//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 - Presents // Story: Midnight Dusk's Backstory // by rainbow2726 //------------------------------// Midnight Dusk Pov We opened the door back to our hotel room. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRLS!!!” Mom exclaimed. I expected mom would try to surprise us. “What special breakfast do you have planned mom?” We asked, walking to the table. “I have prepared blueberry pancakes!! Even for you Misty! ” Mom said bringing out pancakes in her magic. I used my magic and got forks, knives and a syrup bottle for everypony. “YAY!” We screamed taking quick giant bites of our pancakes. “I know a way to make it even yummier! You just get a layer of pancake then pour syrup on it, take another pancake place it in top of the other pancake, pour more syrup and keep doing that until you have no more pancakes! To eat it after wards you cut it in pieces like you cut a cake!” I explained doing the movements myself. “Wow! How can something turn even more delicious just by doing that??” Misty said. “It our family trick!” Silver said winking. “What else are we going to do on your guys birthday?” Misty asked. “OF COURSE GO TO OUR FAVORITE SHOPS!!!” Silver and I screamed. “Which shop first this year?” Mom asked us. “THE OLDY CANDY SHOP!!!” We yelled. We all walked to our favorite candy shop ever. It may have looked bad but the sweets were absolutely delicious, and even cheap. “Every pony can get one bag full! I’ll pay.” Mom said. “Um, Midnight which candy do you recommend, I have never went to a candy shop like this one before…” Misty asked. “OMG! I’ll definitely help you!!!!” I shouted, grabbing Misty’s bag and mine filling it to the brim with only the best sweets EVER!!!! I placed our bags on the counter on the same time Silver did. “MOM WERE DONE!!!” We yelled. “I swear they get faster every year.” Mom muttered under her breath. “How much does it cost now?” “Oh hello Stardom its Midnight and Silvers birthday again? Oh who is the pegasus?” the shop owner asked. “Oh thats their friend Misty.” “Ok lets see your total today is 15 bits.” “You have got to eat this candy! Try it!” I said, using my magic to get a piece of candy in her bag and putting it on her hoof. “WOW!! It tastes amazing!!!!” ———————————— After the whole day of fun and excitement. “Do we get to see you open your presents now!!” Misty said eyes sparkling. “YEAH!!! First lets open Misty’s gift!” I said. We took out Misty’s gift and started opening it. Misty’s gift was glow in the dark star stickers! “THANK YOU MISTY!!!!!” We screamed. I took a look at Silver’s gift it was a silver charm bracelet also very cute!!! “Silver here’s your gift!” I gave Silver’s gift to her. “Heres your’s Midnight!” I ripped open the wrapping paper. It was a music box with us on it! “Wait, I gave you the same thing!!” We started laughing. “Do you remember girls? You get to choose your magical necklaces today!” Mom said bringing out a bunch of different color necklaces. “Girls choose carfully it will foresee your destiny.” I looked at all of them, but the yellow one seamed to stand out to me, it was just like the stars! “I want the yellow one mom!” I said. “I want the one with white and black on the outside.” Silver said. “Silver are you sure you want that one? and Midnight you?” “Yes mom.” We chanted. “Okay then.” Mom sad handing us our necklaces, “The symbol and color of your necklace with appear on your cutie mark just like mine see girls?”