The Bridge: Building Bridges

by Tarbtano

The Tease: Anguirus - Ki Seong

The day prior to Chapter 30

Fits of laughter coursed out of the quiet evening passing over Ponyville. Celestia’s sun was setting whilst her sister's moon was on the rise, casting a brief, spectacular sight above the town that two souls were keen to enjoy along with each other’s company. It was the day before Anguirus was to meet back up with the other kaiju at Canterlot and he was spending his free time where he usually did. A specific restaurant with specific company.

Ki Seong, still snickering and glad she used her magic to pour some tea instead of holding the kettle by hoof, lest she wear it on her coat, did so for “Quill Coat’s” cup before continuing her story.

“And the blizzards back at my grandparents’ cabin in the mountains! Nimiral, the snow piles!”

“Quill Coat”, as Anguirus had been calling himself for the past few weeks, cocked a joking eyebrow. Might not have known quite what she just said, but he knew an expletive when he heard one being used as an exclamation point.

“That bad, huh?”

Seong snorted, sporting a smile ear to ear while waving a hoof above herself in a reaching motion to indicate height.

“Let me put it like this. We went sledding for an hour and came back. Took us three hours to figure out which snow hill was the cabin!”

Anguirus nearly spat his drink, quickly covering his mouth and whacking himself in the chest to keep the tea he was trying to quickly gulp down from going down the wrong pipe. Seong, having the sense to not be trying to drink and speak at the same time, leaned over from her seat at the booth and helped steady her companion. Anguirus managed to keep himself together, clearing his throat and cracking a large smile whilst Seong giggled.

“Carrea sounds like quite a place. Guess the weather pegasi do a good job around here.”

He took a moment to study her face as Seong snickered and nodded. Physical attraction wasn’t so much a factor in why he liked looking at her. Truth be told he wasn’t even quite sure if he was made with that sort of thought process in mind but logic would dictate it be more based off the reptilian given his base was a Tarchia. Still there was a quality to her expression he enjoyed, like how one would enjoy a night sunset or a piece of art. In this case it was how expressive Seong’s face was when she emoted. Either by merit of her build or her just not holding much back, he always could get a read of what was going through her head in times like this. And seeing her happy, sharing a laugh and company, and expressing such was quickly climbing the ranks of things Anguirus liked seeing the most. It helped that such emotions on her were infectious.

Seong finished her laugh, huffing a bit to get her breath.

-Alrighty, time to cast the line and see if I get a bite of truth out of you, Angy.-

Nudging a lock of mane out of her face, the kirin lightly tapped Anguirus with her tail while leaning closer to him.

“It was home after all. What was yours like? The… South Frontier, right? I’ve been to the coasts but never there before."

Anguirus’ reaction was rapid enough he didn’t notice the mildly sad mannerism given off by Seong’s flattening ears, having flinched up too quickly to notice. Seong opted to try and backpedal, putting her hooves up and motioning towards “Quill Coat”.

“Sorry! I was just curious seeing as you freeze up when I ask, like a scared bunny… Kinda like you’re doing now. Didn’t mean to hit a nerve.”

Anguirus wasn’t petrified in fear like Seong worried he was, rather he was mentally stalling out trying to find a way to articulate a lie and still sound unassuming. Needless to say, deceptive speaking wasn’t something King Manju had in mind in his design. The temptation to not even try was growing like a greedy flame.

-Come on Anguirus, admit it already. You like this one, and more than how Rodan likes every pony he sees. The kindly manner, hours of stories, nice smell, not a gripe in sight. So just open up already! Lots of these folks like Rodan well enough and the Element Bearers took no issue. Daiei, Junior had one crushing on him!.... Just like-

His lips pursed and puzzled, pushing against each other while mulling over his options uneasily. He could practically feel a rock in his stomach where the tea had gone. The stallion averted his eyes from Seong even as he felt the kirin curl her tail around him to try and offer some comfort for what she mistook for terror.

-Just.. like I am here with Seong… No, not yet. Might be in this world another month, might be in it for years. Whatever is going on, you’re going to both enjoy it while it lasts and not rush it. First thing in a long while to go right for you and you’re not spoiling it. Got another 30,000 years before destiny calls, you’re in no rush… Now, what can-

“Qu-...Quilly, are you okay?”

