//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: The Lost Legends of Equestria: The Changeling Queen // by Silver Inkwell //------------------------------// Prologue Queen Chrysalis stood over her kingdom and wept silently to herself. How could this ever happen to her, she thought, how? But she knew the reason and answer to that question, but what she really wanted was an explanation, and also an apology of course too. For she knew it was that old wizard that had cursed her to this fate. For now where she once stood very beautiful, well now she was ugly as she stared at her new permanent black body, and while she could choose to change her form or shape into any pony else, she would never be her true self again, And that was the most terrible horrible thing that she could think of to pay. It was even worse than death because now she had lost everything. She had lost her name and reputation when others declared her crazy and insane, she had lost her friends as they left her behind with time, she had lost her power since no pony could even look at her now, she had lost wealth and fame since she tried so much and hard to restore her name and reputation. She had even started to lose family and her subjects too, but she took care of them by turning all of them into beings like herself, ugly and cursed forever. For she was obsessed with beauty and power, and no pony else would hold any more beauty or power than she did because she was the queen of them all. Of course when they saw themselves in their new bodies they reacted just as she had when she was cursed, they screamed in terror and fear as they all tried to overcome the shock and surprise of the whole entire situation. She then explained to them that they could change their shape and form to any pony else, but that they never would be themselves ever again, forever. They couldn’t accept this small simple fact at first just as she had, but eventually they learned to live with it and even one day they loved it. And when they finally did Chrysalis was glad, for now a curse had also turned into a gift, one that they could use to gain love, for that was how her kind and species of alicorn had always lived by, by feeding off of the love of other ponies. But now they would have to lie to live, and they would have to do what they needed to so that later on they could do what they wanted to do. But that would come later on, much more so after a certain lesson. But for now let us look on what happened to lead up to these events.