//------------------------------// // Day 3: AAAAAND I forgot to hit record yesterday. // Story: Video Journal, Day 1: WTF is Going On? // by MLfan //------------------------------// You know, I should be happy today. I learned a lot, got back with Caleb, and even started to make a plan. Then I got home and found out I didn't even press 'record' yesterday. So now I have to recap yesterday so today makes sense, then also talk about today. Also last night, now that I think about it. Joy. Sorry I'm grumpy, this is also the 3rd time I've tried to record this. The first time Devon barged in about halfway through, and the second time I- you know what, I want to make this quick in case this one fails, too. I'll make yesterday's recap brief, because I don't want to talk all day. So yesterday, I woke up and found a Cutie mark on my thigh. No ifs ands or buts, I woke up and this was there. I still wonder what activated it, maybe my accepting the fact it was real or my midnight practice. Hey, at least it didn't appear without any sort of context, right? No, it appeared because my entire idea of reality was shattered. It's actually pretty cool, though. Check it out! As you can see, it's an earthlike planet, drifting away in an effect akin to the moon in RWBY, and a hammer next to it, as if it's building the world itself. I like it. Oh, it's also on all of my clothes now, all equestria-girls style. I just woke up and checked my closet, and every one of my shirts had it on there. At first, I thought it was only the clothes, but I found out the rest in the shower. I didn't think I'd have a full-on cutie mark until then, the equestria girls sure don't. Actually... I wonder if they do have them but they can't show it because they can't get it past the censors... anyways, I have a Cutie mark on everything now. I tried wearing a sweatshirt, but it was on that too. I ended up wearing a shirt inside out. A pretty ingenious solution if you ask me. Honestly, I kind of just accepted it. Having superpowers was a little bit weirder than a tattoo. If I grow a tail, though... Anyways, went to school. Between the three days I've spent in school, I now understand why Rainbow hates school so much. It's BORING when your brain works so fast. I only tolerate it because of reading books. I hate it even more now when teachers tell me to stop reading, though. School was always boringly easy for me. Now it's even worse. That aside, nothing much new from yesterday. Once again, Mandy had detention or something. I would ask her for what, but I kind of had bigger things to worry about. Didn't ask her today, either. Huh, should really do that tomorrow. Probably none of my business. Then at the end of the day, Caleb went up to me and wanted to ask me something. At first, I didn't want to hear it. I was bored, and tired, and I didn't want to put up with his crap. Then he started saying strange stuff. He told me he had a secret to tell me, and I was the only one he trusted. Honestly, I was kind of touched, based on his behavior over the last month or so you'd think he hated me. Suddenly he was acting nice and considerate. It was weird. Then he told me that it happened just the day before, and I suddenly had a thought. What if he... please don't tell me... "Collin, you didn't skip class in science yesterday... did you?" When his hand drifted towards his thigh... that was when I knew. He had somehow gotten roped into this. "In that forest... something happened to you, didn't it? Please say no, I don't want to be right. You saw something. Something scary. Something extraordinary. Something... magical." Maybe I came on a bit too hard there, because then he bolted. I didn't even hesitate to run after him. Out lockers were on the 4th floor, and he was running towards his car. We ran for awhile, and I would've caught up if it weren't for the fact my ankle was still hurt. Still, he was fast, and reached the stairs in no time. My hyper-fast brain was already calculating, and I knew that he'd reach the bottom before me, and he was about to get away... Unless... I jumped off the edge of a conveniently placed rail and fell 3 stories down to the bottom floor. Not a scratch on me. I'm still not entirely sure why a 20-foot fall caused me to sprain an ankle, but a 35-foot fall didn't leave a scratch. Somehow, as I jumped, I simply knew it would be okay. I'll just say it's because magic doesn't make sense and move on. I tried to talk to Caleb, but I realized there was a bit of a crowd around us, due to my jump, and I didn't want anyone else to know. Then Caleb ran, and the crowd wouldn't let me run after him. I had seconds to get something to him. I quickly pulled out a pen and paper and wrote a quick paper saying essentially there was no time to write, watch