//------------------------------// // 3 The Resistance // Story: Equestrian Civil War // by IronCaptain19 //------------------------------// "It won't end like this." The Mayor of Baltimare said. "But there's not much we can do." Melody replied. "Our ponies voted against it and they still are coming? No." The Mayor said. "Well, what will you do?" Melody said to him. "You'll see." The mayor said. Meanwhile, the EPD Act would take effect in two weeks and while the guards were setting up in Baltimare, they were met with resistance. "No EPD! No EPD!" The protesters shouted. One sign read "East Votes Matter." Another reading "The Central shall not decide what's best for the East, the East does" Another sign saying "We said no, and no means no." The protesters also chanted."Who decides what's best for us? Us! Us! Us!" During the protest a temporary stage was set up at the sites where military bases are being constructed. A pony got up on the stage and started adressing the crowds. "We cannot let Canterlot decide what best for the East! WE decide how we run our cities!" The crowds started cheering. "Celestia does not get to dictate what we do with our land! This is our land! Not hers!" She said on the microphone. The crowds cheered and chanted. "No more Celestia! No more Celestia!" Meanwhile the mayor was heading north to Fillydelphia and Manehatten to pickup the mayors of those cities. After he gets the two mayors he fills them in on what's going on. "Not this again... didn't we do this already and got a referendum and now look where we are." The Manehatten Mayor said. "This is different, Celestia needs to know that we denied this and we should have to go through this because Central Equestria said so." The Baltimare Mayors said. "He has a good point, are you sure this will be different this time?" The Fillydelphia Mayor said. "I'm pretty sure but not certain, but it won't hurt for trying." The Baltimare mayor said. The train arrives in Canterlot and at the train station while protests were going on against the EPD. Protesters were denied entry into the castle. "Excuse me sir, we're the mayors of Baltimare, Fillydelphia and Manehatten so can we be let in? We need to speak with Celestia" The Baltimare Mayor said to the guard standing at the door. "No." The guard replied. "Why not? We met her a week ago just fine!" The Mayor said back. "For the safety of the Princess we are not letting in any pony at the time." The gaurd said. "But we just need a quick word! Don't we get to meet our leaders anyway? We're part of her government!" The mayors said. "Ok, let me see what I can do." The gaurd said as he entered the castle. "Deja Vu" The Manehatten Mayor said. "Ok ok, we've done this before but this time it will be different!" The Baltimare Mayor said. "The princess will see you now" The Guard said. "Even more Deja Vu" The Manehatten Mayor said as he entered. The mayors entered the thrown room but something seemed off. More guards were present and Celestia seemed a bit unhappy. "What can I do for you?" Celestia said. "We are here in behalf of the hundred of thousands of ponies of the eastern cities, who opposed the bill yet it still became law." The mayor said. "Ok listen, you are in Equestria and therefor you listen to my rules and my rules only, you cannot complain about everything that you disagree with, and that's that." Celestia said with an annoyed tone. "But your highness we..." He was interrupted. "Enough, it's time to go." Celestia said while signaling the guards. The mayors were escorted outside the castle and left the train station. During the train ride back home the mayors were upset. "Unbelievable! Did she really just say that?" The Baltimare Mayor said angrily. "Your right, who does she think she is to dictate what we can and cannot do." The Fillydelphia Mayor said. "I guess that's it then, we're going to have to deal with this new law." The Manehatten mayor said. "No we won't, it's not over." The Baltimare Mayor said. "How could we stop the law from effecting our land?" The Fillydelphia Mayor said. "Well, there is one way." The Baltimare Mayor said.