//------------------------------// // The Bat of Gotham // Story: Lego World Adventures // by markzilla6895 //------------------------------// Knuckles and Applejack disembarked from the boat Applejack built to take them to Gotham City. Knuckles had faintly sensed the presence of a Chaos Emerald and many of the Master Emerald shards in that area. As they were now in the dark city, he could feel the presence was even stronger. "They're definitely here, and gathered as well," he reported to his companion. "That still leaves the problem of searchin' this huge city for 'em." The two walked through the streets of Gotham, ignoring the looks they were getting from pedestrians. "Is it me, or does something seem... off about this city?" Applejack questioned Knuckles who had suddenly stopped. "What's the hold-up?" "They're in there..." the red echidna stated, standing in front of a large light blue building. It was fancy-looking and had the large sign reading "Iceberg Lounge" above the front doors. "I doubt we'll be able to get in though," Applejack stated. "This looks like of them high and fancy gathering places." "Well, they have MY property in there," Knuckles retorted as he stomped his way to the entrance, only to be blocked by an intimidating minifig. "VIPs only," the man said in a gruff voice. Knuckles responded by punching the man in the gut, causing him to fall onto his back. Applejack then followed him into the Iceberg Lounge. Inside, there were numerous wealthy people sitting at tables conversing with each other. At the back of the room was the highest positioned table, where the club's owner was apparently sitting. He wore a large top hat, an expensive-looking fur coat and was holding a black umbrella. The most disturbing part of him was that all his teeth were extremely sharp. Knuckles angrily marched toward the man as he saw him looking over several green gem shards on the table. "Hey!" The Guardian of Angel Island called out. "Give those shards back!" "Wak-wak-wak-wak!" The man laughed in a squawking tone. "You gotta lot of guts barging in here making demands!" He leaped off his chair, revealing he was short in height. "Not many try to." He laughed again. "Especially from a weirdo like you!" "Look who's talkin'," Applejack muttered. "Those Emerald shards belong to me," Knuckles insisted. "Too bad, shrimp! Finders, keepers!" He pointed his umbrella threateningly at his chest. Knuckles responded by grabbing it and snapping it in half. "Wak?! How did you...?!" Knuckles casually tossed the umbrella remains away. "Now are you going to give me those Emerald shards or not?" "Bane!" The villain shouted at one of his bodyguards. "Show this oaf why it's a foolish idea to mess with the Penguin!" "'The Penguin?'" Applejack snickered, as a hulking man approached Knuckles. He wore a wrestling mask that hid his face, a brown jacket and numerous tubes flowing into the back of his head. The tubes were filled with a flowing green liquid. "I suggest you leave if you know what is good for you," Bane said in a Hispanic accent. "I don't think so," Knuckles prepared to fight the big fig while Applejack looked at the Penguin's other two "guests." They wore identical kimonos and kabuki masks. Tossing off the outfits, they were revealed to be wearing red leotards and in place of fingers were three very sharp claws on each hand. "Whoa, nellie..." Applejack straightened her hat as she dodged the Kabuki Twins' repeated swipes while Knuckles exchanged blows with Bane. One of the Twins' claws swiped at her shirt, tearing it slightly. "Aw, and that was one of mah favorites!" She looked at them with anger. "You gone and done it now," she charged at the Kabuki Twins, taking them by surprise and allowing her to get in a few hits. However, they soon regained their footing and put her back on the defensive. Meanwhile, Knuckles ducked between Bane's legs to avoid the large fists smashing his head in. "Give up!" Bane shouted. "I am stronger than you! Smarter than you! I broke the Bat!" "That may be so, but..." Knuckles did a spiral uppercut onto Bane's back, breaking his backbone. "I'm not the Bat!" Bane collapsed painfully, giving Knuckles the opportunity to disconnect the tubes from his head. Bane shouted in agony as his muscles began decrease in a horrifying manner. Eventually, the once muscular Bane was now a shriveled minfig breathing heavily. Knuckles sighed in relief as he ran to help Applejack. Before the fight could resume, a large black shape crashed through the Iceberg Lounge's ceiling window. "No! Not now!" The Penguin grasped his head in frustration, before trying to run out of the room. The black shape knocked him out before he could reach the stairs however. "Looks like you're..." the shape looked up to show the grinning face of a man in a bat costume. "...on ice!" Knuckles and Applejack groaned at the horrible pun before taking advantage of the Kabuki Twins' confusion to knock them