Zapp The Awesome Fear Is Everywhere

by Nightmarity19

Chapter 3 Nightmare

Luna slashed her sword even though Moondancer blocked every attempt but didn't count on Dash coming in the fray and hitting her with a electric push attack that pushed Dancer into 4 walls that landed in the warden's hallway where the warden would walk through. Now it had a huge dent in it thanks to Moondancer.

She struggled to stand but when she did, Luna came out and did palm strikes, body kicks, and punches to stun the self professed fear queen and Dash did a round house kick so hard that Moondancer ended up outside the mental hospital.

Luna stomped on her right hand making it impossible for Moondancer to use the toxin on either Rainbow Dash or Luna just as a way to get an upper hand.

"NO! Your ruining my experiment!" Moondancer shouted as she tried to get up but Dash aggressively kept her down almost twisting her arm.

Police soon arrive and arrested Moondancer so they could place her behind bars. As soon as they left Princess Luna patted Dash on the back.

"Thanks to you Princess but aren't you going to come back to Metropolis with me?" Dash asked.

"No I'm afraid I would have to decline that offer for I have other business to take care of but maybe I'll consider your offer Rainbow" Luna replied walking away.

"Ok" Dash said getting in her car before driving out of New Orleans.

She will go on to do great things Luna had hope for Dash and her friends.

In one squad car Moondancer got out without handcuffs and entered a black Cadillac before it drove away from a murder scene that just took place.

"Thanks for the pickup Kate" Moondancer said feeling grateful about Kate's sudden interference.

"Think nothing of it and don't worry about anyone knowing that your on the run because one of my associates Puppet Master has gladly taken care of it" Kate explained.

"The tall guy wearing a suit and tie that also sports a black top hat?" Moondancer asked, giving a description of what Puppet Master looks like.

Kate nodded.

"So where are we heading?" Moondancer asked looking out the window seeing the city part of New Orleans.

"To my private retreat home in Alaska that is not traceable" Kate replied.

Moondancer smirked and looked down at her mask.

Joining up with Kate and her boss is going to be a game changer Moondancer smirked.

Rainbow drove back to her old apartment in the slums of Metropolis and unlocked the door. She walked around closing the door behind her until she noticed a small note beside a coffee table that had a calligraphy style signature on the front.

Dash opened the envelope and it read:

Dear Rainbow Dash,

I just wanted to apologize for my behavior towards you and maybe I was being selfish. From a state of point it would be better if you would help me once in a while instead of being inside the house and playing video games. Also I got accepted into a college down in Orlando, FL

Your Sister,
Scootaloo Dash

After reading that Dash's mind went through the motions of how to process what Scootaloo just wrote to her. All those times she thought her own adopted sister hated her guts now wishes Dash could just be there for support and just from this letter alone shows what Rainbow can do for Scootaloo in the long run.

A tear came down Dash's cheek.