//------------------------------// // Crash Landing. // Story: A Tale Lead by Fate. // by TheChosen1 //------------------------------// Two ponies walk along the Tail Trade Road, the main trade road that runs across Equestria and connects to all the major cities. One pony wore simple robes, covering the light blue fur. A horn protruded from uptop having a glow around it showing magic was currently in use. Said magic was used to hold a map out in front of the pony. The pony blew it’s grey and violet striped bangs out of the way. Upon further examination the pony appeared to be female. She turned to her companion. “We should come to the next town within an hour or so.” Next to her stood a stocky earth pony. Across his back was a large hammer. Covering his body was white fur. Uptop his head was a bubble gum pink mane. Upon his flank you can see his cutie mark depicting a hammer similar to the one on his back. “Tessy, you said that an hour ago. Are you sure we are not loss?” “What! Us? Lost? Pft as if, we have the map right here!” She holds the map up to his face. The white stallion looks at the map and begins to laugh. “Tessy, the map is upside down.” Tessy took the map back and looked at it. After a moment her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “Oh. Uh. I was just testing you P-!” The stallion put his hoof up in her face to stop her talking. “And if you call me my old name again I will make sure that map isn’t the only thing upside down, you know to only call me either ‘Him’ or Breaker.” He glared at her before breaking his blank stare with laughter. “Now let's see if you really weren't holding that map upside down” Suddenly a flash of light streaked across the sky and crashed into the forest surrounding the road to their right. Upon hitting the ground a small rumble shook the ground causing wildlife to flee from their homes and scream in fear. Startled Tessy said “What the hay was that!” “I have no clue, but we need to get to town, we can leave it alone and forget it.” “Breaker, we have to check it out! It could have been a pegasus in trouble!” “May I remind you of the last pegasus we helped out? He not only stole half our money but almost seriously injured you in that drop.” Tessy simply stared at the ground kicking a small rock. “But...that was just once...and he would have gotten all our money if I didn’t jump on his back!” “And we spent a quarter of that half to pay for the extra stay at the nice healer's house. So without further or due off we go to Filliesgroove.” Breaker began to walk down the road. Tessy simply stayed put looking into the forest. Breaker stopped and sighed. “Fine we will simply LOOK! If he is seriously injured we will help, but I swear if it is the same guy I am going to show him why my name is Breaker.” “But your name isn’t Breaker it’s- EEP!” Suddenly Tessy was upside down. “Told you” Breaker smiled putting her back down, and they walked off toward where the light crashed. +++++++++ In the woods west of the Tail Trade Road a new feature in the terrain appeared. A large crater caused by a falling bright light. In the crater was a pony. Unconscious to the real world, but still heard a single voice. “Thunder Mark, you have a great destiny given to you. I will guide you best I can, but I am not allowed to play favorites. Good luck.” The voice faded away leaving Thunder a feeling of at ease. His mind was grabbing at every little detail to figure out what was happening to him. “Hey buddy you okay?” A voice called out muffled by an unknown force. Am I okay? I honestly do not know. I think I am? “Breaker he looks horrible, we have to check to see if he is even alive.” A softer more feminine voice said. Last I checked I am alive. Look at me breathe! The pony in the crater coughed and groaned. Okay that did not work well. Come on body work with me. All we need to do is a simple ‘yes’. Another groan a bit louder came out of the pony in the crater. “Breaker I think I heard him say something. Get your big butt down there and check on him!” “Why me?” He looked at the steep incline of the walls the crater had. “Never mind.” Breaker slid down the walls to check on the yellow unconscious body. He looked over the badly injured body. Bruises covered him showing even through his fur. A few cuts still bleeding. And his front left leg looked broken. “Ooo damn kid, you sure did yourself a bad one. Tessy, he is seriously injured. I can get him out, but I do not know with our supplies if we can even treat his broken bone let alone stop his bleeding.” He threw his hammer back up top and picked up the pony. “GurgleGurgleGurgle” The pony said after being lifted. “Easy there buddy, I got you. Stay in slumber land a little while longer.” Breaker began to climb out slowly. Once out of the crater Breaker sat the unconscious pony on the ground. “What do you think Tessy?” Tessy scanned him over with her magic. “I only know very minor healing magic. His leg is definitely broken. His cuts we can bandage easily. The bruises will heal over time. The only problem is infection. If we do not get him to a healer soon his leg will not heal right and the risk of infection in the open wounds increase.” “Well wrap him up best you can. Grab my hammer and I will carry him. I hope to the Two Sisters that the town is close.” Tessy took her top robe off revealing her flank showing off a twisted tree branch and a bloomed violet flower. “Ugh and I loved robe. Hope he has an idea what happened to him. Be nice to catch the pegasus who dropped him.” “Think it was the same guy from a few weeks ago?” Breaker looked into the air above to see if anything was flying overhead. “Perhaps. Okay that should hold him over till we get to town. Lets get out of here” Terry grabbed the hammer with her magic and lead the way out. Breaker picked up their new friend and followed behind. +++++++++