//------------------------------// // The first few meetings // Story: Angelic Weeping // by S. K. RyDer //------------------------------// He started, “Oy! What do you think you’re doing?” The intruder stood, his black coat grey with dust. “Breaking your wall down. What else does it look like?” The first huffed, “Do you have ANY idea how much you are going to PAY--” The second shoved his hoof in the other’s mouth, “Sh shshshshh shhhhhh.” He turned his head slightly, “Listen.” The first’s ears flicked, “I hear--” “The mechanical walk, yes, but what else?” He strained his ears, “’I did my du--’” “Besides that.” Even more. It hurt. “A high pitched--” “Not that.” He screwed his face up in concentration, “Footsteps from a small--” “Not that either.” “What about the clicking?” “No. Go further.” The owner of the house whirled to face the intruder, “If I strain any further, my binkin’ ears will start to bleed!” “Okay, okay.” He held his sand blue hooves up. “For your information, the mechanical walk is nothing more than a woman I have with me, as is the footsteps. The high pitched whining is my son, and the voice saying ‘I did my duty for Queen and Country’ is the woman. “There are those noises. I’m talking about the whistling through the trees.” “I can’t hear it.” “Well, ‘course you can’t.” The intruder sighed, “One: You’ve got your teevee on too loud.” He levitated the remote in his aura, muting the show, “Two: You’re blathering on about the stuff I already know, and three: You don’t have the hearing I do.” “Then why did you ask me?” “To see if the general public will notice. Have a nice day.” The intruder leapt out the broken door, leaving a trail of a black liquid streaming from a cut on his right hoof. The beige stallion sighed, running a hoof through his brown hair. “And yet another nutter in this world.” Three weeks later, there was a knocking at his door. “Can I help--” “Move aside.” the stallion burst his way into the living room, “I think if I can get close to it, I can placate the general- Ah HAH!” He slammed his hoof on the other’s kitchen floor. In the middle of the door. A black liquid splashed from there like water. “Can I help--” “Not now friend.” He ran his hoof along the floor, “By the way, do you realize that your house is built atop of an old graveyard?” “What makes you say that?” The stallion tapped a hoof on the door jam on his way out, “City plans. Your house is built right on top of the old town Ponyville Cemetery. Good night.” “Whoo!” The black one picked himself from amidst the broken glass, “Now THAT is flying!” The beige stallion sighed, “And might I ask--” “Small flight experiment. I figured, hey, since I’m a Unicorn, two weeks away from knighthood and to become a prince, why don’t I make myself a set of wings. They’re not TOO bad,” He gave the chrome black wings a few flaps, “But they don’t give the feel of flying. Anywho.” He galloped off, taking to the skies a second later. “Okay, now--” “Will you stop barging into my house and at least tell me who you are?” The brown-haired Stallion shook his head, “You’ve nearly thrashed my house three times!” The other stallion’s jaw snapped shut, “Ah, yes. I am FoxTrot. Equestrian Games?” “And why do you keep breaking into my house?” “I’m not breaking in.” FoxTrot held his hooves up, “You’re still here and I don’t take anything.” “You break something, then you find yourself inside my house. Therefore, BREAKING IN!” FoxTrot laughed, “Eh, well, I’m trying to find a shadow creature.” “What’s it look like? Maybe you could use my help.” “Well,” FoxTrot clicked his tongue, “Whooves, I guess it’s a start.” “Yeah, now, tell me what you’re doing in my house!” “Well, Whooves, I am trying to find a creature of the shadows, and I have reason to believe that it has latched into your residence.” “Oh? And why do you say that?” “You’ve got two shadows.” The stallion jumped sky high, landing in a well lit area, “What?!” “AH HAH!” FoxTrot pointed a hoof at the trembling stallion, “See? There! You’re projecting on the wall, yet the sun’s streaming from your right!” The stallion stood still, “Help.” “Ah, don’t worry, I’ve got JUST the thing.” He pulled a device from within his jacket, pointing it right at Whooves, “This may hurt your eyes, so be a lad and close them. There ya go.” FoxTrot clicked it on. It flickered a moment, then, after a few thumps from FoxTrot’s hoof, shone a brilliant white light at the stallion. All shadows vanished. He set it down and clicked it off. “There ya go. All better” “Why would the Vashta Nerada be here?” “Simple.” FoxTrot threw the spent lamp onto Whooves’ couch, “I’m here. A living creature with the element of the shadows. Are your ears ringing? Anyways, since I’m here, spreading the shadows with my power, I make them stronger. And weaker at the same time. String in the fact that only a quarter of the Vashta Nerada are required, but they’ll shrivel up and die in just a fifth the light. “Whoo, they won’t stop ringing, anyways, I’ve been trying to find them, because I can feel them everywhere, thanks to my elemental power. I’ve felt them getting stronger and stronger. Then I had a hunch and here I am, saving you from getting your flesh eaten away in a flash. “Are you absolutely positive your ears aren’t ringing?” “No.” Whooves shook his head, “I can’t hear a thing other than your explanations.” “Hmm. Well.” FoxTrot shrugged, “Well, then I will let you go then.” He magicked the door back on, trotting out. The Prince closed the door, giving a backwards wave. A black fox with blue markings was slouched over a monitor, his eyes losing focus. He yawned. “Skor?” a lavender Unicorn trotted towards him, “You okay?” He started, clearing his throat, “Yeah. I’m fine. Just a little burned.” She placed a hoof on his cheek, “No wonder, you haven’t slept in days.” “It’s just…” he sighed, rubbing his good eye, “I feel so. BORED!” He slammed a paw on his desk, rattling it’s haphazard