//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 - Blindisms // Story: Therapy With Doodle Noodle // by Yosh-E-O //------------------------------// “…Yeah,” said Spike. “I was surprised when I burped up a letter from Princess Luna asking me to go with you to meet some pony named Doodle Noodle.” “Have you ever heard of her?” asked Yosh while using a hollow, staff-like rod to feel at the roads of Canterlot. “Nope!” replied Spike while he tugged at his friend’s left arm to keep him from running into an oncoming Pony. “I mean, uh…” “It’s okay, Spike,” sighed Yosh. “As I learned from my dreams, you are only trying to help.” “I just couldn’t imagine what it must be like not being able to see,” the purple dragon remarked. “You and I were both taught by Princess Celestia how to read and write. However, that was all with our eyes and claws.” “snowdrop…,” said Yosh with a sigh. “I mean, Princess Luna has been teaching me this other way of writing called ‘Braille’. She helped Snowdrop learn it by calling all the bumps made, ‘Twinkles’.” “’Twinkles’?” wondered Spike. “Yeah,” continued the green-and-white, dragon-duckling. “Each letter has a different number of ‘Twinkles’ that, sometimes, make themselves feel like you are touching ‘Star Formations’. So it didn’t confuse other ponies when Snowdrop would write with it, they gave it a name that sounded different, but memorable. This is why it is called ‘Braille’.” “And you learned about that snowy, star-like pendant you found in your pocket?” asked Spike. “Yeah,” Yosh grinned while pulling it out from under his shirt. “Watch this!” PFEW! “Best buddy, Spike,” a female voice said from within the snow-like jewel after appearing to have taken a picture of the green-eyed dragon. “Whoa!” awed Spike. “What is that thing?” Yosh tucked the pendant back into his shirt. “Princess Luna was working on this with snowdrop before they were, uh, separated…,” trailed Yosh. “Luna gave it to me to help see if it could aid me where she had intended it to assist Snowdrop in ‘Seeing the world in a different way’.” “What happened to Snowdrop and Princess Luna?” asked Spike. Yosh sighed. “I think the whole ‘Nightmare Moon’ situation,” the dragon-duckling replied. “I honestly haven’t started to wonder about such things until Princess Luna revealed herself last night to tell me she had been playing the role of snowdrop and felt I needed to see this Doodle Noodle.” “Hmm,” pondered Spike. “Perhaps I could have Twi research ‘Snowdrop’?” “Per-“ Yosh stammered as he slipped into a pothole and only kept his footing thanks to Spike’s hold on his left arm coupled with gently using his metal rod as a brace. “-haps!” “Are you okay?” panicked Spike while taking a firmer hold of Yosh. “fine…,” he sighed. “Sorry about that.” “Nothing to be sorry for,” commented Spike. “It’s not like you can see the potholes in the road.” Yosh sighed while lowering his head. “Oh!” the green-bellied, purple dragon announced. “I think we’re here!” Yosh couldn’t see anything, but Spike did notice a sign beside a house that read, “Doodle Noodle’s House of Healing”. “Whoa!” cried Yosh while Spike eagerly swung around to guide them towards the building. “Oops!” blushed Spike. “I keep forgetting to tell you when I’m making a sudden move.” Yosh groaned. “That’s alright,” he said. “I’m just glad you don’t mind helping me.” “Not at all!” proclaimed Twilight Sparkle’s ‘Number One Assistant’. “Now let’s see what this Doodle Noodle is all about!”