//------------------------------// // Duel 11: Breaking the News // Story: Yu-Gi-Oh! Friendship is Dueling 7: The Malefic Menace // by Bahamut0 //------------------------------// Ace looked at his phone, and saw that he had a new text. Ace opened it up, and sighed. "Ice?" "Yeah?" "We gotta tell Shadow about Starlight. NOW." "She took it too far didn't she?", Ice asked. "Maybe we should've seen this coming. Do you think he'll be able to take it well?" "Ice. He just met Starlight a few days ago. I don't think he's going to believe us. Much less take it in a calm manner." Ace then sighed. "But there's no use in putting this off." Ace and Ice headed off to Shadow's room. "Shadow? We gotta talk about that duelist who's been hunting legendary dragons." "What about them? Are we going to track them down and duel them?!" "No Shadow. We now know who the duelist is.", Ace said with a frown. "Really? Who is it?" "Shadow....", Ice began. "It's Starlight." Shadow had a puzzled look on his face. "What? C'mon! There's no way she'd do something like that!" "Shadow, it's true.", Ace said. "We've freed legendary dragons she captured. They saw her hunt for legendary dragons, they know what she looks like! You've gotta face the facts!" "You're lying!", Shadow protested. "Shadow, just listen! What do you need to believe us? Starlight taking Dragluon from you and turning him into a malefic monster? Hearing his pained cries knowing you did nothing to try and save him?!", Ice argued. Shadow was silent, and Ice sighed. "Look bro. I KNOW you like her. No matter how hard you tried to hide it. Which brings us to the main reason we're here. You're going to have to face her about this. And when you do, it's all on your shoulders. If nothing else, TRY to convince her to stop. And whatever choice she makes, we'll deal with it as best we can." "Why me?", Shadow asked. "Just when I find a girl it blows up in my face." "Maybe not Shadow.", Ace said. "Not if you can convince Starlight. But you're gonna have to do this tomorrow. And it's gotta come from you, and you alone." Shadow sighed. "Worst day of my life..." Shadow went to bed that night with a troubled mind. 'Why couldn't I have just told Starlight sooner? WHY?' Shadow closed his eyes. Hoping to sleep today off like a bad dream.