//------------------------------// // Journals 1-3: A Millie-on dollars // Story: Video Journal, Day 1: WTF is Going On? // by MLfan //------------------------------// - - -Two Days Earlier- - - Hey, Millie here! You know, I had the strangest dream today. I dreamt that I met the equestria girls Twilight and we fought off a bunch of Timberwolves! I choose to talk about the dream because the rest of my day was uneventful at best, and the dream wasn't. Let's see... leaving out the strange dream, I woke up at my mom's, went to school, came back, and did just about nothing all day long. Still hate my mom, by the way. I wish I had a say on who's house to stay at, but nope! So I'm stuck with her half the time. But I ranted about that for the last few days, so I really don't need to today. Other than that... my classes were as boring as always, even more so in the second half of the day, and everything was uneventful. Home was uneventful as well, my twin sister and I just kind of hung out at home. Now it's 8:00, and I doubt anything else will happen worth talking about, so the dream is what I talk about today. I suck at journaling, and for the record, this is a dumb assignment. Nothing interesting ever happens, and I'm just talking about a dream this time. I hope a dream journal is viable for getting a decent grade! So the dream happened in science. Elliot and I were hanging out together, as usual. The teacher said we were going outside. Cue class-wide groan that the teacher must've been deaf not to hear. Alex groaned the loudest, of course. I don't know what I used to see in him. I mean, yes, I agree, science sucks, but can he keep it to himself for one second? There's a reason we've mostly stopped talking and such. He's such a know-it-all. Anyways, we went outside, much to everyone's dismay. As much as I hate to admit it... Alex kind of has a point on this one: going outside blows. I was going to be a good girl and follow, but... I don't know. I felt some, like, jumanji-like pull or something. Something was calling me into the forest. I tried to shake it off, but I couldn't help myself. It was like... my entire destiny was condensed into this one place I had to be and I physically couldn't refuse. I don't believe in destiny, of course, but that's what it felt like. I HAD to go. My legs were practically moving on their own volition! I told Elliot to keep walking without me. I said I was going to take a shortcut and meet him up at the end of the path. I... saw in his face that he didn't really believe me. We go everywhere together, why would I go off into the woods alone? But he's a great friend. He didn't ask any questions aloud and let me go myself. Better than most would do, right? And so I went, deep into the woods. I'm not quite sure when I fell asleep. I explicitly remember every step of the path on the way there and the arrival at the spot I met Twilight, but I woke up deep in the woods later. I had to have gotten there somehow, right? I must have fallen asleep around that time. This was a very vivid dream, though. If I didn't know any better, I'd say it was real, but that's ridiculous. Actually, I should just describe the dream, so you understand why I'm saying that. Anyways, I walked through the forest, not knowing what to expect, when a girl appeared from the woods. It took me about a quarter of a second to recognize her. It was clearly and completely Twilight Sparkle from the equestria girls movies. Not sure why I dreamt of her of all people, I haven't watched My Little Pony in over a year, but dreams are weird, I guess. Anyways, it was either her, or the best cosplay I had ever seen. "First off, amazing cosplay." I said. "Second off, who the heck are you?" Startled, she turned to me. She muttered something under her breath. Aloud, she said "Shut up, I'm trying to... My god, how many of the darn things are there?" "Um... what?" I followed her gaze and glanced behind me... to see rows of glowing eyes staring through the bushes.. I leapt back towards Twilight. "The hell are those? They almost look like... Timberwolves!?" Twilight, or whoever she was, looked at me curiously. "You can see them? And you know what they are?" "Of course I can see them! I'm not fricken' blind! And- wait, but... those can't be timberwolves. They don't exist." "Well, they're real now. You didn't look any of 'em in the eyes, did you?" "N-no... but what does that have anything to do with anything! They shouldn't exist! You shouldn't exist! What-" Twilight cupped her hand over my mouth. "Don't agitate them, you moron! Do you have a death wish!?" She glanced