The Doctor and the Human Hunter

by BrightIdea


Emerging from the basement/dungeon the Doctor and Ditzy Doo noticed that Bon Bon was still where they had left her. Well, except that she had crawled into a fetal position underneath her storefront counter. Seeing Mickey and Martha emerge behind them made the mare’s eyes bug out from her eyelids, standing Bon Bon began to make a run for it, but the impact of her head against her storefront counter quickly put an end to that. “Please…” Bon Bon mumbled as little candy treats sprinkled over her head from an upturned jar on top of her desk, “Don’t eat my liver…or my heart…or my flesh…or my candy!”

“Oh come now,” the Doctor said with a roll of his eyes. “Nothing to worry about Miss Laffy Taffy, see? They are not slobbering at the lips ready to pounce on you and tear you limb from limb.”

“Uhmn… Bon Bon what the Doctor says is true.” Ditzy said backing up the Doctor by gently reaching underneath the store counter and pulling Bon Bon to her hooves. “These humans won’t eat you or anything like that.”

“R-really?” Bon Bon asked with a trembling sniff, looking Martha and Mickey up and down. The two humans put on smiles for Bon Bon to show her that they were as non-threatening as possible. That is unless aliens invading the planet Earth were involved somehow.

“Yeah, I mean look at the Doctor! He used to look like them and he doesn’t sneak into ponies houses and chew on their hooves at night!” Ditzy replied as she nodded her head up and down rapidly.

“HE WHAT?!?” Bon Bon shouted looking at the Doctor in utter shock.

“Well, that’s not true. I’m not a human, I’m a Time Lord” scratching his back leg.

“HAHAHA! I SEE!” Bon Bon shouted, her volume control apparently stuck on high, as she attempted to make a dive for the comforting underside of her counter. Her plan was soon foiled by the Doctor grabbing her with his hooves around her back legs making the mare fall flat on her face.

“Come now. This is important, we need your help. They need your help!” the Doctor said through gritted teeth as he attempts to stop Bon Bon even as she pulls herself away using her front hooves inch by inch. “Their lives are in danger!”

“What? THEIR lives are in danger? What about mine or Lyra’s or Ditzy’s?” Bon Bon asks as she stops her struggle, turning around to look at the Doctor and then the two humans.

“If we don’t get them to the Doctor’s Blue Barn…” Ditzy explains as with a flap of her wings she flies over to the other side of Bon Bon pressing her completely straightened face against Bon Bon’s, “They will explode like muffins! Just imagine them standing there minding their own business like good little muffins then BLAM! Everywhere! All across Ponyville! Little banana nuts and chocolate chips sprinkled all over, Pony’s stepping their hooves into-”

“Can we not talk about that?” Mickey interrupts, visibly fidgeting and trying his best not to think about the details Ditzy had so thoroughly gone into.

“Their…their lives are in danger?” Bon Bon asked into the serious gaze of Ditzy Doo’s piercing pupils.

“I Pinkie Pie Swear I am telling the truth.” Ditzy replies, going through the obligatory motions that end with one hoof against her face.

“Bon Bon…please help us. We just want to find our friend safely.” Martha adds in, kneeling down to the pony, “I Pinkie Promise we are not here to hurt you.” Going through the same motions as Ditzy without poking her eye.

“O-oh. Okay…what do you need from me?” Bon Bon asks carefully, getting up and looking between Ditzy, the Doctor, and the humans. Her form just trembling slightly as she takes a loud, nervous gulp.

“Ditzy I always admire the way you have with words.” The Doctor says with an affectionate grin toward the blonde Pegasus before turning back to Bon Bon, his face a mask of seriousness. “Do you know anything about the third human that escaped? Do you have anything we can use to hide Mickey and Martha while we move them to the TARDIS? And-“ taking a sniff “What is that you’re making? It smells delicious!”

“Um…” Bon Bon says mildly whiplashed by the Doctor’s change in manner and his questions. “I have no clue where the h-human is. Neither does Lyra. Um, I-I have some cardboard boxes from my l-last deliveries. We could put them in there and move them around town. Like, I guess.”

The Doctor continued to stare at Bon Bon waiting for more.

“Oh. Its Banana taffy.”

