Rarity Doesn't Investigate

by Royale With Cheese

Chapter 2

-One week later-

Spitfire lands on Twilight's doorstep and knocks on her door.

Twilight responds to the knock and opens up.

Spitfire smiles. "Hey, is Rainbow Da-." Her smile turned to a frown as she realized Twilight's worried expression.

"Come in, we've been waiting for you." Twilight said.

Spitfire quickly walks in and walks down to hallway to the meeting lounge with Twilight.

They both enter the lounge with the other five ponies waiting.

Spitfire stops after a few steps in.

"I... I shouldn't be here, I'm the reason why Dash is missing, I scared her off!"

Applejack gets up from her chair and walks up to Spitfire.

"Listen up sugarcube. Ah would've been mad at Rainbow too if ah was in your situation. The reason why we're all here is to plan out and find Rainbow. It's all gonna be fine, we ain't mad at yah."

Spitfire sighs and takes a seat in Rainbow's spot.

Twilight sits in her spot. "Okay, so, since we have everyone we need, let's get started."

"I have made a plan on how we can find Rainbow efficiently."

"We're all going to split up and find her in different places. The farthest she could've gone is Los Pegasus or Appleloosa. But I guarantee you she never went to Appleloosa."

"Big Mac is vistin' Braeburn today. He said that he'll look out and ask around for Rainbow." Applejack said.

"Great. So, I made the official groups." She holds out a piece of paper. "Starlight and I will be in Canterlot, we'll be looking for her as well a small meeting with Princess Celestia about this situation."

"Pinkie Pie and Rarity will be in Manehattan."

"Fluttershy and Spitfire will have a long trip to Los Pegasus."

"And, Applejack, hopefully you'll be alright being the lone wolf and going to Fillydelphia on your own."

"Ah'll be alright, ah got cousins down there. They'll help me search."

"So, what if we find her, what do we do?" Fluttershy asked.

"Just talk to her, calm her down and bring her back here." Twilight continues." There is a big chance that she flew off too Los Pegasus, and again Spitfire, stay easy on her."

Spitfire nods.

"I want all of you carry this picture of Rainbow with you." Twilight holds up a picture of Rainbow. "And ask around, civilians, stores, and one of the places she'll might be is at a hotel."

She gives out a picture to everyone. "You all got that?"

The rest of the ponies nod.

"Okay, I think we should get started. We each have a long day ahead."

"Here we are in beautiful downtown Manehattan, so who should we ask first?" Rarity said.

"There are a total of 108 hotels in Manehattan, but don't worry, they are all close to each other!" Pinkie said.

"And on the way to the hotels, we can ask a few ponies on the streets where she might be." Rarity added.

Pinkie points. "First things first, the Manehattan Mareriott!"

The both walk in.

"Oh my, this is certainly stunning!" Rarity gleamed. "How much is a room here do you think?"

A hotel employee who was walking by overheard her question. "850 bits a night."

"Oh thanks!" She turns to back to Pinkie. "850 bits a night? Do you think Rainbow can afford that?"

"Well duh, she is a Wonderbolt!" Pinkie replied.

"She just started." Rarity continues. "Well, we should still go ask anyways."

They both walk up the the service desk.

"How can I help you?" The stallion said.

Pinkie takes the picture of Rainbow from her saddle. "This is our friend, Rainbow Dash, we were just wondering if you've seen her or if she has a room in this hotel?"

"I haven't seen her, but I don't work here everyday. Let me check the room listings." The stallion takes a look at the list of the hotel room applicants. "Uh, I'm very sorry, I couldn't find her name."

"Oh, well thanks again sir." Rarity said and they both walked out.

"Well, don't worry, there's 107 more hotels to go." Pinkie said.

Rarity replied. "This time, we should ask some random ponies of they've seen her."

"Have you seen our friend?"

"Have you seen this mare?"

-107 hotels and many repetitive questions later-

"All aboard!"

The two mares board the train and take a seat.

"Well, that was a bummer." Rarity said.

Pinkie rested her head on the window and looked out with a sad expression on her face.

Rarity sighed. "Look Pinkie, its hard for me too, if you think about it, one of the girls might have found her in a different place other than Manehattan."

Pinkie sits straight across from Rarity with a saddened expression.

"What if we don't find her?" Pinkie quietly asked.

"Pinkie dear, don't worry, we-"

"No Rarity, I'm serious. What if we all didn't find her today?"