behind us, but they still didn't advance. There were about twenty of them, not helping my fears. "Good, we aren't dead yet. And- wait, what do you mean, 'You shouldn't exist'?" "Um... wait, then... are you really Twilight Sparkle?" "Yes! Apparently the only one surprised you know my name is me!" Suddenly the timberwolves growled. I shivered a little. "Keep it down. Aren't you the one that said to not anger them!?" I was scared, but still smart. I mean, I didn't know what was going on, but I didn't want to get mauled to death by wolves, right? "You're right, I'm sorry. As long as we stay calm, though, they aren't a threat currently. They're scared. As long as we don't run or make any sudden moves, they won't strike. Now what do you mean I shouldn't exist? How do you know my name?" "So... you're Twilight Sparkle? Element of Magic, princess of friendship? But... you aren't... magic isn't... real...?" Twilight rubbed her forehead. "Look, kid, I've already had this conversation. Yes, magic is real. Yes, I really am 'Twilight Sparkle'. I'm probably about as confused as you are. Nice to meet you." "Really, can this wait until after you deal with these guys? I don't want this conversation to become heated again and have them attack." Twilight Facepalmed (Facehoofed? Whatever.) "Much as I want to be angry at you, that's a logical explanation on why to not talk now, although it doesn't help my confusion. Oh, and facing the Timberwolves? That's your job." Wait. Twilight Sparkle wants my help...? Suddenly a thought occurred to me. I started laughing. "This is all a dream. There's no way this could have happened. I mean, timberwolves are one thing, but Twilight Sparkle needing my help? Hah, I should have known, I'm probably just home dreaming right now." "Sure, let's go with that," Twilight deadpanned. "Saves me the trouble later. Now, I'm going to infuse your soul with some magic. Close your eyes, please." It might have been a dream, but it was a cool story. I thought I might as well go along for the ride. So I closed my eyes. I waited awhile. I was afraid when I opened them, I would wake up in my bed. I sometimes write stories based on dreams, and I might make one on this one. I probably will, in fact. I wanted to see where my mind would take me, not be left on a dreamy cliffhanger! My brain did not disappoint, because after waiting for awhile, I felt a rush of... something. I guess it was magic, or at least my mind's interpretation of it. It was an indescribable feeling. I can't even begin to say what it was like to someone who never felt it. It was like I could... feel the energy in the air. Everything felt more... magical. I really can't describe it if you haven't felt it yourself. Anyways, I opened my eyes. My vision felt sharper, my senses felt clearer. I really can't tell you how good it felt, journal. "W-What did you do?" I said. "I gave you fire magic. Probably." "Okay, if I didn't know this was a dream, I would be freaking out." "You know, people who think it's a dream are a lot easier to deal with. Okay, I want you to look towards the wolves, now." You know, I do find it weird my dream broke the forth wall. Then again, the alternative is magic being real, so I'm pretty sure that it being a dream is a little bit more likely. So, I looked over there and saw energy swirling around the wolves, green energy that reminded me of... maybe the dazzlings' energy they produced when they sang, but not quite. I swear it wasn't there before. I turned back to Twilight. "So... I'm just gonna go along with this and pretend it isn't a dream, for fun. So... why do the wolves have green mist swirling around them?" "...You're asking the wrong questions, kid. You should be asking why you couldn't see the green mist before. Actually, what's your name? I don't want to keep calling you 'kid'." "Millie. So... you could always see the mist, then?" Twilight gave an exasperated sigh. "Look, I'm sorry about my mood. I've had a really bad day, to say the least. But could you stop asking really obvious questions?" "Yeah, sure. Sorry." I believe at this point, I began to doubt it was a dream. Even my own head couldn't think us something this crazy, right? I decided to focus, in case the tiny chance came true and it was actually real. That's why my attitude got a lot more serious all of a sudden, I thought I might have a chance of dying. Chance of death helps you focus, good to note. Note to self: next time at an exam, I'll tell someone to literally murder me if I fail. Anyways, back to the dream. "Okay," Twilight said, "I want you to hold up your hand." I