//------------------------------// // Prolouge // Story: A Tale Lead by Fate. // by TheChosen1 //------------------------------// The stage curtains open up and out walks an old pony. His faded grey mane is cut short to keep out of his eyes, while he peers over the audience over his half moon glasses. Upon his flank is an open book that lets everypony know this is the storyteller. “Good evening fillies and gentlecolts! My name is Mr. Lorekeeper, I will be your storyteller for today, and my do we have a special one! This is a tale about a pony who came from nowhere, had no name, and became the hero. He fought many monsters, made friends, and battle against challenges he never knew were possible.” Mr. Lorekeeper took a moment to look at the awe faces of his audience. “The story begins many moons ago before our dear Princess Luna’s fall to Nightmare Moon where the evil villain known as Discord approaches the two Princesses to discuss his supposed surrender…” The sun sat high in the sky. A wind blows through the grass and trees rustling the leaves together. Two sisters clad in armor landed in front of a mismatched creature. He stood there with his arms behind his back as if he had been waiting for a long while. “Ah! There are my two favorite ponies! I assume you are here for my surrender, yes?” Discord looked between the two sisters waiting to see who speaks first. The eldest Celestia stepped forward “Discord We are quite surprised at such a claim from yourself. We never expected something from you. May you tell us why you would do such a thing?” The younger sister sat still and silent watching between her beloved sister and their foe. “Yes, I suppose a reason is needed. I promise my full surrender in our battle if you allow me to play a game. See, I’ve seen many things with this land, and well its seems lacking in the hero department. You two sisters take care of pretty much everything for your mindless citizens.” Luna looked aghast “THEY ARE NOT MINDLESS YOU MINDLESS CREATURE! Sister we should just strike him now before he gets away! Again!” Celestia held her hoof out. “Wait Luna, we must abide by our laws, if he wishes surrender we must hear him out.” She motioned for Discord to continue. He glared at the blue one, then returning his gaze to the sun princess. “I suppose a challenge! A new pony will appear in this world, and will eventually face me at the end of his journey. How he gets there, what he fights with or even whom is up to fate. As are the when and why. The where however is to be determined when he is ready. The only rules are that you two are not allowed to intervene at all. You may not tell him of this grand quest, nor are you allowed to help him in the final battle.” He held out his paw and a pony with a yellow coat stood stagnant in a small bubble. Luna looked over to her sister waiting for her to respond. Celestia simply stayed quiet waiting for Discord to finish. “I promise you he will be able to kill me so long everything goes correctly in his favor par fate of course. Fate is tricky but hates me since I have a knack for ruining things for him, but that’s a story for another time.” A grin spreads across his face and he holds out his lion paw that held the pony. “So what do you say? Deal or no deal? I have all….forever? Yes I have forever, though I don’t think you two do. Still several evil beings running amok I left here and there for fun. I'm sure our hero here could even slay a few for you.” Celestia looks at the yellow coat and red maned earth pony held out in front of her. She looks over to her sister who once she looks at the elder sister's eyes spoke out “You are not considering this Tia are you? There is an underlying fact we do not know of, he always does this to us!” “Lulu, this is our only chance to finally end Discord! It is a small chance but gives us time to come up with a plan to end Discord should he fail. Please understand the pros outclass the cons by far.” Celestia reach her hoof out and touched the bubble. Upon contact the bubble shined brightly floated up in the air then zoomed away. “Thank you both. Thank you both very much!” Discord started laughing as he faded away into nothing. “Celestia what have we done. I hope that pony is going to be enough” The two sisters flew away back to their castle to wait and hope the hero can help them. Mr. Lorekeeper walked toward the rear of the stage. “And that is all for today, come back tomorrow to hear more. I thank you all for listening and can not wait to see you all again to continue this story!” The curtain closed and the audience dispersed. Locking the door behind him he headed home. Along the way he saw the many faces of the small town he lives in. All so young and innocent of the past. If only the knew half his stories he told were actually true! At the edge of the town his old house stood waiting for him as the night sky shines bright showing him the door. Mr. Lorekeeper closes the dark wooden door and turned on his lights. Lighting the fireplace he sat down in his rocking chair and smiled at the memories of his friends and adventures. He looked above the mantle at picture of himself and his five other friends. One of which had a yellow coat and a red mane. “Well friends, I might be old, but damn it I will make sure our legacy lives, and I swear Magus I still remember you owe me 10 bits!”