The Spike Poem Anthology II

by Zephyr Spark

Preface to Zephyr Spark

I wish I knew what you looked like as you wrote your poem to me
Your face, your voice, your body hunched over a desk

I wish I knew where you are at this very moment
So I could burst through the door and embrace you like a brother

I wish I knew why you idolize me so much
Making me a king in your world.

I wish I knew when our paths will cross again
Or if they ever will.

I wish I knew who you are, Zephyr Spark.
And I hope that in writing more poems

I might breach the boundaries separating us once more
And thank you for everything you said to me.

I hope that in writing once more
Letting the words tumble from my heart unto the page

I hope that you will speak to me again.