contents. “Well.” Twilight shrugged, “If it will help, Derpy’s here.” Skorpeon’s eyes snapped open. He leapt from the chair, clattered down the stairs and practically tackled the mailmare. “Ohthankyouthankyouthankyouyouvebeenagreatgirlderpy!” He giggled, flicking his wrist. “What is it?” Twilight nodded to the mailmare, chewing contentedly on a chocolate muffin. “If it’s the one I’m waiting for,” He pulled a black velvet bag from within the packaging, “then it is…” He pulled a cylindrical device from within. It had four prongs at the top, closed around a green orb. The central piece was silver and copper, leading to an ivory- and-leather grip with a copper end. Skorpeon giggled, “It’s here!” “What is that thing?” Twilight trotted forward. “This, my lovely Twi-lee,” he pushed a button which sprang the silver up, revealing a green chamber that was loosely protecting the orb. “Is nothing more than a screwdriver.” He pushed a button that lit the orb up. screeeeeeeeeeee “And it’s fully functional.” He pressed it against his paw, snapping the front back in place. “Ready for action.” “A screwdriver?” Derpy peered over the fox’s shoulder, “It doesn’t look like one.” “Yeah, sonic anything’s don’t look like their usual counterparts.” He tossed it in the air, catching it upside-down. “And this dosen’t look like the one I ordered.” He shrugged, “No matter.” “And what are you going to use it for?” twilight smirked, her lavender eyes sparkling like they did. “What you usually use them for.” Skorpeon replied without looking at her, “Manipulation of your surroundings.” Skorpeon stood, flicking his screwdriver out. “Huh.” He tapped the flickering light, “No idea how to read one of these. Deng.” He pocketed it, pushing the door open. Carefully, the fox stalked inside, trying hard not to bump into anything. “Hookay.” He muttered under his breath, “Time to find.” He looked everywhere. The desk, the floor, the cabinets. Even under the mattress. No sign of it. “The last place.” Skorpeon muttered, stretching his back, “Three hours of searching, and it’s going to be there, right?” His screwdriver suddenly went off SKEEEEEEE “Oh, nononononononononono” He pulled it from his pocket, frantically trying to silence it. “No, no. Shut up!” Ske do-do-do-do ske do-do-do-do “Shht!” He smacked it on his palm, “Hush. Now. Vogret. Vogret!” “What are you doing here?” a light turned on. Skorpeon’s eyes burned. “Ah,” the fox turned to Whooves, “Routine inspection?” “At three in the morning?” Whooves shook his head, “What do you want with me? Can’t you see that I’m nothing more than a simple, unemployed stallion?” “False.” Skorpeon pointed his screwdriver at Whooves, “You are not nobody. There’s somepony who needs you. Remember your interview during The Games? There’s a missus Whooves, isn’t there?” Whooves sighed, “I lied. I said that so I could get some sponsors.” Skorpeon nodded, running a paw through his hair, “Still doesn’t mean anything against the fact of your ‘nopony needs and/or wants me’ attitude.” “You sure about that?” Whooves stood, tightening his bathrobe belt, “Now, if you’ll excuse me, Skorpeon, I have some sleep to catch up on, and I suggest you do the same.” “Fine.” Skorpeon sighed, “Just don’t come writing to me when they get you.” Whooves stopped dead in his tracks. “Who’s ‘they’?” Nobody there. “Skorpeon?” “…and we pull this and we are good to GO!” Skorpeon threw all his weight into the lever, watching the machine whir to life. “Brilliant.” A silver fox called from his working on a silver humanoid, “In the time it could have taken to find out otherwise, you've managed to build a machine that will tell us--” “Pinpoint locations to find them!” Skorpeon pulled a monitor close, tapping it for the effect, “And believe me, when we find them--” “And will you finally tell me who ‘they’ are?” Skorpeon shook his head, “All in due time.” Miles sighed, resuming his work. “You know, dad, ever since we saved Yvonne, you’ve been more and more… how do I say it, more…” Miles clicked his fingers, trying to pinpoint the word. “Lax?” “No. just more gung-ho with everything you want to do.” Skorpeon nodded, “What are you doing by the way?” Miles shrugged, “Tinkering, I guess.” “On Yvonne?” “It really doesn’t matter.” The robot Miles was working on turned its head, “I don’t mind you and Miles working on me.” Skorpeon looked back at her, “You may be considered an AI Unit in papers, but you’re still a human.” Yvonne let out a mechanical sigh, her photoreceptors darkening. “I did my duty for Queen and Country.” After that, she was silent. “Yvonne?” Miles pulled a small device from the cyborg’s chest, “What’s this do?” She raised her head, calculating the object held in Miles’ paw, “That would be my Emotional Inhibitor.” Miles jumped, frantically plugging it back in. He stammered his apologies. “Skorpeon!” Twilight threw the door open, clattering down the steps. “Cadance just sent us a --” Twilight’s eyes fell upon the Cyberman on the table. “Is that—how did—shouldn’t you--” “She did her duty for Queen and Country.” Skorpeon nodded, “Don’t worry.” Twilight relaxed, “Anyway, Cadance sent us a letter.” “She does that all the time.” Skorpeon clicked his screwdriver open, “What is the big fuss.” “Well,” Twilight hesitated, handing him the nore. Skorpeon’s eyes widened more and more as he went through the letter, until the point that they appeared like the Sun and Moon side by side in the night sky. The fox closed his screwdriver against his thigh, “Well, I guess I’d better figure this out.” He buried his face in his paws, “Like Caddy always wants me to: Save the day.” He pulled his cloak on and tapped his wrist. “Be careful, huh?” Twilight leaned against the doorway, the summer’s heat not affecting her. “I will.” FoxTrot pulled his cloak on, stepping into the cool night. He took a deep breath, allowing the night air to clear his senses. “And so begins the search.” He muttered, setting off.