//------------------------------// // Part Two: The Princess of Love // Story: The Perfect Wedding // by Silver Inkwell //------------------------------// Part Two: The Princess of Love Cadence looked down at Twilight very angrily because of her rash impulsive actions and accusations that she had one very recently. “Twilight, I am very shocked about your recent actions and accusations, but if you want to know the real truth then the reason that I have been acting very strangely is because of the wedding, But I can reassure you that I am exactly who I always was and am. So no matter what happens we will always be together forever.” “So we’ll always be best friends then?” Twilight said now. “Yes,” Cadence said, “We always will be that.” And with that said Twilight started to cry right now. Cadence took her and hugged her very close and cried as well too then. And then they smiled as they pulled away and then they called it a day then. And then very soon enough she was walking down the aisle for the wedding. She smiled as she walked down, took her vows, and got married. Suddenly every pony cheered and smiled with joy and delight. There was absolutely nothing wrong with this moment. And nothing in the whole entire world could ruin it either now. And with that she went to go dance with her husband now. And throughout the whole entire thing she smiled. For as the music played… And the nighttime stars shined… There was just one perfect moment of joy and delight. One absolute everlasting moment. And so it was that she wished that this moment could last forever, but nothing ever can, but at least she had friends, a groom, a new family, and a best friend for her new sister. She had joy and delight and love, and almost everything that she could possibly ever want, except for a child. “Shining Armor?” she said very softly to him now. “Yes, my love?” he said. “I want a child…” she said. “Yes, of course my dear, anything for you,” he said as he kissed her. “Really? No debate? No fight? Nothing?” she said very surprised at this now. “Why would I ever fight with the most perfect mare in the world now then?” And with that said they kissed once more again. And this time she did not question it, or as to why or how. Instead she just let the moment slowly sink in. And then for just one moment everything was fine and well with the world. But it would not be that way forever… But for now she just enjoyed the moment, her life, her friends, her family. She looked forward with hope at the future and did not fear it. She planned to have a child of her own very soon as possible now. And she also had a husband. What more could she possibly want? Nothing really, that was the true real answer for here and now. But soon she would want more instead. But that was for later of course. And that’s yet another story for another time yet still. For now all you need to know is that life was quite very well and fine indeed. And that the stars shined very brightly upon their love and glory. And finally that she enjoyed her perfect wedding at last finally.