“Marvelous. Once this is all over I’ll have to come back and make a purchase. Now Mickey and Martha I hope you’re both limbered up…”


“Why is it that Ninety-Nine percent of the time we’re awake in this place were stuck in some kind of box or cage?” Mickey grumbles, holding his knees to his body and trying not to roll around.

“Oh quit your complaining. At least its bigger in here then it looks on the outside.” Martha answers as she also holds her knees in place. Every bump in the dirt road threatens their hiding place to fall off the wooden hand lift roller.

“Hey now. You two should be at least grateful that talking boxes of candy are more common in Ponyville then you would think.” The Doctor chides, straining with Bon Bon to push the roller, humans, and empty cardboard boxes covering them toward Twilight’s library. The Doctor only spares a glance now and then skyward to Ditzy as she scans Ponyville high above for any sign of Lyra.

“I c-can’t believe you’re, like talking as if whole thing was n-normal! Your all crazy like Lyra aren’t you?” Bon Bon says with an incredulous look at the Doctor.

“My dear, you are only looking at the tip of the iceberg.” The Doctor says with a wild grin. His grin soon turns into a shocked stare as they arrive in the main square to find a rather large commotion going on.

“LYRA!” Bon Bon shouts, her hooves going to her face in shock. “STOP SHOOTING EVERY PONY WITH TRANQUILIZERS!

No matter how hard Bon Bon tries to deny the reality that she is faced with the truth is that the dominant reality in Ponyville strongly involves her marefriend storming through the main square her special order blowgun sending out hails of darts that seem to hit every pony, but their intended target. Rose is taking a nap in her lilies as Carrot Top does the same in her produce. Pokey Pierce breaks from his cover behind a bench only to be the center of irony as he slumps to the ground a dart right between his eyes. As the main square piles with unconscious ponies those taking cover are still in danger as Lyra’s quarry ducks from cover to cover the unbalanced mare right behind him and his companions.

“Jack always has to be the center of attention, doesn’t he?” the Doctor sighs as he pulls out his sonic screwdriver into his teeth while swatting Bon Bon as a signal to push the roller harder. Ponies and humans make wild dash across the main square to Twilight’s library just on the other side, empty boxes tumbling as they go. They nearly make it there when the air around them flashes a lavender light and find themselves now in the middle of the library. Twilight Sparkle and Spike stand in front of them, the former visibly tired and panting from the exertion of magic.

“Whooo what a doozy.” Twilight mumbles as she sits on her flank.

“Twilight Sparkle what wonderful timing you have today” the Doctor says, pushing aside the cardboard boxes to reveal Mickey and Martha, both of them looking dizzy given their unfamiliarity with teleportation magic.
Mickey falls out from underneath the humans hiding place grabbing his head and moaning. “My head hasn’t felt this bad since… I was eaten by that litter bin…”

“Wow.” Spike says walking up to the prone Mickey and poking him with a claw “Humans look funny.”

“Who are you calling funny you overgrown lizard?”

“Lizard? I’m a dragon, do you know how you can tell?” Spike growls, taking in a deep breath to breathe fire.

“Boys! Focus.” Martha interrupts as she stands to her feet. Spike looks between Mickey and Martha for a moment his cheek’s heating up from the held back fire, but fortunately he swallows his dragonbreath before he can set the library on fire again.

“Indeed. We have to focus on what’s going on…though…” Twilight begins to say, before focusing on Martha intently and stepping around her “Oh my, your bone structure must be fascinating! Your mane too! Your ears are on the side of your head! I wonder why evolution evolved your ears to be there. Spike go get my notebook I just have to –“

“Twilight” the Doctor interrupts with a cough. “I love looking at something strange and unknown better than the average pony, but I have to get Mickey and Martha here to the TARDIS…oh by the way Mickey, Martha meet Twilight Sparkle and Spike. Twilight, Spike meet Mickey and Martha. Good friends of mine back home.”

“Charmed” Martha introduces herself shaking an offered hoof from Twilight.

“What she said.” Mickey says, frowning down at Spike as he stands, not offering his hand which is occupied with rubbing the spot where Spike’s claws poked him.

“Right then. Off to the basement! Allons-y!”


