//------------------------------// // FilliesGroove // Story: A Tale Lead by Fate. // by TheChosen1 //------------------------------// In the town of FilliesGroove… The town is getting ready for night time. Stores are cleaning up from a busy day. Counting money and taking stock. Families eat dinner sharing the details of their day. The local guards change shifts from day to night. Lamps start to turn on one by one as the Celestia slowly lowered her sun, and Luna raised her moon. Three figures was seen at the edge of the guards view. A smaller one carrying a hammer, and a larger carrying the third on his back. The guard told this to the other and sent a guard out to meet up with them to see who they were. “Halt! My name is Private Armor. I am a guard for Filliesgroove, I ask you both to reveal your identities and business in the town. The smaller spoke “My name is Tessy, the big guy is Breaker, and the unconscious guy is...well we have no idea. We found him along the way in a crater in the forest we believed caused by a light or pegasus. He is badly injured and needs medical care immediately. Myself and Breaker are travelers in search of work.” Breaker just breathed heavily from their far walk. It was longer than an hour. Private Armor looked them over then nodded, “Of course, follow me.” He began walking them toward the gates. “We have simple laws here. The biggest is though no weapons and no magic other than the basic telekinesis” He looked at Terry. She nods “We will abide these laws, may I ask where the hammer be kept?” “In the armory. We will tag it with your name and a code. Give the tag to the guards at the gate if you decided to leave and we will retrieve it for you.” Terry nodded at this, a typical law in most towns. They were used to it. At the gates Private armor saluted another stallion, “Sir these two are travelers looking for work, the third unconscious member is injured and needs medical help.” The stallion nods “Take the white one with the yellow one on his back to Mr. Needles. He is the night medic. Miss, I ask you to follow me to lock away the hammer.” The private saluted again and lead Breaker to the medic. The town was a nice open place. The houses were spaced enough that you can see backyards. A few lights were still on showing families getting ready for bed. “Mr. Needles is one of our best healers. He trained in Canterlot actually.” Breaker didn’t say anything. “The silent type aren't you? Fine by me. The clinic is right around this corner. +++++ Terry followed the commander inside the guards barracks. “So nice town you have here. Is there any lodging my friend and I can stay? It will only be a couple nights.” The commander kept walking down a flight of stairs, “Sure, we have a tavern not far from the clinic. You can keep an eye on your other friend easily.” At the bottom of the stairs a padlocked door was there. The commander took out a set of keys and unlocked it. He motioned for Terry to follow him inside. Once inside standard weapons lined the walls. On one wall was a set of lockers. The commander opened one up and put the hammer inside. “Locker 4. When you leave ask any guard and they will retrieve it.” Terry looked at all the weapons, “Why does such a small peaceful town need so many weapons? Kinda defeats the whole ‘peacefulness’ part of it.” The commander stopped and looked at her, “For someone who is just stopping for a day or two asks too many questions. Come on I will take you to the clinic to find your friends” He continued out the door and waited for her to leave. Taking one last look around she shrugged and followed him out. +++++ The private opend the door for Breaker, “Mr. Needles, we got a live one for you!” After Breaker entered he closed the door and showed Breaker where to put the yellow stallion. “Oh is there? Hold on let me grab my bag.” A older voice cried from the back of the building. A few moments later an older unicorn with glasses on came out. He had a doctor's coat on and a bag in his magic. “Well let's take a look see shall we?” Mr. Needles sat his bag down next to the yellow stallion. He pulled out a stethoscope and listened to him. After a few more examinations he put his equipment back in his bag. “Good new is he is going to live, he has several bruises and that foreleg has a clean break. I can cast that easily. Only problem is I don’t know how long he has been or will be unconscious.” Breaker sighed, “Thanks Doc, patch him up good will you?” Breaker sat down in a nearby chair. The private moved to the door “Well I better be back at my post, night.” Mr. Needles nodded to the private and returned his look to Breaker as he bandaged up the unconscious stallion. “So what happened to him?” Breaker scoffed, “Honestly Doc? No clue, found him like this. Think he got in a fight with a pegasus and dropped from the sky by him or her. Surprised he is alive honestly. Left quite a bit of damage behind him.” Suddenly there was a knock on the door, then Terry stepped in. “Breaker you in here?” After seeing her friend she smiled “Good to see you are here still. There is a tavern a couple buildings over. Let’s leave mystery stallion to the medic while we get some rest okay?” Breaker nodded, “We will return tomorrow to check up on him Doc. Night.” Mr. Needles waved bye, “Sleep tight you too, don’t let the bed pixies bite!” +++++ “What do you mean you only have one room left open? There are at least seven up there no way six are used. No offense to your town, but it isn’t the biggest tourist attraction.” Terry was getting a bit heated with the tavern owner. “Miss I appologize, but just a few hours ago six ponies showed up, asked for 6 rooms, and gave me extra bits for no questions asked. I’m sorry but I am sure you two can share a room for one night?” The owner was trying to calm her down. Breaker just sat at the bar drinking some cider. “Well I guess it will do, what room is it?” Terry pulled a bag of bits out to pay for the room and Breaker’s cider. “The couple's suit of course!” Breaker spat out his drink over the bar. “Nope, I will sleep down here, Terry enjoy the bed.” Breaker walked over to a corner table and sat down to get comfy.” Terry’s cheeks blushed red slightly, “Umm thank you sir...here's the bits, I will go to sleep now. Breaker you know where to find me I guess.” The room was super hearts and hooves day themed. “Dang it Breaker, way to be cool. Least I get a whole bed to myself hehehe” Terry jumped into bed and let sleep take her over.