Princess Trixie

by StarfallGlimmer

Prologue - The Castle

The full moon shone down on two invisible mares sneaking towards the Princess of Friendship's castle.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" The pink mare with blue streaks in her mane asked.

"Never surerer, Glim Glim!" Replied the blue showmare. "The great and POWERFUL Trixie has been waiting for this day a long time, Starlight. Trixie can finally mess with Twilight with her and Starlight's magical prowess! Trixie cannot wait!"

"Well, if you're ready, then I am too." Said Starlight. "I hope."

The two mares quietly sneaked up to get a better view of the castle.

"It's amazing!" Starlight commented. "I wish I could live in such a place though it is out of place with the rest of ponyville. This belongs in Canterlot but I don't believe Twilight would like to live in Canterlot."

"Are you done yet?" An annoyed Trixie asked.

"Quite so." Starlight replied.

Trixie sighed. "All Trixie and her companion need to do is to just get to the castle; not ramble about how 'amazing' this castle is."

"Fine. That's reasonable." Starlight said with a roll of her eyes.

The two mares trotted up to the door and opened it a very little crack, enough to squeeze through. Starlight Glimmer went first followed by Trixie. Trixie used her magic to close the door behind them.

Starlight was the first to speak, "Okay. All we have to do now is get to the throne room without anypony noticing us."

Trixie replied in a loud whisper, "That will be easy thanks to the great and powerful Trixie's invisibility spell!"

"Not if you don't keep quiet!" Starlight Glimmer said in an annoyed tone. "Also it was both you and me who cast that spell not just--"

"Who's there?!"

The two mares quickly turned to find a rather flustered Spike. Thinking fast, Starlight's horn glowed and she teleported both Trixie and herself to the throne room.

"Why didn't you do that in the first place?" Trixie asked after regaining her footing.

"Because you didn't ask me to." Starlight said with a smirk.

"Oh, that's how it's gonna be?" Trixie said, "Well why don't you just--"

"Let's just get along with doing the spells."


The two mares trotted along the floor until they were on opposite ends of the map. Then, Stalight Glimmer took two spell parchments from her saddle-bags and she explained what each one was for. "This spell is for going back in Time and this one is for keeping us in the place we teleport to."

"Now why do we need to be kept in the place we're teleporting to?" Trixie asked.

"To Make sure that Twilight can't come to mess everything up." Starlight explained, "You see, if it does allow travel back then it allows travel to where we're going from past, present, and future. We don't want that so we cast this spell."

"But... what if we need to come back?" Trixie asked again.

"We won't. Oh, and another thing." Starlight said. "There will be three portals we will see. The first will be getting us there, the second when Twilight follows us there, and the last to bring all four of us to the new present. So that's what the last one is for; to keep Twilight from coming back. I mean it was your idea."

Trixie sighed. "Alrighty then. The great and powerful Trixie is ready for this!" Trixie said as she rubbed her hooves together.

Starlight shifted on her hooves with a look on face that was almost regret, "Lets cast this one first." She said.

The two mares concentrated and closed their eyes as they each let out a bolt from their horn. The bolts combined as they made their way above the map into a large glowing sphere to the map. The map glowed and life flowed into it.

"Now for the second spell! Let's do this!" Starlight was getting excited.

Trixie stood back as Starlight blasted the spell parchment and a portal opened up above the map. Both mares manes were pulled toward the portal. Then, the door to the throne for burst open with a rather frightend Twilight and Spike standing where the door was.

"What in Tartarus is going on in here?" Twilight asked. Then her gaze looked onto Starlight Glimmer and her eyes widened even more.

"Hello 'Princess' Twilight. The great and POWERFUL Trixie along with her companion, Starlight Glimmer is now going to show you what this spell is for." Trixie said with a smirk.

"I don't think we'll be needing that anymore." Starlight said as she crumpled up the spell parchment and threw it towards Twilight. "Come, Trixie, we don't have much time."

Trixie gave one last smirk at Twilight then turned and jumped in the portal followed by Starlight Glimmer. After they two mares had left, the portal closed back up again leaving the unicorn and the dragon by themselves.

Back at the castle, Twilight and Spike were aghast at what they saw. Spike, being the most curious of the two, walked toward the spell parchment and reached out a claw to grab it. "I wonder what this is."

"Spike don't touch it! Touching it may cause it to--" But it was already too late. The portal opened up again over the map and both the unicorn and the dragon were pulled to the portal. Twilight tried desperately to fly away from the portal but to no avail.

Twilight and Spike were consumed by the portal and the throne room was left empty.