//------------------------------// // 12. The Chronicles of Cutie Marks // Story: The Next Generation of Harmony // by SammyRosePony //------------------------------// “What made you think that was a good idea,” Starlight yelled as she threw off her helmet. “What made you think ziplining was a good idea?” “Well Aunt Scootaloo told me she did and her friends did it when they were our age,” Rainboom explained. “Well my Aunt Apple Bloom had told me that it didn’t end well for them. Didn’t Scootaloo tell you that,” Sweet Apple asked. “W-Well yes, but just because it didn’t work out for them doesn’t mean it couldn’t work out for us.” “Does it look like it worked out,” Starlight asked. “I know you mentioned it to get our cutie marks, but it’s just not working out. Got any other ideas?” Rainboom was about to say something until Starlight interrupted. “And nothing that involves cannons.” “Well do you have any ideas,” Rainboom asked. “I got it,” Sweet Apple yelled excitedly. “What?” “Follow me.” The three young ponies galloped their way towards Sweet Apple Acres. “Apple Slice! Apple Slice!” “Why are you calling your brother,” Rainboom asked. “You’ll see. Apple Slice, where are ya,” Sweet Apple asked. “What do you want sis,” Apple Slice said as he walked towards her. “How did you get your cutie mark?” “We came all the way to ask him that,” Starlight asked. “How is this going to help us get our cutie marks?” “Yes. If we hear enough cutie mark stories then maybe we can get inspired to find new ways to get ours.” “That’s a good idea and all, but why didn’t you explain this to us back there?” “Heh,” Apple Slice laughed. “My sister has a habit of not explaining things.” “Wow Starlight,” Rainboom laughed. “And I thought you were her best friend. How come you didn’t know that about her. Come to think of it, I’ve known Sweet Apple all eleven years of her life while you’ve only known her for ten.” “That’s because I am ten, and you’re a year older than her!” “Anyway,” Sweet Apple said breaking up their argument. “How did you get your cutie mark?” “Well…” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was around your age when it happened. If y’all didn’t know, I was a crusader just like you three. Midnight and Misty already got there marks, so I was the only one left of us three. Ponyville wasn’t that different back then. Aunt Apple Bloom was expecting Jazzy, who was going to be born any day at that point. “So,” a younger Apple Slice said. “Do you think it’s going to be colt or a filly.” There was no answer. “Well, what do you think.” A toddler aged Sweet Apple just stared at her older brother. “Apple Slice,” Applejack said. “Your sister doesn’t fully understand what’s going on. She’s still not fully aware that her days of being the youngest Apple are numbered. Why don’t you answer me this? What do you think it is?” “I think it’s gonna be a filly. You know, just to even out the number of colts to fillies.” Big Macintosh came downstairs to greet the family. “Good mornin y’all.” “Mornin Mac,” Applejack replied. Big Mac then whispered something into Applejack’s ear. Apple Slice watched intnently. “I know,” Applejack whispered to reply. “Granny Smith hasn’t been too well. I think she might actually-” “Is somethin wrong,” Apple Slice asked. “N-No sweetie. Nothin’s wrong.” “Why don’t you come apple bucking with Crimson Crisp and I. You’re mother is very busy, so she doesn’t have time to apple buck.” “Really,” Apple Slice asked excitedly. “I’m busy,” Applejack asked. “We all know Apple Slice is very close to Granny Smith. If we let him know Granny Smith is, well, you know, he’ll be crushed,” Big Mac whispered to his younger sister. “I know eventually we’ll have to tell him, but for now, let’s just keep him happy for awhile.” “Okay, but what am I gonna do?” “Apple Bloom has been more stressed than ever. Between Granny being sick, her husband being in Canterlot performing, and her foal being due any day now, she has a lot to stress over. I don’t think Cheerilee and Cherry Blossom got it all under control like they said. You’re her sister, at least help her stay calm and take care of her.” “Well I guess, but are you sure he’s ready to apple buck?” “I’m sure. He’s better than your husband that’s for sure.” “You’re right, but make sure he doesn’t hurt himself. If my baby gets hurt under your watch, so help me Mac I’ll-” “Okay, okay, I get it. I’m dead if he gets hurt. So Apple Slice, you ready?” “Eeyup!” “That’s my nephew.” “And don’t worry ma, I’ll be fine.” I began bucking apples everyday since then, and ma helped out Apple Bloom more. Of course I was told about Granny’s condition, and I was not happy about it at all. Ma had told me that this would most likely be Granny’s end. I was determined to not let that happen. The colt walked upstairs to Granny Smith’s