//------------------------------// // A Dash of Romance // Story: While you Dated a Changling // by Midnight Terror //------------------------------// It was a night like no other. The moon was at its highest peak and timber wolves could be heard in the distance. Two ponies had never been more in love. They held each others hoofs, and the feeling that they feel for each other is more powerful than all the alicorn magic in Equestria. The two flew into the starry skies, fearless and brave, knowing that if their wings would ever fail them, they would always have each other to catch them. She had never been so in love and he had never seen any mare so beautiful as her. Rainbow Dash had never felt so alive, and Soarin loved her with all his heart. "You know you don't have to give me that look every time we meet." Rainbow Dash told Soarin, practically rolling her eyes at him. "I can't help it, your just so beautiful that I can't keep me eyes off of you!" Soarin told her. "Oh stop it." Rainbow told him giggling at the end of her sentence, "your embarrassing me." "Your certainly laying on the charm Romeo." Dash told him. "Hey, but it seems to be working isn't it? " ", Soarin said. "What am I going to do with you Soarin?" Rainbow said in a sarcastic voice. "I don't know, love me?" Soarin said, smiling at Rainbow Dash. "That's not what I meant you silly colt." Rainbow said, laughing at Soarin. "You know the best part about being a Wonderbolt?" Soarin asked Dash. "What is it?" Rainbow asked. "Its that in addition to our meet and greets like this one, I get to see you everyday, looking more beautiful than ever!" Soarin replied. "Did something hit you on the head before meeting me here?" Dash asked, laughing so much she began to cry a little. "What a beautiful night right?" Soarin said "Its almost as if Princess Luna herself knew I was gonna take you here tonight. "I guess so." Rainbow replied. The two flew down towards the ground. They laid down in each others hoofs and gazed at the stars in the sky. "Hey Soarin?" Rainbow asked. "Yes my love?" Soarin replied. "I been feeling these strange feelings lately, when I'm around you, I've never felt these feeling before and the feeling is turning into more of a desire to be around you." Dash told him. "Oh, I think I know what it is." Soarin replied, "you see, when two ponies are around each other, and seem to have a strong connection with each other, they get a special feeling that no other two ponies share with each other, a feeling, a bond, a strong love that cannot be broken." Soarin said, giving a warm smile to the mare. "I know what love is silly!" Rainbow said, "I mean, how can you be so sure that we're meant to be, how can you ever be certain that our love is real, and that we'll never break apart?" "Well I don't know, but I do know the mare who can help me figure it out." Soarin said. The two began to fly in the sky once more, smiling at each other. "Shoot, its getting a little late, I should go!" Rainbow told Soarin. "WAIT!" Soarin yelled, "I take you home." "Okay then." Rainbow said, happier than ever to have Soarin taking her home. "Would you care for the last dance my lady?" Soarin asked, hoping she would say yes. "Of course!" Rainbow said, attempting to keep herself from seeming uncool in front of him. "Um, wait!" Dash told him, "Its just that, I can't dance." "Oh I see, then it would be my pleasure to teach you!" Soarin responded. Rainbow tried to keep blushing under control but she couldn't. The Stallion had caught her heart. "Okay watch me." Soarin told Dash, "Just hold on to me okay?" "Okay!" Rainbow Dash said. The two began to dance in the sky, each holding on to each other. Rainbow couldn't keep balance and started to fall. "Gotcha!" Soarin said, "see, nothing to be afraid of, i'll always be there to catch you." They started to fly towards Canterlot. "Soarin?" Rainbow asked. "Yes?" Soarin answered. "When can I see you again?" Rainbow asked. "Maybe in your dreams." Soarin responded. "Very funny...." Dash said to the colt. They had arrived at ponyville's train station. "Looks like we didn't even notice that we passed Canterlot." Rainbow Dash said. "Yeah, but its was worth it because I got to keep both of my eyes on you the whole time." Soarin said. "Your lucky that there aren't any trees in the sky or else you would've hit your head!" Rainbow said. "Your right." Soarin said, blushing more than ever. The two flew back down to the ground and stared at each other. Dash leaned in for a kiss and Soarin followed, but at the touch of his lips, she fainted! Falling to the ground, she was out. Not dead but nearly shocked by the touch of Soarin's kiss. He looked at her and grinned. His eyes flash a color of dark green. He was no Soarin. "All this for the queen, I kinda feel bad for dash, she thought this was real!" Soarin laughed and then flew away. It wasn't till' the next morning that Rainbow Dash woke up!