out. Knuckles quickly grabbed the Master Emerald shards from the table. "Looks like they're all here..." he said to himself after counting them. "But what about the Chaos Emerald..." He closed his eyes to try to sense for it. "Weird... My senses are saying that it's... coming from beneath us?" Several columns of mud suddenly burst out from the floor. The club patrons began to flee for the exit as the mud began to come together and form into a giant humanoid shape made out of brown Lego bricks. "Uh-oh..." Knuckles' eyes shrunk in horror as the mud formed a grinning visage. "Hello, Batman!" The being shouted in a booming voice, that suspiciously sounded like a woman was trying emulate a male voice. "What do you want, Clayface?" Batman drew out a Batarang in defense. "More of those shinies!" He roared, pointing a muddy finger at the Master Emerald shards Knuckles was carrying. Clayface turned his right hand into a large mallet and smashed it down on Knuckles, who managed to leap out of the way. "Okay, Batguy," Applejack panted as they dodged another blow. "How do we beat this guy?" "With some form of water," Batman replied as his tossed Batarangs got absorbed into Clayface's body. "Either regular water or ice blasts." Applejack looked around and suddenly noticed the large aquarium on the other side of the room. "Hey, Knux!" She called out. "Think ya could give me a boost over there!" She pointed at the large fish tank. Realizing what she was planning, Knuckles grabbed her and threw her as hard as he could at it. Applejack held out her fists and hit the tank's glass with all her might, causing it to crack. Clayface had pinned down Batman with his left hand. "Next... I WILL BECOME YOU, BATMAN!!!!" Clayface shouted as the tank was on the verge of shattering. He turned around too late to see the large wave of water heading towards him. He gurgled as the water washed away his muddy form, leaving only a white gem. "The Chaos Emerald!" Knuckles picked it up and held it protectively. Applejack spat some water out of her mouth while the Dark Knight stood up. She then offered Knuckles her backpack to put the gems inside. "Nice work, you two," Batman said, brushing the mud off his suit. "Well, it ain't every day you take down a giant mud monster," Applejack took off her hat and shook it several times to make sure it was clean. Her communicator then beeped. Answering it, she saw Sunset Shimmer's somewhat worried face. "Did you find a Chaos Emerald yet?" Sunset asked. "Eeyup! Along with all the Master Emerald pieces!" "Good, we need you guys back at the Mystic Ruins ASAP. I'll explain when you get here." Sunset then hung up. "Hey, Batman, you mind giving us a ride to the Mystic Ruins?" She rubbed her head sheepishly. Batman groaned for a long moment. "Fine." He lead them out to the back where a large black car/tank hybrid was waiting. "Just get into the Batmobile's passenger seat," the masked vigilante grumbled. The two looked at each other before climbing in. Batman then leaped into the driver's seat, causing Knuckles and Applejack to be cramped up in the cockpit obviously meant for one. Batman pulled a lever, causing the Batmobile to change into a plane. "Where're the seat belts?" Applejack said in a muffled voice. "First life lesson from Batman is... LIFE DOESN'T GIVE YOU SEAT BELTS!" The Batwing began to fly towards Canterlot City while Knuckles and Applejack shifted uncomfortably. "You still could've built this with more than one person in mind," Knuckles growled. The Batwing then stopped at Tails' Workshop, and the two were soon booted out. "Well, that was worse than I thought," Applejack sighed as the Batwing took off. "You made it!" Sunset Shimmer hugged them. "I already told the others about the situation." "What situation?" Applejack asked. "Fluttershy's been kidnapped!" Pinkie Pie cried out. "Oh, and this guy's pixie friend." She pointed to Peter Pan. "Well, I got all the Master Emerald shards, so I'm heading back to my island to restore it," the red echidna leaped up and began to head to the fallen Angel Island, his spines using the wind to glide across the water. "...that was random even by my standards," Pinkie stated as soon as he was out of their sights. "Well, we're still waiting for Tails and Twilight before we go on a rescue mission..." Sunset began. "Once they arrive, we can begin planning-" She was suddenly interrupted by the ground shaking violently. "Was that the island rising?" Rarity trembled as the quake increased. "No, it's that!" Sonic pointed towards the jungle. The group's eyes went wide at what they saw. Rising out of the jungle was a giant airship that had the symbol of a familiar face. "Eggman!" Rainbow Dash cracked her knuckles, itching for a fight. "That must be his plan to conquer the world," Sonic gazed in awe at the flying warship. "We need to get on that now," Sunset stated firmly. "I just hope Tails and Twilight are almost done so they can join us..."