Love's Sunrise

by SilverHoof1

Date Night

Me and Riptide had been snuggling for about an hour now, relaxing on the couch and watch things like “Mane 6 go!” on catoon works, enjoying each others company. He had his nose against the back of my neck and his eyes peaking over my mane, which had allowed me to be able to jokingly hit him with my ears. It always made him sneeze, which was adorable. As much as I wanted this to last forever, I had something more important to do.

Get myself cleaned up for our date night later tonight! Looking back, I realized I hadn’t showered once during the whole week, and I felt filthy. I squirmed a tiny bit in Riptides grasp, and he let me go, seeming a bit confused. “Is something wrong little sun?”

“No, I just need to get cleaned up,” I explained, and I saw his eyes spark. Oh no, that spark was not going to happen. “Also no peaking, mister wavey,” I said teasingly, hitting his forehoof.

“Awww, alright,” He said, faking a pout while rubbing where I had hit him.

I began to walk towards the restroom, and before going in quickly grabbed a dress, for the date of course. After that I headed into the restroom to clean up. I turned the shower on and took off my suit, putting it in the trash. I seriously hoped I never had to wear that thing again, even as a swimsuit. Turning on the shower, I waiting for it to warm up before stepping in, letting the warn water cascade down onto my head and back. I sighed happily, and began to wash.

I stepped out of the restroom minutes later. I was fast at showering, which was something I was proud about. Boom, non too-much-water-using-mare here. Jeeze, if that was what I was going to start calling myself I would need to shorten that. I wonder how much water tsunami uses, or if she even showers. I guessed she probably just playing in a bath and smothered herself in her own giant waves.

I looked around for Riptide, and found him still laying down on the couch, now watching some weird show about talking potatoes or something. Smiling, I walked over to him, and as soon as he saw me he blushed madly. Wait a minute, I forgot to put clothes on. That realization put a blush on my cheeks as well, but as a pony I was fine, considering the only thing for him to see was at the back. Yet that seemed to be where his eyes were drawn, staring at the...side of my flank?

I looked back, and squeaked in surprise, nearly springing three feet in the air trying to get away from my own body. It didn’t work, and instead I faceplanted into the ground. Ow, okay no more loosing balance mid air. That never ended well, especially from three feet in the air.

I had finally gotten my cutiemark. Finally I had gotten it! It was a heart, with spikes coming out of the sides and a circle seeming to be behind it. It almost looked like… a sun behind a heart. I smiled a tiny bit, releasing that it was a sun rising over a heart, which I guessed meant my cutiemark had something to do with relationships. Remembering that not to long ago I had realized I loved Riptide, the cutiemark must have come then, when I finally realized it. Although I didn’t really know what my talent was, I didn’t care. I had my cutiemark!

I somehow managed to hug tackle Riptide from 5 feet away, forgetting completely that I was nude. I wanted to kiss him, so I did, and he kissed back. My hoofs wrapped around him and his wrapped around me, till we were joined in a loving embrace. Something interesting that happened is a mist began to build in the air, making it so we could only see each other, the couch, and a bit of the tv. We both seemed surprised by this, and thats when we heard a camera click from outside.

Jerking my head up, I looked towards the window to find I couldn’t see it past the mist. Oh my goddesses this was my talent! Riptide seemed to realize this as well, and smiled “So now you have a personal smoke bomb of mist whenever you want privacy aye?” he teased, and I shushed him with a kiss. While we were still kissing, I mumbled into his mouth“I swear I am going to kill that sister of yours, this is the second time!”

“Alright, but you could just also take her camera,” he suggested

“Can we agree I get to put an arrow through her knee, take her camera and that's all (for now)?” I compromised.

“Sure,” he said, and with that our lips parted, both of us smiling evilly.

A few minutes later I was now laying on the couch in my dress as Riptide got washed, although I hadn’t seen what he had picked to wear. I was guessing a tuxedo, but knowing him he might wear a swimsuit. I wouldn’t complain with either to be honest. After a couple minutes he came out of the shower, but I looked away so what he was wearing would be a surprise. Dangit, he beat my shower time!

He walked in front of me, and I looked up to find him wearing a swimsuit. The little in my head, now beginning to look a bit like Ebony for some reason, pumped her hoofs up and down in the air. Apparently I wasn’t the only one who thought the swimsuit was a better choice then the usual tuxedo. Plus it fit his personality better… and his body. Getting up, I smiled, and in turn he smiled. With that we began to walk right out the door, side by side. It was romantic, but the squeezing through the door wasn’t the most fun thing to do.

We had decided to go to a salad place along the shore, apparently the best one in town. To me that didn’t make much sense, since it wasn’t in the town. I hoped it fit its slightly unrealistic title. We approached the entrance to the restaurant, and Riptide went a bit ahead to open the door for me. I smiled, and walked through the now wide open door with him following behind. Soon he caught up, and we were side by side once again, waiting to be seated.

I had to admit the food was pretty good, although definitely not the best I ever had. It was definitely enjoyable though, and the waiter was nice. I wonder how many of them act nice, and how many are actually nice. Considering what they had to deal with, I guessed most of them faked it. Still everything was enjoyable, and during the meal me and Riptide talked about random subjects, such as the recent weather or what we thought Tsunami was up too. We both guessed she was playing in a tub somewhere.

Eventually we finished, and Riptide payed for the meal, which I thanked him with a kiss. I knew my skill wouldn’t get me any proper jobs, but I didn’t care anymore. I had Riptide, and that was all I needed. The world could kiss my flank, I had Riptide and now I was happy. Now then, it was time for the second part of the date, the part I was truly excited for.

We headed out of the restaurant, and headed back towards our house. Halfway there though we veered left, now on a path for the beach behind his house. Soon I felt my hoofs sinking satisfyingly into the sand. We headed for the water’s edge, and laid down, close enough so the waves lapped at our hoofs, but not quite in it. Then from there, we just looked up and took in the sight.

Together we looked up into the endless sky and space, stars twinkling and shining in the inky black night. I could make out some of the constellations, and pointed them out too Riptide, who looked to where I pointed and took in the sights. It was probably the prettiest thing I had ever seen, and getting to experience it with Riptide only made it all better. Then above all that there was the moon, hanging in the sky like a giant glowing disco ball.

Even from our position, we could make out the craters covering its surface, and see distant planets by just turning our heads. It felt like the universe was in between our hooves, and we could go wherever we wanted. In my personal opinion, it was the best feeling ever. I felt Riptide edge closer to me, and I slid a hoof under his back and hugged his side to mine, and gently let me head touch his.

I wondered how many other ponies were looking at this same sky, and how many of them felt like I did. I hoped plenty, because this night was good enough to go down in history. I smiled, and suddenly the air around us began to mist up, and Riptide looked over to me, seeming slightly surprised. The surprise on his face melted as I kissed him, and he kissed back. The mist concealed us completely within seconds, leaving us alone with the sound of the waves, and the now blurry night sky above.