//------------------------------// // The Kingdom's Curse // Story: The Lost Legends of Equestria: The Changeling Queen // by Silver Inkwell //------------------------------// Chapter Three: The Kingdom’s Curse After Chrysalis got back home she cried throughout the whole entire night. She was a monster and very ugly now, and now she was ruined. No pony would ever dare to love her again after this, no pony would dare try making a deal with her because they would be afraid of how she looked instead, and no pony would ever give her the respect that she deserved. It was very hard being a Queen, and to be one you had to make sacrifices no matter what the cost was. And with that thought in her mind she suddenly stopped crying then, yes, of course, that was the only answer and solution to this. If she could not change for other ponies or her subjects then she would make them change first, and so with that she smiled as she placed a spell on the whole entire kingdom to make them fall asleep, and then she duplicated the potion that the wizard had given her and gave it to every pony there. And when they all finally woke up they were very shocked and surprised. But they were even more so that way when they saw their queen, for they only heard rumors about what happened but couldn’t really believe it. Queen Chrysalis smiled as she started to talk since no pony would ever be more beautiful than her, or at least in her own kingdom anyways. “My subjects, you have all changed now just like me, but do not worry, with this gift there also comes a price and curse, the gift is that you can change into the form of any pony you want, and the curse is that you can never be your real true self ever again, but do not weep, I am here for you my changelings.” And with that said every pony soon accepted the terrible horrible fate that they had and soon they decided that to gain love they must control other ponies. (Clearly they were very crazy and insane by this point now.) And with that they went about their normal regular lives. All except for Chrysalis who looked for a place to feed for her children since it was only the queen in the land that could ever give birth to children. And so it was that eventually one say they would find Equestria. But that is a story for yet another day, and one that you probably already know by now. But for now just know that the curse of the queen and kingdom would never end, not at least until one very special changeling changed that. But Chrysalis forgot in her madness that it was being honest and sincere earned love, and not lying, but that was her real true curse of course however.