room. She has been practically living in there for the past few months. It seemed like the family was seeing less and less of her everyday. Apple SLice had overheard something coming from the bedroom. It was voices. Apple Bloom was in the room with Granny Smith. “B-But G-Granny. You can’t,” she said with her voice trembling. “Don’t worry my dear. Everything will be fine,” she said weakly. “B-But, you need to stay alive. Y-You need to meet great grandchild number six,” Apple Bloom said as she rubbed her belly. “A-Apple Bloom darlin, look at me,” Granny said taking her hoof to her granddaughter’s face. “I’ll still love the little thing. Filly or colt. Whether I’m gone or not. This foal is still a part of this family as much as I am. I know it’s hard to see me go, but this time comes for everypony eventually.” “Came to ma and pa too early.” “Yes I know, but things change. Things are always changing. I’ve lived a long healthy life. My time is up.” Granny Smith looked towards the door where Apple Slice was standing. “And it looks like your time is up too.” “Excuse me?” Granny pointed at the door. “O-Oh, am I interrupting anything,” Apple Slice said backing up. “No no not at all Apple Slice,” Apple Bloom said sweetly. “Would you like to talk to Granny.” Apple Slice nodded. “Same time tomorrow?” “I’ll be here.” Apple Bloom trotted out the room and into the hallway. She gave a smile to Apple Slice before wobbling her way downstairs. Apple Slice slowly walked into Granny’s room. “How are you feeling Granny?” “You want the honest answer,” she asked. Apple Slice nodded. “Honestly, not that great.” “W-Well don’t worry,” he said as he climbed onto the bed. “Everypony gets better when they are sick.” “A-Apple Slice sweetie, you know I’m gonna-” “No you’re not,” he said crossing his hooves. “You’re in denial.” “Am not.” “You are your mother’s child. Just as stubborn as she is.” I didn’t want to believe that Granny would be gone soon. It broke my heart just to think about it. Big Mac took me out apple bucking more often just to get my mind off of things. I didn’t go on cutie mark searching adventures anymore since Midnight and Misty both got their marks.. It kept me happy until… Big Mac and Apple Slice came in from a hard day’s work out in the fields. They were happy. That was until they saw everypony in tears. Cheerilee told Big Mac to get upstairs immediately in which he did. Apple Slice looked at Cherry Blossom, who was sobbing. She whispered something into her brother’s ear, and tears started forming in his eyes. Apple Slice quietly walked upstairs. He knew why they were crying, but he didn’t want it to be true. He looked into Granny’s room where Big Mac, Applejack, and Apple Bloom were crying together. Tears started forming in his eyes, and he bolted to his room. That moment was probably the saddest moment of my life. My heart shattered like the Crystal Heart. I refused to leave my room or do anything really. I vowed that I would never apple buck again. It was a dark time for the Apple family and all of Ponyville. Of course Ponyville recovered, but it took a bit longer for us to recover. It became happier when Jazzy was born. Everypony was happy except for me. Well I was happy when she was born, but I still avoided things. That was until things got worse. A sickness broke out in Ponyville, in which Crimson Crisp caught. Uncle Big Mac had hurt himself badly and was unable to apple buck for awhile. Ma finally got back into it, but there was no possible way she was gonna do it by herself. Apple Bloom, of course, just had a foal and was in no condition to do any hard work. My dad and uncle Tender Taps tried to help, but they aren’t good at it. Cheerilee wanted to help, but she was too busy at the school house. Winter was coming up, and we were low on money. With ma buckin all by herself, we couldn’t harvest enough apples to make up the bits. It didn’t look like we were going to have cider season that year, which Rainbow Dash was upset about. I didn’t want to let anypony down. For several nights, I would go out and buck apples. It was hard, but I didn’t want to see my family suffer because I refused to help out. My ma soon found out. She told me I she was proud of me. “I’ve never seen such amazing work in a long time Apple Slice. I am truly proud of you,” Applejack said as she nuzzled her son. “I just can’t seem to find out how y’all moved on. I still think about Granny a lot.” “Apple Slice, think of this family as, well, an apple. Every member is the slices. Granny is a single slice of apple. She left the apple, but the rest of the apple is still there like this family. We still love and miss Granny, but we are still here together. That’s all that really matters. We can’t dwell on the past for too long. Now we look ahead towards the future. With little Jazzy apart of our family, I bet we can look forward to a ton of fun things. You understand Apple Slice. Even though she’s gone, Granny’s still here in our hearts.” Applejack hugged her son. He hugged her back. At that moment, his flank started shining. A green apple slice had appeared on his flank. “Eeyup,” Apple Slice mumbled. “She’s still here.