“Lyra! Control yourself. A proper lady of your standing should not succumb to such behave-watch it!” Rarity lectures while pulling a Twilight and uses her magic to fling a dart flying toward her skyward. The moment Lyra saw Rarity and Fluttershy ‘flee’ with Captainjack seemed to have instantly put them as accomplices in Lyra’s mind as she directing a seemingly unending spray of knock out darts at them as well. Beside Rarity, Fluttershy cowers behind their improvised cover, a turned over table from the Green Delights restaurant’s outside patio.

“I have to hand it to her. I haven’t had a lady chase after me this bad since the bounty hunter on Tenon IV.” Captainjack comments from his own improvised shelter, a lawn umbrella held between his hooves and directed toward Lyra which does the trick of catching oncoming projectiles.

“meep” Fluttershy whimpers as she cowers behind Rarity.

All three of them stop a moment as a curious noise fills the air, a high pitched sound only getting louder and louder which turns out to be the falling form of Ditzy Doo as she smacks down into Lyra. Ditzy Doo snores loudly on top of Lyra, a tranquilizer dart visible in her flank.

“Huh. Who knew all it took was a-“ Captainjack begins to say when he is interrupted by a growl of frustration and rage underneath Ditzy as she is heaved to the side and across the main square by Lyra. Despite now having a black eye and her mane a frazzled mess she doesn’t seem the least bit deterred from hunting her human. She inhales to send several more darts flying when she realizes her blow dart has been broken in half. Her saddle bags entwined with Ditzy who she had just thrown across the main square. She lets out a frustrated yell before focusing her magic. “Now you’re gonna get it human!”

Fluttershy’s whimper turns into a soft ‘eep’ as the table and lawn umbrella are town away from them as Lyra’s magical energy covers it and tosses it away. The hunter gives out a yell of triumph as she surges forward to take out her defenseless prey when she is herself covered in a film of magical energy and tossed into the air. “E’tu Sparkle? I don’t remember saying promotion in H.A.M. was by assassinating one’s superior!”

“Lyra, pleeeaaase. Don’t you think you have taken this a little bit far?” Bon Bon asks, appearing from behind Twilight with a worried look.

“I’ve taken this far? Nope!” Lyra shakes her head, turning in midair away from the two mares while crossing her legs. Not paying to the scene of devastation and mostly unconscious ponies she points back to Captainjack who canters closer “Catching a human has been my lifelong dream since I was a filly. To give up my dream…is unthinkable!”

“Okay, well answer me this Miss Minty Green.” Captainjack asks, waving his hoof from her to him. “Once you captured a human what were you going to do with one?”

“I would…I um…well…” Lyra seems dumbfounded, her eyes going wide and a mild blush appearing on her features as she looks between the ponies around her. “I would…capture more humans…and…”

“What about all that H.A.M. stuff? What was all that about?” Twilight asks turning Lyra to face her again. “You said and acted like humans were a threat to Equestria!”

“Well…they are…their hands…can...grab…stuff…” Lyra mutters, starting to sweat and shift her eyes.

“Lyra. I know what it is like to have an irrational obsession.” Twilight says with a sigh, putting the minty mare down.

“I…don’t know why. I just have this…urge within me to find humans and…them, ugh. Its like drums going off in my head and I have to keep up with their pace! Whenever I mentioned humans before ponies just looked at me like I was crazy…I guess I am crazy…” Lyra says as she slumps to the ground, realizing just how badly she lost her head sinking into her minty maned head.

“You were right though Lyra.” Bon Bon says as she places a hoof on Lyra’s shoulder, giving her a slight smile.

“She’s right.” Captainjack chimes in, a grin on his face as he walks over to the mare that had threated to lock him up in a cage, “I’m not usually this hairy, even if I don’t shave for a month.”


“Nothing, nothing, just listen. If you’re willing to release my friends then I don’t see why we can’t be friends too! Let bygones be bygones.”

“Ah…” Bon Bon says, looking anywhere but, at her marefriend. “About them…”


“Ah…well this is a problem.” The Doctor mumbles while kicking a rock that proceeds to plummet into the darkness of the hole dominating Twilight’s basement, “Huh, Twilight should tell me next time she remodels the tree. Maybe, that’s more ‘next time she gardens’?”