//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 Tragedy // Story: Zapp The Awesome Fear Is Everywhere // by Nightmarity19 //------------------------------// Rainbow could feel odd effects on her body start to take effect from the fear toxin she accidentally injected herself with. Damn I feel my whole body getting numb Dash thought almost falling to the ground but manages to stand up long enough to get on an elevator so she can ride further down which is where the signal was the strongest. She pressed the down button; the elevator jerked for a moment then made it's way to a lower level. Once there, doors open to mist covering the floor Dash was standing on. She then walked cautiously through a room until what she saw literally took her breath and engage in a cold sweat. In one room was two doctors standing over a dead body that was covered with a white sheet. Dash entered the room and removed the sheet; she saw her best friend Twilight Sparkle dead. Rainbow almost fell backwards on the wall trying to process what she just saw and rushed outside just to get away from seeing Twilight with a white sheet over her dead body. "It's ok Rainbow it's all in your head" Dash told herself. She could feel her own heart beating very quickly because of the sudden shock that was placed in front of her. She managed to stand up right before walking further down to see all her friends placed in coffins with their names carved on them. This has to be a nightmare Dash thought holding her head trying to keep her wits about her. Footsteps could be heard, coming closer and Dash readied herself for whatever potential danger could be coming out. All of a sudden the coffins opened revealing Dash's friends but their clothes were ripped up and faces completely distorted. "Ya'll left me to die Rainbow Dash!" Applejack said pointing her rotting finger at her. "And now we return from the grave to make you one of us forever" Fluttershy said next. Dash didn't want to use her lightning on her friends and Twilight lunged at her but a spinning roundhouse kick stopped her dead in her tracks. "Who in the...Luna!" Dash announced as she looked up to see Princess Luna standing in front of her. "Thy Dash would require assistance from the one called Luna" Luna said with a smile. Rainbow nodded ad her hands started sparking then she shocked Applejack and Rarity causing them to fizzle into nothing but dust. Odd but whatever works Dash kept doing it, Fluttershy as Luna took down Spike using her long sword. Once all the zombie versions of the Power People were eliminated, Luna looked over at Dash and saw that her eyes were a bright green color meaning that she is effected with the fear toxin she accidentally injected herself. "It would seem that Moondancer has implanted her newest injection known as Fear Toxin" Luna said. "Yea so how long does it last?" Dash asked. "Depends on how much of that toxin Moondancer has placed on you" Luna replied. Dash didn't want to tell her about how she accidentally injected it into her own arm causing her own worst fear to come true which is: Death of her friends. Luna saw what looked like worry and doubt spread across Dash's face. "This fear that all your comrades hinders you from moving forward is it not?" Luna asked with concern. Dash silently nodded and a tear came down on her face but Luna wiped it away. "No need to worry, for this is only a nightmare plagued by the one known as Moondancer" Luna said grabbing her long sword before putting it back in her scabbard. Out of nowhere, the intercom came in with a little feedback but became clear. "Oh Luna you are so persistent in your pursuit of trying to capture me or whatever you decide to do with me. I bid you good luck" Moondancer said before shutting off the intercom. "At least we know what we must do" Luna said walking up and opening the double doors. "Yep we have to eliminate Moondancer and end this whole 'Fear Toxin' mess" Dash said transforming into her super heroine form. As soon as they left the morgue room all of a sudden nightmarish creatures that had police uniforms on being attacking but with the combined might of Princess Luna and Zapp; they were able to dispose of them in the blink of an eye. Both girls fist bumped one another and continued to proceed further so they can fine Moondancer to end this nightmare. "So just a quick question: How did you find me?" Dash asked. "I sensed a disturbance among dreams and nightmares so I saw Twilight go up and try to attack you and I wasn't about to let that happen" Luna explained. Dash felt grateful that Princess Luna was able to sense that she was in danger and offered to help her. They ran into a big room with granite pillars around it which made Dash a little confused but Luna know exactly what Moondancer had in store for them. "We need to find the exit or we'll be in big trouble" Luna said looking around for a way out. "What do you think is coming?" Dash asked. That's when one wall moved to reveal a big creature with a safe for a head wearing an apron and steel toe boots wielding a giant sized meat grinder with sharper spikes on them, making it more dangerous. "Guess we have no choice but to kill this thing" Dash said sparking her hands. Luna nodded, bringing out her long sword ready for a fight. The brute came full force swinging his weapon but Dash slid under it and shocked him so much that he felt to one knee and Luna drove her sword but it didn't connect. The brute swatted her like a fly as Luna landed back first on one pillar breaking through it. "LUNA!" Dash shouted. "Alright you giant son of a bitch your gonna get it!" Dash's eyes turned white with sparks and her hands turned into balls of electricity. She blasted 1000 volts of electricity and not stopping until the brute exploded into a million pieces. "Nobody fucks with Luna and gets away with it!" Dash proclaimed giving the camera her middle finger. "If your listening Moondancer then you can see how I feel about you!" When Luna came too, all she saw was Dash pointing her middle finger to one of Moon's camera. "I see that your enjoying thyself" Luna said crossing her arms raising one eyebrow. Rainbow turned around and chuckled nervously; the exit door they were looking for appeared out of nowhere. "Looks like we found the way out" Luna said. Rainbow ran through it along with Luna and they both ended up in a lab of some sort that housed test subjects in water tubes preserved in suspended animation. Looking around, Luna's hands clenched and turned into fists because Moondancer had all these people as her little Guinea Pigs for testing out her upgraded Fear Toxin. "This is a disgrace to humankind! Moondancer wherever you are come face us like warriors not run and hide as a coward would" Luna said trying to bring out the fear queen. Moondancer walked into her own lab to meet Zapp and Princess Luna who drew her sword. "You both think you can honestly defeat me? Don't make me laugh" Moondancer said. "Oh trust me after we take you down, you'll be laughing through prison bars" Dash proclaimed.