//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 - Friendship // Story: Many forms to a man // by PhonicNoteStudio //------------------------------// That was the day when I met somebody, or pony, who would end up being a close friend and confidant through my time here. Thankfully she happened to be very adept with healing potions and ointments. They came in very helpful after slamming into that tree, which happened to be her house. It had decorative masks that I assumed were tribal or ceremonial, and branch-frame windows built into the sides of the tree. All-in-all, I liked it. It really made me feel at home, aside from everything else. I was always more comfortable when in forests or surrounded by deep greens and browns. Judging by her appearance, I assumed she was a species from my own world and when I asked, she confirmed my assumptions. She was a zebra, and she told me her name was Zecora. A while of sitting and getting my strength back gave me some time to think about everything that had just happened. I was nothing but confused and trying to come to terms with it all. Where was I? How exactly did that flash of light end up bringing me here? Wherever here is... “I am sorry to hear about your situation. If you have any queries, then I shall give no more cunctation.” I gave her a strange look. I've never heard someone talk quite like her, which consisted always of rhymes and rhythms. It was beautiful to listen to, but also confusing with the way she said things sometimes. “Alright, well... if I may ask some questions,” I started, “Where exactly am I?” She gave me a surprised look, as if I should've already known that. “This is the land of Equestria. A land of ponies and many others, ruled by Celestia.” She said, yet again in rhyme. “What other species live in 'Equestria'?” I asked quickly after she finished. I wasn't sure how long I was gonna be there for, so I tried to get as much knowledge as I could about where I was before I moved on. “You said 'many others', so I'm curious.” She poured another cup of tea, which we had been enjoying during my time of talking with her. It was very good, even though I'm not really much of a tea person. “Many a number, and some to fear. Though not if you keep your eyes to the rear.” She spoke, with a cautionary tone to her voice. This caught my attention right away and I called her out on it. I proceeded with a worried tone, “Um, what... creatures would I need to watch out for?” My voice was a tad shaky. Seeing as this was a new place, and possibly a whole new world, I wanted to make sure that I knew about any potentially deadly animals. “There are those which their name not be spoken, and meeting them are far from a token.” She said, just as a howl sounded in the distance. The timing... It was impressive; and it sent a chill through my whole frame. “A Cockatrice that petrify with only a glance. Choose your time wisely when you see it, for you may have but one chance.” Wait... There are COCKATRICE HERE!? I thought to myself in a panicked state. I read about them in many books, but never thought that they could ever exist. I think she could tell, since she said shortly after, “Relax, my friend. It is rare to find them around the bend. Only when you go and seek them out do you truly and clearly hear their shout.” I relaxed a bit, but was still nervous and anxious about the whole situation. Yeah, I don't care what other creatures there are, I'd like to go home, please, whatever force is controlling all of this, I thought. Although... Nothing happened, of course. Zecora spent the next while telling me about all the different creatures throughout Equestria. All the way from Griffons to Bug-bears. That last one just made me chuckle when she told me, and reminded me of some of my more bizarre blended shiftings, where I tried combining insects and animals. Needless to say, it was... interesting. Returning back to my present thoughts, I evaluated my situation, yet again. One thing you learn is that you can never over-assess your status when it comes to survival. I started thinking of where I could go with all of the ponies moving through the Everfree. My normal traveling path probably wasn't an option right now. With where my mind was, I considered going to Zecora's as an option. But, of course, how I would get there was an issue in itself. Hm, I could change into a small winged animal and fly my way to safety... I thought to myself. With the only other option being 'flying all the way back to my shelter', and there being no time to lose, I shifted into an owl, proceeding to fly my way to Zecora's house; and, honestly, with all that's happened, I'm glad she's still seeing and speaking with me. I know I should spend more time in my own shelter, but it's nice to not have it as my only source of refuge and comfort. Even just having someone to chat with in times like this is a blessing. The trees at this time of day provided much cover from just about everything. Sadly, though, that also meant the light itself, and often made it difficult if your eyes weren't yet adjusted to the darker levels. Of course, with having the form of an owl, my eyes were already adjusted and made flying through the forest all the easier. I scanned the ground as I flew, keeping watch for anyone or anything, or anypony, that I may come across on my way to Zecora's. Thankfully, I ran into no ponies or animals, and I made it there in little time. Seeing no one in sight, I thought it safe to shift back into my bipedal form. I then went up to the door of her house and knocked... No answer. I knocked again