiled, petting the rabbit. "There's nothing to be afraid of. I'm sure he's fine. He's probably just hanging out with the Smooze or one of his chaotic friends. It'll be fine, you'll see." She took a cookie from the tray. "Here, have a cookie." Fluttershy placed it in the bunny's paws. "And don't you say no, mister. I've been watching you eye them all evening."

Angel looked at her, then at the cookie. His whiskers twitched slightly, as if trying to reassure her or himself; then he started nibbling on it.

"There we go." Fluttershy continued stroking the bunny. "There's nothing to worry about. Nothing at all." He had adapted remarkably well. All the animals had. As long as she was there to take care of them, they continued living as if nothing had changed. It was natural—they had relied on her ever since she had gotten her cutie mark. In their eyes Fluttershy was a goddess, despite all her faults; for their sake, she had to be strong. But what about her? Who was there for her?

Please, Discord! Don't leave me all alone!