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “W-wow,” Sweet Apple said. “I wish I could’ve known Granny longer than from what I got. I was just a toddler. I don’t even remember her.” “It’s alright sis.” At that moment, Appleseed walked out. “Hey Appleseed.” “Yeah?” “How did you get your mark?” “It’s not really a big story. I just went to sell stuff with dad one day. I really liked it and felt like it was something I could do with my life. And boom, apple seedling with a dollar mark appeared right on my flank.” “Wow,” Rainboom said. “So these extravagant events don’t need to happen to get a mark.” “Nope,” Appleseed said. “It’s just finding something that feels good when you do it, and you know you can do that for the rest of your life.” “Okay,” Starlight said. “Who should we asked now?” “Hmm, how about Lightning Rose,” Sweet Apple said. “I mean, my brother does have a crush on her after all.” “What?” “What? Let’s just go.” The three ran off. Apple Slice was left frozen and his face blushing red. Appleseed chuckled. ‘She got you good.” The three ponies ran to the home of Fluttershy’s family. Outside, Lightning Rose was watering the plants. “Hey Lightning,” Sweet Apple called out. “Hi crusaders. What brings you to my home?” “How did you get your cutie mark,” asked Starlight. “Well it was a long time ago…” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was just a young filly. In case you three didn’t know, I was the first of our friends to get my mark. When I was younger, my family would always visit my uncle Zephyr Breeze and Aunt Tree Hugger. It gave me time to spend time with my cousins who I rarely see. The one thing I was always interested was Tree Hugger’s garden. I’m used to all the animals given that my mom has a ton of animal, but the beautiful garden was new to me. “Wow,” a little Lightning said. “Your garden is amazing Auntie.” “I know. The energy of the flora just flows right through you. Do you feel it little Lightning Rose,” Tree Hugger said taking in the breeze. Lightning breathed in. “Yup. I feel it.” “I see you take more interest in my flora than the fauna.” “Well yeah, I already have many animals at my home in Ponyville. I guess I’m just used to it. Plants however, they are just amazing.” “Would you like to learn the ways of the flora,” Tree Hugger asked. “Of course I would,” Lightning said excitedly. That day, my aunt taught me everything I needed to know about tending to a garden. Some techniques were a little weird for my taste, but overall, I had the knowledge to make my own garden at home. “Wow,” Fluttershy said walking into the backyard. “Your garden, even at the small size it is at now, is just beautiful. What do you think Bulk dear?” “YEAH! I-I mean it’s great Lightning. You really got a talent for gardening,” Bulk Biceps replied. “Thanks daddy. I wish it was my special talent. If it was, my cutie mark would be here already.” “Don’t worry sweetie. Your cutie mark will come when you find that certain something. Go pack your things. We’ll be leaving to go to your aunt and uncle’s house this weekend.” “YAY,” Lightning said as loud as her father. “I-I mean, yay.” The family took the train to reach their destination. Lightning looked out the window. She couldn’t wait to see how much her aunt’s garden has changed. She thought to herself just how beautiful and pretty it’s going to look. They were greeted by Zephyr at the train station. Of course he made some remarks to Fluttershy like he always does. Fluttershy returned with a light punch. They still had the brother-sister love-hate relationship. “I wanna see your garden,” Lightning told Tree Hugger. “W-Well, you see-” Lightning bolted towards the door. She froze at the sight she saw. She had to be dreaming. How could the garden look like that? “What happened Auntie? What happened to the beautiful garden that I saw last time?” “I guess the energy was just sucked right out of it. I haven’t had the time to tend to the flora these days,” Tree Hugger said. The plants were dull in their color. There were even some wilting plants. “Why don’t you ask my mom to help,” Fluttershy suggested. “We did,” Zephyr added. “She’s too busy as well.” “Oh well,” Fluttershy said. “Some things just change I guess. It really is a shame though.” The day passed quickly. Lightning could not get over the state of her aunt’s garden. “Why does it have to look like that. It can look just as pretty as it was,” Lightning told her mom as she tucked her in