Cause and Effect

by MoondustIsPoison

First Contact

2025, January 17, 9 years ago.

The news was flooded, on all channels worldwide, a massive thing appeared in the Atlantic, we had no idea what it was so we went to investigate it turned out to be a massive dome made of some unknown energy, conspiracy theorists went nuts and the world waited in anticipation, their arsenals at the ready, just in case some shit hit the fan.

Fast forward 2 days, a hole in the dome opens, and something emerges, completely unorthodox. Helicopters are sent in to check it out, it turns out to be some kind of alien being, bipedal, roughly humanoid, most peculiarly was it's equine features, horse like legs, a short snout, pointy horse like ears and large eyes, 5 fingers per hand, and a single spiral horn on it's head, it was riding a carridge pulled by 2 of it's species with wings rather than horns. It took some time to guide it in but it eventually came to rest on the flight deck of the newly deployed USS Enterprise. The creature identified itself and it's species, Fluffy Clouds, and Ponies respectively. She stated that her species came in peace from another dimension and that they meant no harm, at first we we're skeptical but eventually allowed a limited number of them passage, some odd 20 maximum.

Fast forward again another 3 days, we meet their leaders and their respective entourages of guards, interpreters, and diplomats. They identify themselves as Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Twilight, and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, who went by Cadence. Soon peace talks and delegations started up, the news still going nuts over the discovery. Eventually the newcomers were allowed to enter our world, the barrier dropped, revealing a very strange and small island, a few thousand square miles at most, it had several small structures on it, barely visible from the ocean. Within days tourists flood both worlds and reports go even crazier over the revelations.

Fast forward again 3 years, the first widely commercially magic technology hybrid devices are born from a company by the name of vallhalla electronics, soon more follow, many things are changing, but many remain the same, there is a brief renaissance, both worlds solve each other's problems and everything seems well.

Another 2 years pass and something changes, out of nowhere, Princess Twilight outright puts down our species and calls us violent and self destructive, and then goes on to say that we are unfit to live on this planet as we are, that we must be transformed into ponies and taught the ways of friendship and harmony. 2 months later, places called conversion bureaus open their doors and begin changing humans into ponies and brain washing them. Humans resist the constant nagging by the ponies and begin to speak their minds by vandalizing and robbing the facilities.

1.5 years later. Attacks are staged in several massive cities around the world, Washington DC, Moscow, Berlin, Paris, and several others are invaded, walls get erected and those unfortunate enough to be in cities or the surrounding areas are transformed into ponies via a weird bluish purple substance. War is declared and starts mere hours later, the barrier closed once more, and began to slowly expand transforming anything caught in it to their equestrian counterparts and either outright killing humans or transforming then as it slowly trudged on, stopping intermittently to deliver troops or a message, the first words Celestia said once the barrier closed were these, "STAND DOWN, YOUR FATE IS SEALED, DO NOT RESIST, YOU WILL BE SAVED BY THE BUREAUS OR MY MERCY, SHOULD YOU FIGHT,WE WILL NOT HESITATE TO KILL, THIS IS YOUR ONLY WARNING.

Another 3 years and we are in the present 2034, the barrier is visible from the east coast now and many countries have edited their laws concerning weapons so that their citizens can form militias against the invaders, gun trafficking is legal and people are paranoid 24/7 about the ponies appearing from nowhere to convert them, the bureaus still operate somehow, not in the open like they used to but in secret locations, anyone who calls them and requests their services is taken in their sleep& transformed, brain washed, and either shipped to equestria, or put back in their homes in hopes of convincing others. Of course there are traitors on both sides, ponies that disagreed with celestia fought alongside the humans, humans who agreed with her got converted or became something akin to religious extremists, praising celestia and forcibly converting people in back alleys and abandoned warehouses. I, Daron was a programmer and hobbyist gun collector/engineer/blacksmith, from Colorado, now I'm a loner off shoot of the Mile High Militia, I would take a contract, snipe the bastard, get paid, smoke some weed and repeat, I still would work with computers, more of a side job now. Damn these fuckers are persistent.