Love's Sunrise

by SilverHoof1

Day On The Beach

I stared intently at the book I was reading, my eyes gliding across the pages as I read the story. Riptide had said he had to go do something for a bit, so I had found one of the books he had in his room. Out of them this was one of the ones that interested me most, some story about a green goo pony, whatever that was, and how he had gotten his name. They were for some reason seeming to be keeping his name a secret, much to my annoyance, but the story was good anyway. Hearing the front door open, I put the book down, making sure to close it so the spine wouldn’t get damaged, and got up from my position at the couch, looking towards the front door.

To my surprise Tsunami walked through, her head looking around until she spotted me, and she smiled. “Hey Sun, Riptides by the ocean playing around, and he wanted to know if you wanted to join him and a friend,” she asked, a knowing look in her eyes. That look made me blush, as if she knew my answer even before I said, “Yah alright, sounds fun,”

“Alright! The ocean is litteraly right around the corner, so come join us when you are ready,” and with that she walked out, closing the door behind her. I looked myself over, and sighed. Cloud mewed from the couch, looking up at me questioningly as I began to head for the door. I looked back and smiled, telling him “I’m just going out for a bit, don’t get in trouble or no fish for a week,”. He mewed in response, and layed down on the couch, getting comfy it seemed.

I still didn’t have any other clothes, but my suit would work fine as a swimsuit so I was fine. I looked down at myself, and blushed a bit. My suit was skintight, like zero suit samhorn’s suit, so I hopped his friend wasn’t a boy. I was fine with Riptide seeing me like this for some reason, but any other stallion or colt was an immediate no.

After a couple minutes I felt my hoofs sink into the warm sand, and I looked around to see if I could spot Riptide. As soon as I did, I headed over to him, internally groaning. His friend was indeed male, and was a forest green with traces of gold running through his fur, his eyes a golden green and wings coming from his back. From what I could see his cutiemark was a bush, resting on… clouds? As I neared I saw that was exactly what it was, and I wondered how something could be grown on clouds.

Riptide saw me and waved, his friend looking around to see what he was waving at, his golden green eyes locking on me. I shivered beneath my fur, feeling as if he could see right through me. Once I was in speaking range, Riptide sprang forward and hugged me to him, much to my surprise. Can’t say I didn’t enjoy the hug though.

“Mind introducing me to your friend?” I asked teasingly, pulling away from the hug.

“Sunrise this is Sky Bramble, Sky this is Misty Sunrise, who I call little sun,” with that last part he winked at me, making me blush. At this Bramble rolled his eyes, which I found completely fine. I probably would have done the same yesterday. I held out a hoof to bramble and he took it, shaking it at a normal pace. “So, I thought most pegasi don’t like water?” I asked, tilting my head at him.

A small smiled formed on his lips, and he explained “When a Pegasi’s wings become wet they can’t fly, so most tend to avoid water that isn’t contained in a bottle or container,”

“Ah, so why are you okay with them getting wet?”

“Being grounded means i’m closer to wildlife that isn’t birds, so why not spend a bit of time swimming and take a walk later?”

At that I nodded, it seeming to make sense to me. I let out a surprised “GAH!” as I suddenly went flying into the ocean, the water closing around my ears muffling the sound of laughter. I surfaced sputtering, and looked around to see who had done it. My eyes rested on Tsunami, who was still laughing at her little prank. I saw Riptide looking to me worriedly, and I nodded, doing a bucking motion underwater then nodding at Tsunami.

He smiled slyly, then sneaked up behind Tsunami while she was still laughing and bucked her in, making her splash in next to me. Now it was my turn to laugh as she surfaced, her wet mane covering her eyes. “THAT WAS NOT FUNNY!” she screamed, which just made Riptide and even bramble start laughing.

“Really? It seems pretty funny to me,” I teased, in which she took revenge by splashing me with her hoofs. After that Riptide and Bramble both hopped into the water as me and Tsunami engaged in a splash war, the gentle pull and push of the waves seeming to encourage us. “That’s it, i’m winning this,” Tsunami proclaimed, then smashed both her hoofs against the water’s surface, causing a giant wave to surge out of the water towards me. Well, atleast I knew how she got her name.