did as such. The Timberwolves took a step back. Why, I don't know, they were apparently afraid of my hand. "Good. Now, here's what you do. You focus on the wolves. Focus on heat. Imagine yourself producing a jet of fire. Imagine the side effects, the carnage it will produce. Have a clear picture in your mind of what you want to have happen. You should feel an energy building in your hand. Do you feel that?" I had followed her directions to a T. "No. Should I?" "Buck! I knew it." "What?" "When I cast the spell on you to make you able to make fire, the magic didn't want to obey me. I couldn't control it, so I let the magic do it's thing. That's why I wasn't sure you had fire magic. If that's true... we're screwed." The timberwolves, meanwhile, started getting anxious. "Um, should I put my hand down? The wolves are coming closer. Look, can't you just give me the fire magic separately?" "Yes, you can put your hand down, and no, I can't just give you more fire magic. I'm pretty much drained myself at this point. I didn't even have enough to shape the magic to my will last time. Look... We might have to fight, but I don't want to put a child like you in danger. If you don't want to fight, that's fine. You could slowly walk away, and they won't strike at you." By this point, a few wolves were stepping closer. A fight would start soon. "NO. I won't run. Not now." Twilight took a step back at the emotion of my response, as did the timberwolves. Maybe I would run another time, but she had called me a child. She said it in the same way mom always does, to put me down. You're just a child, Millie, of course you failed. Maybe it was my subconscious leaking in, representing my inner anger at my mom, but I wasn't going to back away. "Okay, then, if you're so sure. They're still approaching. I actually have a theory. In your flash of anger, I saw your aura flare. The aura's the mist that surrounds all magical beings, buy the way. I think magic here might be triggered by emotion. I see you're angry right now. Try channeling that and producing... anything. Whatever you can. These timberwolves are still skittish, any kind of magic should do. Emotion, huh? Well, I guess we've got that part down. I held out my hand and focused again. Well, if not fire, than what? You know what, I don't care, this is a dream, I can do whatever I want. I felt that energy forming in my hand. "Great, you're doing it! Now, release it!" I never had any intention of releasing this magic. Instead, I took my open hand and closed it, wrapping the magic inside of me, then, fist still closed, I punched forwards, sending waves of purple energy flying towards the timberwolves. They were all knocked down, shattering to splinters. I felt a great relief in my emotions, for whatever reason. Maybe it had to do with the whole emotion-tied-to-magic thing. Or maybe it was dream nonsense. "...Or that works too. Great job." But it was not over yet. Remember Spike at Your Service? Yeah, that's cannon apparently, because the timberwolves started reforming into one megawolf. The two of us took a step back. As it finished rebuilding itself, it put its snout in the air and made a mighty howl! It dropped it's snout, and went from 0 to 60 in an instant, charging straight at us. Twilight and I dodged in different directions and it missed us by inches, crashing into the shrubbery behind us. "Keep trying to produce a flame! That's their only weakness!" Twilight said. I once again tried to reach my hand out focused on warm memories, sitting at a campfire, sitting around a fireplace at Christmas, but nothing came. Meanwhile, the wolf shook itself off and prepared to charge again. "It's no use! I can't do it!" It charged straight at me. I knew I couldn't dodge out of the way, so I just put my hands together, focused, and unleashed whatever I could. In this case, it made another wave of purple energy, blasting the wolf backwards again. It shattered a little, but by the time I looked back it was already reforming. "Got any other ideas?" Twilight thought for a moment. "I have one! Unfortunately, I would need the wolf to be completely still for at least ten second. Can you do that if that's not too much to ask?" Now it was my turn to think. Just as the timberwolf finished reforming, I got an idea. "We have to lead it somewhere! I need it to follow us. Any way we can do that?" The wolf charged again, and I once again fired a wave of purple energy at it. This one made my energy drain like I had just run a quarter mile. I couldn't keep this up for too much longer. "It's agitated enough it'll go anywhere if we