Seong whispered, having to force herself not to speak his true name. Anguirus glanced over at the kirin and was almost taken aback by how close she was to him now, leaning closer after having moved towards him some while her tail hooked itself around his midsection. Seong tilted her head, letting the beads in her draping bangs click against each other. While she did think he was more afraid than he actually was, the discomfort was clear and it spread a cold feeling from her chest as a frown invaded her muzzle.

-And here I was hoping you’d finally tell me about Terra... I know what you are, recognized you from the sketches Gentle Leaf scribbled out for me. Why won’t you just say so?-

Seong nudged the motionless stallion gently. Anguirus shrugged and nudged back with his shoulder, letting his tail overlay her’s while a small, sweet smile grew across his face.

-Slow burn Anguirus, slow burn.-

“Sorry, I just got lots going through my head. Pretty rare for me. Not best for company so my apologies.”

-Yep, back into your proverbial shell. It’ll be okay Seong, he’ll speak up when he feels up to it. Wonder why the tight lips though.-

“No no, it’s alright really! I didn’t mean to prod, rude hostess material on my part! Ehehe.”

The setting sun cast its fading beams across the horizon, catching both Anguirus and Ki Seong in its last rays before Luna’s softer, silver light took over the sky. Anguirus and Seong both frowned, knowing what it meant as they rose to their hooves.

“Well, let me have this ‘sorry’ then. Gotta head back or Mrs. Smith is going to chew my ear off.”

“Impressive feat for her, could have sworn she had falsies.”



Anguirus and Seong slowly glanced over at each other out of the corners of their eyes. After a few more moments of straining they failed to keep their composure.



Letting a laugh take them both, Anguirus let himself again survey the kirin’s features as she laughed. Exactly what he concluded was hard to sum up in words, but the answer was simple enough. Between the sight and the sound, he really loved her laughing. The sentiments were evidently mutual as when the laughter died down between them, Seong shifted closer and let her nose gently brush up and down against Anguirus’ brow in a soft nuzzle. If one looked behind them, they’d see her tail slowly swaying back and forth like it was wagging. She’d done this as of six visits in and the kaiju concluded he enjoyed it plenty too. But rather than return the motion, another idea crossed the Guardian Beast’s mind.

-Yep, she’s worth it. Here goes nothing.-

Recalling Miss Rarity’s advice and repeating the motions action by action; Anguirus lifted Seong’s left front limb, held the appendage up, and brought his lips to just above the wrist. The unicorn’s instruction on etiquette or not, he still wasn’t going to kiss what one walked on so he could only hope this was a good substitute. The kirin’s briefly wide eyed expression melted into a pleasant, beaming smile, telling him it was so. Anguirus chuckled.

“Thanks for the food, story, and company Miss Ki. I’ll be back after a quick trip to Canterlot I gotta get done with my cousin.”

Anguirus shifted to motion and began to pace after the faded sunset to get across town and back to Sweet Apple Acres. Nodding his head, the stallion glanced and threw his voice back.

“When I get back, I’ll tell you all about the, Frontier. Trust it won’t scare you now.”

“C-Can’t wait for it! See you later!”

Seong beamed, waving to bid him goodbye. When he was finally out of sight, the typically very composed kirin reached to her side and frantically slammed the door shut behind her. Bracing against the red painted wood, Seong huffed and patted her torso just above where her pounding heart was.

-T-TRUST IT WON’T SCARE ME?! What kind of hop'ung does that mean?! S-So all this time he’s been lying was because he- he didn’t want to scare me off because he… he!-

Seong looked at her shaking hoof, eyes staring at the spot “Quill Coat” kissed. Her expression widened with her expanding eyes.

“He’s been shy…DaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAW!”

The kirin squealed, jumping up and practically prancing up and down in place like an excited filly. Leaping over to a window, she caught a glimpse of Anguirus’ fleeting form crossing the bridge out of town and towards the orchards. A toothy grin peeked across her face. She knew this was a good soul before she met him. Rescuing her niece, Gentle Leaf in such a way one would swear the gleeful silly had been saved by Supermare. And the good company, the willingness to always listen; rushing to her “rescue” when that horde of kaiju babies ran amok; Seong was definitely very fond of the “good stallion”. And maybe, she’d find herself liking the honest kaiju even more.