A Shadowed Past

by King Sombra Returns

Authors note #1

So a little explanation to how things are going on as far as the formatting goes is there are four chapters to kinda explain what is going on with the 'villain' at the time. And yes there will be time skips. This chapter was Sombra's naturally, and since he is kinda 'dead' at the moment I did a chapter on what Luna's reaction was and kinda show a little bit of the Charector like in the first chapter. So the way this is going to line up is What the villains are doing now/Luna's reaction and then a little peak on what it was like in the past by their perspective. After I have done all the 'Villians' I will go into the story line which will take place a thousand years ago. ( Or the villains story) Remeber this is an AU and will not in anyway be a headcannon. This was just a fun Idea I had. :) So here is a little list to help you cause I can be really confusing at times

The Villians Impact on Luna/ What they are doing

A flashback of the 'villian' in the past

( After all the first two steps are completed for all four main cherectors)

The Story line: ( The villains in the past fully)