The Lost Legends of Equestria: The First Alicorn

by Silver Inkwell



“Mother, where do we come from?”

“Well dear, that is a very complicated question,” Galaxia said.

“Well then, start small and simple.”

“You make a fair point girls.”

“Well tell us, please.”

“Alright then, but afterwards you’ll go straight to bed, okay?”

“Alright mom, you have a deal.”

“Well then, no one is sure exactly where we come from or why we exist, if you want to try to figure that out then I would highly recommend some pony else. But for now let us stick to the stories, myths, and legends instead.

No one also know exactly how old are race is, whether it be for millions or billions of years, but one thing is for sure, in the start there were no alicorns, or at least that’s one version, another says that there was one almighty god or goddess that ruled over all of us and created us in their image. Another says that we have always been and always shall be, another says that we cannot always have been and that one day even we will fall to chaos and entropy.

No pony is really sure of which tale or myth or legend can be true if any at all, but in reality I guess that there is truth in every story that you hear.

Yet no matter what version of the story I heard there was always something that I could find wrong with it, I mean if we have always been this way then who came before us to make us? Surely there must be some pony, right?

And if we have not then how did we ever come to be in the first place?

If there is indeed a god that rules over us, then why not reveal themselves?

All these questions were answered in vain for I did not believe any pony else or their responses, they all seemed wrong somehow in some small slight tiny little way, and nothing was ever perfect, but in my pursuit of answers I finally decided to create my own version of the story instead, and then I did too, now then girls take note that this hasn’t been published yet so it will have many flaws so please don’t fault me on anything just yet, and it hasn’t been edited yet, so I will need your opinions on this, and of course I’m not quite sure on the length yet, but I do know that it will be appropriate for you any other child too. Now then my tale takes place in a world with no alicorns except for two very old ones who guard the tree of immortality and eternal youth, or harmony instead, but no matter what it was called it was still the key to
being an Alicorn now.”