//------------------------------// // 8: A change unforseen* // Story: Safer in open hooves // by Elemental Fury //------------------------------// “Wake up, already!” An unearthly voice whispered in my ear, using an extremely aggressive tone before I felt my body being picked up, yet I could feel nothing. I was left afloat for a few seconds confused and trying to process what was happening when the voice spoke again. “Oh screw it, I was going to warn you but if you aren’t going to wake up you can figure this out on your own!” Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my sides as if they were being torn apart before the rest of my body started experiencing the same pain. *** “Ughh, I told you Sweetie Belle, do not ever go into the guest room without permission!” I hear the angry voice of rarity yell at someone outside. “But I just wanted to know who your guest was!” This Sweetie Belle cried, from the sound of her voice she couldn’t be more than 11 at the absolute maximum, her voice was very squeaky and, for lack of a better word, innocent. “That doesn’t excuse the antics you’ve been creating all morning! You need to learn that you’re not 5 anymore and you can’t keep constantly being an annoying pest!” Rarity yelled, and soon afterwards I felt frown form upon my face. I heard the tell-tale sniffle, indicating that tears were about to flow and then came the galloping of hooves before my ears were assaulted by the dramatic wailings of a fashionista as she called out the fillies name and cries of ‘I didn’t mean it.’ I stepped out of my room, and my eyes met with dull blue ones. She had guilt written all over her face. I fixed her with a disapproving stare and shook my head before going after the distant sound of crying that was getting further away. Granted, this ‘Sweetie Belle’ might just scream and run, being a young girl faced with a creature she had never met before. I had yet to meet a pony afraid of me however I had been preparing myself for it since the ‘nobles’ protests, because if reactions could be that extreme on that side then the same was for certain of the other side. I wandered through the bustling yet not overly crowded streets, I had managed to catch brief glimpses of Sweetie. She had a white coat and a pink and dark purple mane. Her cutie mark appeared to be a shield which had a star on it which had a cliff note on it. Two weeks have passed since I became a legal citizen in Equestria. Most ponies seemed unaffected by my constant appearance in town, must just treating me as though I was another citizen. Since returning from Canterlot the only pony I have spoken too was Rarity. The implications of my arrival in Equestria had finally fully taken hold in my heart. Don't get me wrong, I love Equestria and I hated my home planet yet there was still a jarring uncomfortable feeling from the whole ordeal. Even though I had been living in her home, I hardly even talked to Rarity. I simply wanted time to absorb the reality of my situation. Two weeks was enough time, though, I shouldn't have beem worrying them like i undoubtly had been the last two weeks yet it isn't like I was entirely used to people caring. The girls treated my arrival as though it was the worst crime ever committed, however, I would kill to be able to just stay in Equestria. It was far better than the world I once knew. Excuse me, I have severely digressed. Up ahead I could see the filly meeting up with two other fillies. They seemed to be trying to console her before escorting her to Sweet Apple Acres, Applejacks farm. It seemed unnecessary to go after Sweetie, however, as I turned to leave I heard something that made my heart stop. “RWAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” “…Uh…oh!” Was all that I could manage to say, seeing shocked and terrified faces from the ponies nearby. However it was not the roar that scared me, it was where it had come from. It had come from behind me where Sweetie Belle and her friends had just run off to. Without a second of hesitation, I spun around on my heels and sprinted into Sweet Apple Acres heading in the direction of the frightening roar. I sped passed the tree’s that were starting to become blurs as I got faster. At one point I nearly crashed straight into a tree, however, I had managed to use it to my advantage instead as just beyond it was a clearing where I could see the fillies. I used the base of the tree to get myself higher into the air and grab onto a branch that I could perch myself upon. I honestly don’t know how I knew to do that, it was just kind of instinctual, I knew to do it and how to. I didn’t have the time to worry about it, though. From my viewpoint, I could now see the actual monster as I slowly stalked its newfound prey. I am unsure what the creature actually was, however, the outside looked like it was made of pus that had solidified yet it still left a trail behind it. I had to resist the urge to throw up upon seeing it. I could hear the fillies screaming for help as the monster got closer, then I witnessed something I don’t think I will ever be able to forget. The, for lack of a better word, the shell of the monster cracked at the front before two revolting hands that were made of pus shot out trying to grab at the fillies and it was close too. I can imagine would it would have done to the fillies and there didn’t seem to be anyone coming to help. The situation from the fillies points of view most have looked hopeless as they had nowhere to run or hide yet I had already decided that I wasn’t going to let the fillies get hurt. I leapt off the branch and shouted for its attention. “Hey jackass, behind you!” I yelled and it seemed the monster understood me perfectly. It turned around after setting the fillies down, though it had coated them in a sticky substance rendering them unable to flee. I saw it’s pooling blue eyes that seemed to lack pupils and also seemed to be glaring at me. “If you’re gonna to go after someone, why not make it a fair fight?!” The monster definitely understood that time as it charged at me with a surprising amount of speed considering how it moves. I’ll be honest, when I had tried to distract it from the fillies I didn’t actually know how I was