"Go further into Equestria, search the impossible places where a pony might be."

Spitfire flies up to a cloud and plops herself onto it. "Well, that was a bust." She sighs.

Fluttershy follows. "I-its okay, she couldn't gone have very far. The other girls might have found her."


"Is everything alright?" Fluttershy asks.

"I don't know." Spitfire quietly said. "If they did find her, she would probably lose her reputation for me, probably because I threatened to beat her up and to kick her off the Wonderbolts.

"Y-you threatened to beat her up, why would you do such a thing?" Fluttershy asked.

"I... I got mad at her, because I thought she was the one that set me up for going to the Crystal Mountains. You obviously remember that meeting we had a week ago, and Wind Rider told all of us that he was the one that gave me that fake letter."

"Was it really Wind Rider?"

"Yes it was, we had a discussion the next day. Of course, their had to be guards standing in between us. He explained how he framed Dash. Indeed, I wasn't happy."

"That's understandable." Fluttershy replied. "I think we should head to the train station."

"Come in whoever is knocking."

The door opens, revealing Twilight and Starlight.

"Let me take it from those expressions on both of your faces that you didn't find Rainbow Dash."

"No we didn't Princess Celestia, I'm unsure if the rest of the girls found her." Starlight said.

"Very well then. I can't really say anything as of now regarding if you've found her or not." Celestia continues. "When you two get back home, send me a letter saying that if you have found Rainbow Dash or not."

Applejack quickly walks in through the door to the meeting lounge.

"Please tell me that one of you found her." She said.

Twilight slowly shook her head. "No, we didn't. We were all waiting for you to see if you found her."

Applejack sighs shakes her head. "Big Mac didn't either."

"Spike take a letter."

Spike takes out a quill and a piece of paper.

"Dear Princess Celestia, we all sadly didn't find Rainbow Dash. From Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"What did you and the Princess talk about?" Pinkie asks.

"It was a very short meeting, she told me to send her a letter regarding if she is still missing or not." Twilight replied.

A couple minutes later, Spike burps and a scroll comes out with the green breath.

Twilight unwraps the scroll with her magic and reads it.

"Dear Princess Twilight and the girls, I am very sorry that your friend is missing. I know the ultimate spot where some ponies go and clear their head when times are tough, and that destination is Trottingham. I'm not sure if Rainbow Dash is there, but it's a start. I hope you all find her soon. Princess Celestia."

"Trottingham? Would you ever think a pony like Rainbow Dash would go there?" Starlight asked.

"Well, it certainly does clear your head when times do get tough." Twilight continues. "When my dad's best friend suddenly passed away a couple years ago, my mom took him to Trottingham. All of the depressed thoughts all went away during his time there, he said that the sights just calm you down."

"Well, don't you think that we should go all the way over there and find her?" Pinkie asked.

"Well, what mah big brother always says, 'we gotta do what we gotta do.' " Applejack said

"Girls, if we don't find her, we're still going to try. We might have to travel to Trottingham or all the way to Japone, we will be going long distances to find our friend!" Twilight gleamed.

The ponies nod.

"So, when are we leaving?" Rarity asked.

"In a couple days, that gives us a day to get ready." Twilight said.

"Um, Twilight, we forgot to ask one pony where she is." Starlight said.

"And, that is?"

"The train ticket sales pony."

Twilight glances at the clock. "The Ponyville international train station closes now! So you gotta be-"

Starlight uses her teleportation spell before Twilight can finish.

She appears a few feet away from the sales pony who was just taking her leave.

The sales mare yelps. "Sorry, you're still too late. Come back tomorrow."

Starlight walks up to her. "Uh no, I'm not looking for a train ticket." She holds out a picture of Rainbow. "I'm looking for her, I'm wondering if you've seen her buy a ticket from here."

"No I haven't, maybe she did. I sometimes don't pay attention to the pony who's buying the ticket. I'm very sorry I couldn't help you, I hope you find your friend!"


Starlight teleports back.

"No, she didn't see her buy a ticket, but she said that sometimes she doesn't pay attention to the pony buying the ticket."

"Well, we are still going. We should all pack and get ready to go in a couple days." Twilight said.

The ponies leave the castle.


"Yes, Spitfire?"

"I would love to come with you guys to Trottingham, but I'm busy with the Wonderbolts."

"It's fine." Twilight said.

"I seriously hope you find her."

"I... I hope so too." Twilight said as Spitfire flew off into the night