MLP, it will explain. Then I wrote my name. I didn't have time to fold a paper airplane, so I just threw it and let the winds guide the paper. Apparently my new powers also entail controlling the winds slightly. Comes from the 'winds flowing through my heartbeat' thing, I guess. The paper floated through the gaps in the doors and landed neatly in his pocket just as the door to his car closed. I don't know how it worked, I had never practiced before, but it did. The teachers wanted to ask me some questions about my jump, but since I technically hadn't broken any rules and the busses were leaving, they had to let me go. I then got on my bus. I got home, failed to record anything, and played video games and watched YouTube for the rest of the night. Actually, we played a few board games, too. I won, of course. It isn't fair when you can rig the dice with controlling air currents and think more strategically and quickly than everyone else. T-The rigging of the dice was unintentional, I swear! The moment I realized I could, I stopped! ...Mostly, anyways. I tried to just be a normal family member, although I kind of wish I could turn my powers off and make the games more fair. Great, I'm already 8 minutes in and I'm just starting up with today. Prepare for a long haul, everyone. Around 11:00 PM, I got up and snuck out. I thought that if I had to do this to sleep anyways, I might as well use it for practicing my new powers. My ankle healed, by the way, another upside to magic. I was less reckless this time, of course. I didn't want a repeat of the day before. In case Collin tried to run again, I wanted to be able to catch him. So I practiced wall-running, controlling air currents so I stuck to the wall better. I then set up a training dummy. I wanted to be prepared to fight, in case this magic worked like Percy Jackson's, and attracted monsters. That, or if I had protagonist syndrome. Either way, I wanted to be prepared to fight. So I grabbed a wooden sword I got at a renaissance festival and started wailing on the dummy. I did okay, but the sword still felt unnatural in my hands. A thought occurred to me. I needed a better weapon, right? So I snuck back inside, and grabbed a heavy book. I know, it sounds ridiculous, but it worked on a timberwolf, right? I tried using that as a weapon. The strangest thing is that it worked. The book had such a perfect weight to it that I couldn't imagine using another weapon. I fought with incredible speed and if you didn't know any better you'd swear I practiced my entire life to get that good. Maybe it comes from my cutie mark. I never did explain it, did I? Okay, I'm pretty sure it means that I build worlds. As in, I love sculpting out a fantastic imaginary world in my head, writing down every little detail about it and focusing on it for a month, then never mentioning it again. Hence the building of worlds. Hey, that should be my pony name from now on. World Builder. Sure, I like it. Anyways, I guess that translates to be good with reading as well. Well... good at beating people with books, at least. Huh, when I practice tonight I should try using a pencil as a weapon or something. So I fought. I punched. I kicked. I book...ed. I started getting flashy, back flipping off walls and using the momentum to attack. A thought flashed through my mind: I would make a great Hollywood stunt double. I have weird thoughts. Adrenaline started flowing through me. Then something awesome happened. After fighting the dummy for awhile, I leapt back. My legs reached for the wall behind me. Making contact, I launched off of it. My original plan was just to use the added momentum to slam the book down on the dummy with incredible force. Instead, fricking ethereal wings formed behind me and I started flying. Honestly, I lost control and my new body seemed to take over. I spiraled upwards, doing a full loop and then plummeting back down, my book hitting the dummy at near terminal velocity. The dummy never even stood a chance. It shattered into splinters. My wings promptly vanished and I fell down, exhausted. I had snuck out the window on the way in, but I didn't have the energy to get back up. I had to trigger the alarm to get back in. Of course, my parents asked what was up. I said I couldn't sleep and I had gone out for a jog, but accidentally set off the alarm on the way in. The explanation was weird, as usually when I can't sleep I just watch YouTube, but my parents bought it. I then crashed in bed and immediately slept. That's why I didn't journal about it last night. Also why I have even more to talk about today. I also didn't get a chance to journal this morning, when I woke up it was about time to go to school. So now I will take this chance to say... I'm pretty