run away!" Twilight said. "Then this way!" I grabbed Twilight's arm and we ran. The megawolf ran after us, into the forest. The wolf was slowed down by all of the trees, knocking them down left and right. If someone found it, they'd think that an elephant made of titanium was loose in the woods. Every once in awhile, I fired a bolt back at it, keeping it angry. Eventually, we reached where I was going: the iced-over lake. It's January, after all. Very cold. We ran out onto it. The Wolf came as well. And it didn't fall through. "So what's your plan then, Millie?" Twilight asked. "Um... this is a frozen lake, in case you can't tell. It needs to fall through. I guess the ice is too thick!" We were tiring, and the wolf was catching up. "Well, then, what are you going to do about it? You have magic, don't you?" Then, the wolf pounced. I had an idea in that split second. I just had time to yell "Hang on Twilight!" while I charged up and then I thrust a magical energy straight downwards, into the ice below us. Cracks went everywhere across the whole lake from where we were, causing a really cool fractal design. The Megawolf was also pushed backwards mid-leap, less than a second away from hitting us, and landed on the cracking ice below it, falling straight through. I just had time to see that, and then I blacked out. When I woke up, I was in the middle of the woods. It was the same place I had met Twilight in the first place. I actually thought it was real right then, what about that? I guess it seemed real enough at the time, but magic? Yeah, right. So I skipped lunch and called out for Twilight. No answer. I checked out the lake the timberwolf was knocked into. Not a crack, and the trees the timberwolf had supposedly knocked over were sitting there without complaint. If it was real, the damage would stay, right? That's how I know it wasn't real. I even tried producing magic again, with no success. It wasn't real, c'mon. I can't believe I ever thought it was. It was just a realistic dream. Anyways, that's why I skipped lunch and stuff. Note to self: Tell Elliot the story tomorrow. We could write something about it together. Me and Elliot love writing comics, and this dream would make a great one. Anyways, that was my day. Boring, with an interesting dream in the middle, that caused me to miss lunch. See you tomorrow, when there's hopefully more interesting things to talk about. - - -Morning Journal 2- - - Oh my god, what the buck, what the buck, what is going on? I just woke up, and now this... thing is on me? It's the a cutie mark. It's a bucking cutie mark. It's cool, I guess, the design and all. Who cares? I'm going insane! I have a bucking cutie mark and I comment on it's design of all things. It wasn't a dream, it was real, my life is a lie. And can I stop saying buck? Buck. BUCK! Why can't I swear? Oh my god, I don't care, I have an effing cutie mark. And now I have to go to school. Soon. My god, I have to go to school. Maybe I could call in sick? No, then I'd be stuck with my mom. Can I still do magic? Not like I'm going to find out! What the actual buck, my instincts were right. I'm just going to casually put my head in my arms and slowly contemplate life... what's it on my pajamas? Hold on, give me a second... .................. What the buck, it's on all of my clothes. My cutie mark is on all of my clothes. How the buck am I supposed to hide this? I guess I just wear all of my clothes inside out, then, or a picture of... a half-speech bubble half-book will be on it. What the actual buck. And my mom's calling me for breakfast, and I have to pretend everything is fine and I don't have a BUCKING CUTIE MARK!. Okay, okay. Calm down, Millie, calm down. You can do this. We'll find Twilight and figure out what's going on. Deep breath. Breath in.... breath out... Okay, I'm going downstairs now. *sigh* Wish me luck. - - -Afternoon Journal 2- - - Okay, I'm feeling a bit better now. I freaked out this morning, and I'm still freaking out inside, but I'm at least a little bit better. So yeah... woke up, cutie mark on my thigh. Great way to make family question your sanity as you scream from your room. At school, I tried to pretend everything was normal. I worked hard and hung out with Elliot. But during lunch, the first thing I did was bolt out the door and search the forest for twilight. Well, it's a big forest. There could have been like 3 other people shouting in there and I wouldn't have heard them. Twilight might have been there, for all I know, and I just couldn't hear her. I checked the lake and all along the path we ran along yesterday, but she was nowhere. I wonder if she's back in equestria or something. I don't really know. All I know is that I couldn't find her. The rest of the day went as normal until the end. I'm sorry from the lack of detail, I'm tired. I didn't get a chance to journal until late tonight, it's a long story. Home was busy, okay? So I was on my way out the door. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a glowing blue light. Then I look over and see someone hurdle over the handrail and drop down like, 30 feet or something! It was insane! I couldn't see who it was. However, I'd be willing to bet it was magic, because they immediately got up and started talking to someone else, who was bathed in a brownish orange light. I couldn't see either of them clearly through the magic, and thorough the large crowd. I know it was magic because normal people don't get up after a 30 foot fall. The one in the orange light ran off, and the one in the blue was brought into the office and all the kids, including me, were shoed away. No one seemed to know exactly who it was. A lot people were saying it looked like Alex and Caleb! But, there were a lot of other rumors as well, saying it was people like Thomas and Elliot, so I don't really know for sure. What I do know is that tomorrow, I'm going up to whoever it was and asking them what happened. And with that, I say good night. I'm tired, and I don't want this to go on all day like it did last time. Magic being real is old news! Kidding, of course. I'm scared and frightened. But laughing at it helps me cope, okay? - - -Journal 3- - - I'm still in shock. H-How was it Alex and Caleb? How? That makes no sense. It just makes no sense. Alex. Alex, the one who dropped 3 stories, straight down, without a scratch. Where did he get the courage to do something like that? How? That isn't the Alex I know. The Alex I know would never break a rule or do something dangerous a day in his life. Okay, you're probably confused. Let me... explain my day. So I went to school, and rumors were everywhere. It was Alex who dropped, and Collin who ran away yesterday. I didn't believe it. Like I said, Alex? No way. He would never do something that crazy. I decided I would ask him myself. But he was called to the office before I got a chance to ask. I tried asking Caleb, but he shrugged me away, as usual. Then, Alex came back, but he's in a different class than me. I didn't get a chance to talk until much later. It was around lunch, and I was hanging out outside the office, where I knew they both were. They came out together, and they were literally glowing with magic. As in, Alex was glowing as brightly as he did the day before, and Caleb almost as brightly as Alex I guess I was the only one who could see it or something. I wanted to ask Alex something, but I got tongue-tied. I just said that I wanted to talk later, and he just cheerfully nodded and walked away. I couldn't believe it. Alex, of all people. What happened? How did he get magic? How did they get magic? Oh, the rest of school was uneventful. I have nothing to report on that front. I really have nothing to talk about except what I've already mentioned. The problem about these daily journals is that, if I didn't happen to get superpowers this week, these journals would be incredibly boring. I mean what are the odds... *BEEP* ...Huh, I got a text. It's from... Alex? Let's see... "Millie, is this your number?" Do I answer? I don't know if I can trust him. I mean, what if he's some government spy or something? Ugh, I'm being ridiculous. I'll just text back. "Yes... it... is. What... do... you... want?" As if I don't already know. ... *BEEP* Huh, text back. "Millie, I know you're a part of this." What do I do? Do I play dumb? Do I tell the truth? I don't want to give away information they don't have, if it really is Alex at all! "First...off... how... do... I... know... you're... really... Alex? ... I'm waiting. He's taking awhile. Hmmm, I wonder if I should turn off this recorder...*BEEP* Oh, here we go: "Our first date and only date together was at the spring 'dance' at school. Believe me now?" God, we used to date, a little bit. I had almost forgotten, it's been so long. This is the real Alex, I guess. Okay... "Okay... then... what... am... I... a... part... of?" ...... ...... Sorry I'm so quiet, the suspense is killing me. ...... ...... *BEEP* Oh, that startled me a little bit. Okay... "Mandy, my cutie mark is a globe being built by a hammer. What's yours?" (From off mike) ...Mom, can I sleep over at a friend's house tonight...? - - -End of Transmission- - -