Yu-Gi-Oh! Friendship is Dueling 6: Nightmare's Awakening

by Bahamut0

Duel 8: Dreams

Nightmare was inside the dreascape. Surveying over the dreams of the Mane 7 and the duelists. However, she soon felt a disturbance. And it was coming from..."Burst?" Nightmare floated over to Burst's dreams, and her jaw dropped. Burst was in the form she saw him in back in the waking world. And he was bawling his eyes out. In Burst's dream, Nightmare saw Celestia kissing Sombra, and Burst falling to his knees at the sight of it. 'I suppose that I am now free to pursue Burst. But I was hoping is wouldn't fall under these circumstances.' Nightmare entered Burst's dreams. "It's been a while since I saw you last." Burst picked his head up as he heard Nightmare. "Hello again Burst. We've got to stop meeting like this."

"Y-You?", Burst asked as he dried his tears. "I saw you before. When I was a little kid. Why're you here again?" Nightmare walked over to Burst, and put her hand on his heart.

"Because you're hurting Burst. You feel great sorrow. And I can't stand to see you like this..." Nightmare then helped Burst to his feet and cupped his face in her hands. "It pains me to see you unhappy."

"That's really nice of you. But I just gotta get up and move on. I accept what happened, but that doesn't make it hurt any less."

"I know much of sorrow Burst. It's something I've become quite familiar with. Please. Let me help you."

"...Thank you.", Burst said with a small smile. "You know? I've seen you twice now and I don't even know your name."

"Oh, you know me Burst. You will see me when you awaken. But until then..." Nightmare wrapped her arms around Burst. "Just let go." Burst closed his eye and reflexively put his arms around Nightmare. "You're strong Burst. Things will be better when you wake up again. I'll be sure to find you. Goodbye for now Burst." Nightmare vanished in a cloud of blue mist and returned to her own dreams. 'I can't wait to wake up....'