saying, “Zecora? It's me, Mashef. Are you there?” Even after the second time there was no answer or reply of any kind. She must be out, then. May my wishes of safety be with her, wherever she is, I thought. To be honest, I half-expected something like this to happen. Whether it was that she just wouldn't be here, or that the ponies were here talking with her, or– Just then I heard some hoofsteps a little ways away. Well, speak of the devil... I immediately shot to a nearby bush, just in case it wasn't Zecora. I saw the turquoise pony who I first ran into when I arrived. I didn't want to risk anything so I stayed hidden. I knew that my shifting made noise whenever I did it, so I stayed as I was and waited patiently for her to go. In my time of waiting, my mind went back to its previous process of reminiscence on how all of this fell into place... Once I had finished with Zecora, I made my way outside into the Everfree. After all that she told me, I was pretty freaked out about going into this forest by myself. I reached probably ten feet from Zecora's house before stopping in my tracks. “Zecora!” I called with a worried voice. If this forest was as dangerous as she said, I was NOT going to travel it alone until I knew it better. She came outside and saw me standing there in the dark. “Why are you not far along? Is there something you find to be wrong?” She asked honestly. I guess living in the forest as long as she had would really take away the fear of it all. But as for me– “yeah, something is wrong. I'm terrified of going out there on my own. With all you told me, I'm not sure I'd make the night, or the day, on my own.” She gave me a sympathetic look, then walked up alongside me with a gentle smile. “My friend, I understand your fear. But you need not be afraid, I'll be here.” Those words brought a warmth to me that I haven't felt all day, even before I was dropped in Equestria. It was a welcome sensation that I missed for so long. We left her house and went through the Everfree together, with a torch in my hand to light the path ahead. It was all beautiful. Like I've said, I love deep greens and browns. They always remind me of my childhood and the times I spent around the deep woods of Aurgael, near the lake of Memnour. Every summer I went there to enjoy the outdoors and all of the views and sounds that came with it. When I was a child my favourite thing was to morph into a fish or a bird and enjoy either the deep waters of Memnour or the wide open plain near Aurgael. Becoming a squirrel and climbing along the trees was also a favourite of mine when I was young. In the state of our world at that time, my parents always gave a strong effort to give my sister and I much happiness in our younger years. As we got older, they would prepare us more and more, moving further each year towards teaching us how to survive independently. Our town was one of a handful in our local clan. There was no definite power of ruling, which often made for discord between towns or villages. Towns held more property than villages, and we were thankful to live in the town of Ladleuge. It grew a reputation for holding off any opposing forces or enemies. This often made people fearful of even challenging us. It also made people afraid of us whenever we visited nearby settlements. My sister held pride in this, but I never enjoyed it and always tried to ward off their worry when I came across them. As we came into our adult years, my sister always found the time to argue with me about my beliefs of living. She followed the mindset of 'only the strong should survive'. This often forced me to push forward and keep myself as strong as her, or stronger, as to not make myself appear weak. She loved her family, but always believed in survival of the fittest. After our parents passed, I decided to take on the role of keeping watch of her. Even though she was older, I always felt as though she needed more help than I did. She often got mad whenever I did give her help. She didn't like it when other people tried to do things for her. But... I knew she respected me for it. She saw it as me being strong for us both. The path we were taking was getting darker as the day neared its end. I was thankful, yet again, that Zecora decided to come along to keep me as company, although I wasn't sure where we were heading. I didn't know where to go, and we just seemed to be walking aimlessly. “So, uh... Where are we going?” I said, “It doesn't really seem like we're going anywhere.” She turned to me with a look of confidence and assurance. “We are going to a place to lay your head, and in time to be your homestead.” This caught me by surprise. A place for me to call home? The words ran through my head a few times more. I was caught off guard by how kind she was being. “Why are you doing all of this for me? We barely even know each other.” She stopped to look me straight on in the eyes. “It is not by time we make our family. It is by simply living happily. By helping those we meet and treating them well, we make not only ours, but also their days sweet, and making a new story to tell.” She said. A new story to tell... My mind was lost in thought of what she said for... what felt like forever, until Zecora nudged my right hand, giving a nod in the direction she began to walk. 'A new story to tell with the family we make'... These words came back into my head countless times as we continued walking to what Zecora described as... A homestead to lay my head. A smile found its way to my face as we continued down the path in the Everfree. I guess I have family now...