fricken' awesome. The old me was a normal human who would be wheelchair-ridden if he had any less muscle. Now, without any sort of formal training, I could probably beat Mike Tyson in a duel. Screw hours of practice daily, MAGIC STEROIDS! Oh yeah, also, WINGS! I mean, I figured I was some sort of Pegasus, power of agility and the winds and all, but that confirms it. Funny, I never fancied myself a Pegasus. I do amazing in school and read a lot, yet lack any athletic skill whatsoever. Sounds like a unicorn to me. Before this, I actually would have preferred magic, really. But flying- the wind in your face, the billowing hair, It's so amazing! I still do wonder why it picked a Pegasus for me... whatever, it's magic, don't question it. And now we finally reach today. With no beating around the bush explaining that I watched YouTube again, I arrived to school. It wasn't that greatest. I mean, the kids were bad enough. You don't simply drop 35 feet down without attracting a lot of attention. People constantly came up to me trying to pry information out of me. C'mon, if I saw a kid dropping 35 feet unscathed, I would leave him or her alone! Well... actually, I would ask them to show me their cutie mark. Okay, I get it, but it's still annoying that anyone I see asks me about it. I guess I appreciate the attention, considering I'm normally just ignored by everyone. But this isn't a great alternative! I brushed the kids off, of course. Those with bribes I refused, and those with threats I scared off by saying "Please. I survived a 35-foot fall, you don't scare me." I don't want to get anyone else involved besides Caleb. Speaking of which, the two of us didn't get to talk much. First thing coming in, the people in the office brought me in and asked my why and how I did what I did. I didn't get in trouble, as I said earlier, because I didn't break any rules. I believe to explain this they said "You know, there's only no rule about jumping off the railing because we thought nobody'd be stupid enough to do it!" Translation: "We wish we could get you on something, so instead we'll just make you feel really bad." Still, they wanted to know what happened, so they grilled me, and grilled me hard. I'm honestly surprised they never called my parents. In the last recording, I went on a full-on rant about that, but I want to keep this at least shortish, so I'll leave it at the fact it's weird my parents still weren't told. After awhile of unhelpful grilling, they grudgingly sent me back to class and brought Caleb in instead. (School's still boringly easy, btw) Still didn't get a chance to talk with him. Finally... we were called in together. It was him and me vs. the principal. "So... I assume you know why I brought the two of you here," the principal said. "Yes," the two of us replied. "Would either of the two of you be willing to say what's going on? I promise it won't leave this room." I started to say something, but Collin beat me to the punch. "Do you think we're stupid? Why would we suddenly be fine talking if the other is here as well?" She turned to me for my answer, but I said nothing. I thought Caleb summed it up quite well. "Okay, look," she said, "neither of you is willing to say what happened yesterday, but both of you clearly know something. Look, I'm going to leave the room and maybe the two of you can figure it out on your own. When I get back, the two of you will have something to tell me." By the way, I'm paraphrasing here. It actually took about 30 minutes for him to get to that point. Anyways, he left. "So," I said. "So," he said. "There's a camera there," I whispered quickly. "Don't let it see your lips moving or anything." Collin slowly nodded and spoke normally. "Alex, please, how did you know about... that, yesterday." I twisted away, as if to show I was unsure. Really, though, I was hiding my side from the camera. Honestly, I doubted anyone was watching, but I wanted my bases covered. I slowly revealed the side of my leg, just far down enough for the flash of color to be visible. Thank god- no, thank Celestia the marks weren't further down, or it would have been incredibly awkward. I also showed the full mark by showing the underside of my shirt. I spoke evenly. "I don't know much. I was there two days ago. I had no idea you were involved. I spoke poorly and we both panicked. I still hate your guts, but if we're gonna do this, we have to do it together." "Like it or not, fate has pushed us together again. Joy." Despite himself, Caleb smiled a little. He held out his hand. "Frenimies?" I shook it. "You totally stole that from Phineas and Ferb, though." "We actually, like, talk about what the heck is going on later, right?" he muttered. I laughed. "Yeah, Caleb, of course we do." The principal came