
by Silver Inkwell



She had lost, after years of planning, after all this time ever since she was just very young, after all this time she had failed against the power of love now.

This was just horrible, terrible, humiliating.

There were no words to describe what she felt right now.

Anger, hate, sadness, sorrow, despair, and pain were only the start.

Fury and wrath were even more as well.

And so that was why she screamed out at the sky in vain.

Why, after all this time, just why did she have to lose and fail now?

Was all her time and effort and energy not enough?

Was her love and dedication to her citizens still not enough yet?

It had to be, it just had to be, yet it still wasn’t quite enough yet.

But what more could she do? What more else could she give?

She had found a perfect feeding spot and successfully posed as the Princess, the only thing that ruined her plan was Twilight and her friends… and love.

But she didn’t want to think about the last thing, so instead she tried to focus on something completely
different instead, and that other thing was revenge.

She slowly opened her eyes to see that she was on the ground now.

Yes, of course, revenge was the only option, but how?

She slowly got up from the ground and then came up with an answer.

One princess wasn’t enough, but maybe, just maybe all of them would be enough, but the only question that remained was how to infiltrate of course.

She couldn’t do it right now of course, because they would be waiting for her and ready, but maybe if she waited for a few years then they would forget, or at least they would not be ready instead. And with that said she smiled very deviously, yes, of course, wait, be patient, infiltrate the most loved ponies, and then gain all the love and control over Equestria and from the ponies as well too. And with that she slowly started to walk back to their very old home.

For her home was protected by something that no magic other than that which she and her children had could ever pass through, something to keep them safe from anything and everything that passed through its borders. And with that she couldn’t help feel like she just wanted to sing a song again.

“♪This day didn’t turn out to be quite perfect, it wasn’t the day that I dreamed about since I was young, but despite all my plans, and despite all that I have done, it’s still quite not enough. My time and efforts haven’t been wasted though, for I have learned another way to make my dream come true. And all that I have to do is make every pony love me! And very soon enough I will then have the perfect day! And no pony else will ever stop me, so come with me my children!

Join the changeling parade! Make your mother and empire proud, for today we might have fallen hard, but tomorrow we shall rise with glory as the new day!

So don’t hold back, give it your all, and sing a song of the changeling empire!

Never give up, never surrender! Never give in to those silly little ponies!

And don’t ever cry, because your mother is always here for you…

She’s always close by your side and very near to you…

So don’t cry, don’t lose hope, and make this empire very strong once more again!

So then tell this tale if you will for I have no cares anymore!

Say that this defeat has only made us ever stronger now!

And never say that we are weak! For we are very strong indeed!

So come with me and join the empire saying that you will never give up and that you will never surrender, for we are strong, we are brave, we are the changeling empire! We will not be mocked ever again and soon every pony will know our name, and then they will love us no longer fearing or hating our race anymore!

So come, join the empire, don’t hold back, never give in, never give up!

And don’t let the fear get to you because I will always be there to love you.

And although this cold cruel isolation has left us all alone, we have become very strong as a result, and soon enough you will see, that we’re better than before!

So come my children, follow me and listen to my voice as I speak my words!

Trust me because I love you, and obey me because I am your mother now.

Don’t make me ask twice, because you’ll regret your choice.

And don’t ever try to defy your race, don’t ever defy the empire, and certainly don’t ever try to defy me!

Because soon you’ll see, that I am a force to be reckoned with, and no pony else will ever dare to challenge me ever again!

So come follow me in battle, for we must fight long and hard, but in the end the war will be ours, and then finally every pony will learn to love us for who we really truly are! And then finally everything will be quite well indeed…

For the moment will finally have arrived, for us to be one lucky family♪.”

And with that said she wandered off into the landscape and soon found her home, gathered all her
children together, and then told them the plan.

They screamed with delight and joy at this plan, for while their mother may have failed once they knew that she would never give up or surrender until they were all fed quite well, and she would never let any pony else stand in her way, and she would do anything in the whole entire world to protect them now.

And with that a great and mighty cry came up from the changeling empire.

For now they had hope, now they had a plan.

And very soon enough they would have their fight in battle and war too.

But that of course is another story for yet a different time instead.

For now all that you need to know is that Chrysalis smiled as she saw her children react to her news and plan, for now she had given them more hope.

And she would do everything that she could to make it a real true hope indeed.

And with that she decided to sit down on her throne in her new exiled kingdom that was one of great pain, sorrow, and despair to many ponies and even her children at times if she could not feed them, but for now it was filled with hope.

But that was not the only thing that it was filled with either now.

For it was also filled with isolation in the cold cruel heart of Queen Chrysalis…