I went underwater from the force of the wave, leaving me to paddle back up to the surface. When my head broke the surface for the second time, I nodded to her as if to say “fair play”, and began to swim towards Riptide. He and Bramble were just relaxing in the water, floating and letting the waves take them where it wanted too. As I came towards them, Riptide called “Hey! Have you ever done body surfing?”

“Nope!” I called back, and he immediately began paddling out further, which I followed, slightly confused. At a certain point he stopped, and I joined him, floating right next to him. “Keep your head up and look for a big enough wave, then tilt your body forward and ride it,” he briefed me, then as soon as a wave big enough to his liking came along, he dove forwards, catching the wave and riding it all the way back to shore.

Swallowing nervously, I waited for a fairly large sized wave, and in a couple seconds I saw one approaching. I got ready, bending a bit forwards and tilting my head up just as it hit me, and I straightened out my body. I was doing it! The wave was carrying me along, and soon I was right next to Riptide once again, giggling. After that we started a cycle, I went out and he watched me surf back, then he would go out and I would watch him come back.

Tsunami and Bramble were swimming around a bit, practicing their swimming techniques and trying new ones. After a while I joined them, trying out things like breast strokes and things like that. Bramble even found a way to use his wet wings as a boost underwater, which was unfair when we tried to race against each other.

Tsunami and Riptide were like dolphins in the water, majestically swimming despite being born upon land. It seemed their names fit their talent, as did most ponies. Looking back at my flank, I wondered what my cutiemark could have been. I had always felt close to animals, but I didn’t see how the sun or water was related to them. I shrugged, and looked back as Riptide did a little spin in the water. Suddenly getting an Idea, I shouted “Hey Bramble, come over here for a second!”

“Yah?” He shouted back, beginning to swim back to me as I swam to the shore. As we went for the shore everypony followed, and soon I climbed up onto land closely followed. “You like to be close to the ground, right?” I asked Bramble, a teasing smile on my face. He nodded, and I continued on saying “Well why don’t we get you into your natural habitat and into the earth~”

For the next half an hour we all laughed and talked as Bramble slowly got mud packed on top of him, eventually becoming a tiny hill among the mud. We all laughed, sitting next to him and just laughing, enjoying the day. Eventually the sun began to set, and we dug Bramble back up, and we all went home, me following Riptide, humming happily. He looked back at me, smiled, and slowed down so we were side by side, and I leaned on him a bit.

It felt nice and calming to be in his area, and I began to practically purr with delight. We got back to his house, which is about when I realized how exhausted I was, and began to head for my bedroom. “Hey little sun, would you like to sleep with me tonight?” Riptide said from behind me, and I blushed. Not just a small blush I mean like, mega party breaking tomato bursting blush. Then I turned around and saw he had the same kind of blush, and I giggled a little bit. “Alright mister wavey, but Cloud gets to come in with us,” I teased, and he faked a groan.

“Oh alright, but he better not bounce on my chest, or on you for that matter,” he said, and got close enough to wrap a hoof around my back.

He escorted me to his room, and pulled back the covers for me, making me smile. I slid into bed, and he slid in next to me, and within seconds Cloud jumped up after us, settling at the foot of the bed. I turned so I would face inward, and found Riptide, looking at me and smiling. I blushed again, realizing we were face to face, just before he hugged me to him, our noses booping at the sudden closeness. Well gee, that didn’t help the blush at all.

I looked into his bright blue eyes, then closed my own, leaning in and kissing him. After a second, he kissed back, his legs tightening a tiny bit around my back. We must of laid there, kissing, for at least 3 minutes. I enjoyed every second as much as I would a giant ice-cream cone. When we finally pulled away, I smiled, and gently teased, “How long have you been waiting for that mister wavey~”

“Since this morning,” he said softly, before laying his head against the pillow, looking at me. I did the same, and that's how we slept, embracing each other happily. In my mind before I fell asleep, I thought that the day couldn’t have ended better.