back after awhile and we told him this was an issue we had to solve between ourselves. He tried to question us a bit more, but when he realized it was fruitless, he let us go. Hey, I just remembered something I forgot in the other two recordings! As we left the principal's office, Mandy came up to me and wanted to ask me something. I mean, lots of people wanted to ask me stuff, but Millie, instead of just walking up and asking questions, said she wanted to talk, but later, and walked away. I kind of forgot about it until now, I was too busy dealing with Caleb. Note to self: Ask her tomorrow. Anyways, Caleb and I regrouped over lunch. I told him my end of the story, he told me his. Apparently, he actually MET Twilight and didn't even know it! Also, he couldn't see the Timberwolves until they were described to him. Weird, right? We threw around theories, but nothing of substance. Eventually we reached a point in the conversation when I asked if he got my note. He responded with a look that instantly told me that yes, he had found it and also "Seriously, dude?" "This isn't a joke, Caleb." I said. "...Yes it is." He said.' I sighed. "Can I tell you a story?" "Sure, but I can grantee it won't convince me to watch a show about talking ponies." "Once, there was a land called Equestria. In it, ponies were the dominant race." Caleb gagged, but I ignored him. "There were three types of them: Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi. But they all had one thing in common: their cutie marks. Whenever they found a special talent, a tattoo would appear on their thigh, signifying it. Say, for example, a writer would get a pen and paper, and someone specializing in fire magic... would get a tattoo of a flame. See the connection?" "It's probably a coincidence." "The hero of this land was a girl known as Twilight Sparkle, an extremely gifted purple unicorn with purple and pink striped hair. Her cutie mark was a six-pointed star, which might appear on her clothes in this universe. Sound familiar?" "...Fine, I'll watch the stupid show, but I don't have to enjoy it." "Caleb, stop being so dense. It's obviously the reason this is happening." "Alex, just shut up. For all I know you're making this up and this is just an excuse to make me watch that stupid show." "Collin, do you really think I would joke about that considering our current circumstances?" I sighed. "Look, we need to work together if we're going to figure this out." "So what's your plan, smart one?" "Tomorrow, we explore the forest. Twilight-" "Is probably gone." "What?" "Didn't I tell you? I explored the forest yesterday, and she was gone. I wandered the forest, shouting her name, but I couldn't find her. She's probably back at her home dimension by now. Heh, I even forgot to put it in my journal yesterday, it was so uneventful. I just skipped lunch and scanned the forest. I found nothing, and came back. What, haven't you done anything like that?" "...No. B-But, I have a plan to find her this time!" "Oh really. I would love to hear this great plan, then." "I-I want it to be a surprise! You'll see it tomorrow." "Sure. So I'm going to watch... My Little Pony... and you just pretend you have a plan. I won't call you out now so I can laugh at you tomorrow. Chao!" My god, I hate Caleb. He was nice, and pleasant, and then he's suddenly acting hateful again. I'll admit, I was bluffing, but he was just a huge jerk about it. I take back what I said about him having been changed. He's still an asshole. But I'll show him. I really DO have a plan now, which I plan to execute tomorrow, and I'm fairly sure it'll work. I can't wait to laugh at him for once. I wont reveal my plan on camera, dramatic flair and all, but I can't wait to see the look on his face. *sigh* I still wonder how I never realized Collin was involved. I mean, sure, I wasn't paying attention, but I should've noticed his shirt was inside out, or found it weird he was avoiding me. I mean, what are the odds that my worst enemy would be involved in this. I mean, besides the fact that the odds are fairly high if I have protagonist syndrome. Hmm, anything else I want to say before I end this thing? Oh, yeah, Millie. Y'know, I still can't get over what she said. Why didn't she just ask about my fall like everyone else? Even Elliot, her best friend, just came out and asked me, and he's usually quite timid. Maybe it would've been weirder if she did ask, now that I think about it. She has been avoiding me the past... couple... of... days. Wait... what? I just realized, I haven't said a word to her at all over the past 3 days, other than that short conversation we had today. And now that I think about it... wasn't she wearing her shirt inside out...? Oh... my... god... - - -End of Transmission- - -