going to fight it. Suddenly it was upon me, ready to grab me and I presume to devour me. Yet, again as if on instinct my right hand shot forward, breaking parts of the shell and letting my fingers slide right into the disgusting gooey substance the monster was made out of. My hand clenched into a fist as if I was grabbing someone by their shirt and, with strength that still scares me to this day, I lifted the extremely heavy monster and chucked him right back into the clearing. It travelled forward at an unbelievable speed, crashing into a tree that was torn out the ground! I was honestly terrified of the sudden strength I possessed, as it should have been impossible for any human to pick up something that weighed as much as the monster. Getting a hold of myself and making a mental not to talk to twilight and perhaps Luna later, I rushed towards the monster. Despite my aggressive disposition towards it I didn’t want to hurt it too badly. I understood that nature's nature and nature is extremely cruel. I reached the monster and was relieved to see it was still breathing, however, I was going to have Fluttershy check it over just in case. I rushed back to the fillies and saw them looking at me with wonderment in their eyes. “Wow mister, are ya ah pro wrestler or somethin’?” One of Sweetie’s friends asked, a filly with a yellow coat and a red mane that had a big pink bow in it. Her eyes seemed both auburn and pink, strangely. She almost seemed like a mini Applejack. “Don’t be stupid AB, he’s obviously a mutant superhero!” A dark orange filly with a purple mane told her friend with a roll of her purple eyes before staring straight at me. “I mean what else could you be, right mister?!” “No and No, I’m a human but I’m the only one on the planet as far I’m aware and I’ve only been in Ponyville a week so that’s probably why you haven’t seen me.” I explained to them before turning to Sweetie Belle, who was still cowering in fear as her brilliant emerald eyes stared straight into me. “Y-you’re not going to hurt us, are you?!” She asked, almost in a whisper. I won’t lie, that hurt a bit yet I knew she didn’t mean it. “No, I promise I won’t hurt you, ever!” I told her. “Besides I came out here for you anyway.” That got their attention, as all eyes widened in shock before Sweetie asked me if I was being serious or not. “Yes, completely serious. You know how Rarity was chewing you out for going to into the guest room? Well, I was the one using it.” I told them as I tore apart the goo which had encased them. I could now see that the other two also had shield cutie marks but the yellow filly had an apple on hers and the orange filly had a lightning bolt on hers. “So now that there aren’t monsters ready to eat us, my names troy, nice to meet you.” “I’m Apple Bloom, this Scootaloo,” the yellow filly said, indicating to the orange filly before indicating at Sweetie Belle. “I think you already know Sweetie Belle’s name and together…” “WE ARE THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!” They all shouted simultaneously, with the energy only kids their age could muster. Apple Bloom’s eyes suddenly lit up as if she had just realised something. “Ya said you knew rarity, right? Does that mean ya know my big sis Applejack?” “Yes.” I told her with a smile before standing up. “Right, well no doubt your sister will have heard the news by now so we should get to them as quickly as possible.” “Yeah, yer right.” Apple Bloom agreed as she and the other crusader got up, however, Sweetie was rather begrudging to do it. “You know Sweetie Belle, what Rarity said was just exasperation, she didn’t mean what she said.” I told her, yet she seemed rather reluctant to believe me. “I don’t agree with her outburst either but she must have told you that she’s been backed up on her orders lately.” “Really?!” Sweetie asked, suddenly nervous for an entirely different reason. “Will the boutique be ok?” “Yeah, backed up orders won’t affect the boutique but it’s been really stress inducing for Rarity.” I informed the little filly who seemed to be understanding what I was saying. “You don’t need to forgive Rarity straight away if you’re still annoyed with her though I’m sure she’ll be happier if you do.” “Ok.” Was all Sweetie had to reply with. “I think I will.” Finally, we had reached the town again and I could see the girls in sight. Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash in particularly looked extremely relieved when they saw the fillies before their questioning eyes briefly wandered to me. The girls all took off at a gallop and inspected the fillies to make sure they were ok. “…An’ just when we thought that monster was gonna eat us, Troy appeared behind it and made it leave us alone. He said ‘If yer gonna go after somepony, make it a fair fight.’” Apple Bloom excitedly relayed the story to the girls before Scootaloo jumped in. “Yeah, and the monster turned around and charged at him but he just picked it up and threw it away like it was nothing. It was AWESOME!” Scootaloo cheered, however, I saw Twilights eyes widen slightly as though she was shocked and alarmed. “Hey, Flutters?!” I called out to Fluttershy, who I saw looked relieved yet also slightly miffed, not that I was surprised considering how she felt about all animals regardless. “I checked it just after I threw it and I’m pretty sure I knocked it unconscious. When I checked it was still breathing but you’re the expert.” “I know what you’re asking, I’ll go check. Hopefully, the poor dear isn’t hurt too badly!” Fluttershy said. “And afterwards me and it will have a long discussion about why you don’t eat ponies!” “Okay, though you might want to bring a disposable bucket or something, the thing looks really disgusting.” I told her and she gave me a mini glare that made me shudder slightly. “You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover!” She told me and I just smirked slightly before I shouted back. “Solidified pus!” Was all I responded and already I could see her getting queasy as I heard a faint ‘oh’. “Troy.” Twilight called my name, trying to get my attention. I spun around and met her eye. “Twilight.” I nodded my head before we both spoke at the same time. “We need to talk.”