Is He Really A Savage?

by fluttercordlover232

Chapter 3

Discord ran blindly through the trees. The sound of the police stallions giving chase were hard on his heels. He dove behind a tall rock that he started to run past and hid behind it, holding his breath hoping the stallions wouldn't see or hear him.

He chanced a peak from behind the rock but had to quickly pull back as the sound of thundering hooves became louder. They galloped past where Discord was hiding without a second glance behind them. Discord watched them until they disappeared from out of sight through the far side of the forest.

And they call themselves cops. Discord thought to himself, shaking his head.

Even though they were long gone, Discord still stayed behind his rock. He sat down and leaned against the cold hard surface, he sighed, trying to contemplate the recent events that took place less than an hour ago. As he sat there, he could taste something bitter and metallic in his mouth. A taste that was so familiar and yet so foreign.

He flashed himself to their special lagoon and looked down at his reflection in the clear crystal water. His eyes instantly fell on his fang that stuck out of his mouth, about half of the tooth was stained a bright red. It was exactly as he had feared...blood. But not just any blood...Fluttershy's blood...

He opened his mouth to examine his other teeth, which were all splattered with blood as well. Discord tried to wash it off with the water from the lagoon, but it seemed that no matter how hard or how much he washed his mouth out, the red stains on his white teeth would never fade. Forever reminding him of what he had done...of the beast he had truly become...

A soft rumble of thunder broke the silence of the night sky and a steady rain began to fall. Discord saw his reflection in the lagoon begin to ripple and eventually disappear altogether as the rain fell harder.

Fluttershy was given a ride and was escorted to the Ponyville Hospital by the two police ponies to get stitched up from her wounds. She received a full check up and even an ultrasound to check on the baby, which to the relief of both the staff and Fluttershy, appeared to be unharmed.

Now, hours later, with the storm becoming fiercer by the minute. Fluttershy watched the rain pelt against the window from inside their castle. As each minute ticked by, she became increasingly more worried about Discord. He hadn't come home since the whole "fiasco" at their Secret Garden yet and Fluttershy was feeling sick with worry.

A flash of lightning lit up the night sky, it was followed immediately by a really loud clap of thunder to which Fluttershy shrieked and jumped back in fear. After the thunder subsided, she went back to the window and looked out at the pure black, rain filled sky and sighed.

Oh Discord...Where are you?