for bed. “There are somethings that are hard to keep the same,” Fluttershy explained. “You can’t keep everything the same forever. Tree Hugger just hasn’t had the time to. All we can do is see what time will tell. Goodnight sweetheart.” Fluttershy kissed her daughter’s forehead. “Goodnight mommy,” Lightning said as Fluttershy closed the door. And I at that moment I knew I couldn’t just not do something. Once everypony was asleep, I got out of bed and started working on the garden. I put everything I was taught about plants to the test. I stayed up all night working and working. The next morning was quite a scare to Fluttershy when her little girl was not found in the house. “Hey maybe she’s out-woah,” Tree Hugger said as she went outside. The rest of the family joined her. The plants were all back to their normal state. “W-Who did this,” Fluttershy said in shock. “I think I know,” Zephyr said pointing at the ground. Lightning was asleep after being awake all night. “Aw, poor thing,” Fluttershy said with a smile. “Must be very tired after staying up all night.” She was about to pick her daughter up when she noticed something. A pink flower with a green leaf on Lightning’s flank. Her cutie mark had arrived. “Told you it would come when you realize that certain something special,” Fluttershy whispered. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “That’s a sweet story,” Starlight said. ‘Yeah it is,” Sweet Apple added. “It was okay for my taste,” Rainboom said. “Who else should we ask about their cutie mark?” “Why don’t you three ask Jade. Her cutie mark story is quite interesting,” Lightning said. “That’s a great idea. C’mon you guys,” Sweet Apple said as they bolted off. They later found Jade right in front of Carousel Boutique. “Hi Jade,” Starlight yelled. “Why hello Starlight Aurora and hello to Sweet Apple and Rainboom as well.” “We have a question for you,” Sweet Apple added. “How did you get your cutie mark,” Rainboom asked. “That’s a story I love,” Jade replied. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My parents always took me gem hunting with them. I loved it. They started letting me help once I was seven. Since I’m both pony and dragon, I can do both parts to finding the gems. My mom taught me the spell to find the gems, and my dad taught me how to properly use my claws to dig. “I love gem hunting,” the little dragon/pony hybrid said. “As do we,” Rarity said. “Even though it’s for my job, I love that we can bond as a family over something like gem hunting.” “I agree,” Spike added. “I-I actually have a question.” “What is it my little Jade Crystal?” “Well you see, I’m practically almost a teenager-” “Not for a couple more years,” Spike interrupted. “Anyway, I’m getting older, and I’m able to do more things on my own.” “That is very true,” Rarity said. “Where are you going with this now?” “W-Well, I was wondering, what if I went off to hunt gems on my own. I mean, you two need to stay together since one of you have the spell and the other does the digging. I’m the full package. I can both. Plus, if we split up, it can be more efficient in finding more gems.” “She does have a point there,” Rarity old Spike. “I know, I know. I’m just not sure.” “She is getting older. I have faith that our daughter will be just fine.” “Okay fine,” Spike said. “Okay Jade, we’ll let you go on your own.” Spike grabbed Jade’s wagon and placed it in front of her. “Just be careful. Be back in about an hour or so. If you get into any trouble, just scream, and your mother and I will be right over.” “Yes sir. Don’t worry daddy I’ll be fine.” Jade used her magic to grab the handle of the wagon. “Bye mommy! Bye daddy! I won’t let you down! I promise!” It was at that moment I actually felt a little grown up. I was against the idea of growing up, but I loved the feeling of doing something on my own. I felt confident. I found many gems that day. I was so proud of myself, and I knew my mom and dad would be proud too. “Mommy and daddy will be amazed on how many gems I was able to find on my own,” Jade said to herself. “They’ll be even more happy that I-” Jade was interrupted by the bushes by her moving. “Um, hello?” There was no answer. “Is anypony there. I-I’m part dragon you know! I can breathe fire! I mean a little, but I still breathe fire! I don’t want to hurt you whoever you are!” “I want the gems,” the voice in the bushes said. “Excuse me?” “Give me your gems,” it replied. “Um, no. These are for my mom’s shop. She’s gonna put them on dresses. She’s a dressmaker by the way. She has a boutique in Ponyville, Canterlot, and Manehatten. You should go to one.” “Just give me the gems!” The figure came out of the bushes. “A d-diamond dog,” Jade said. “That is right, and I want your gems. You’re just a little filly. What are you gonna do about it?” “Um, I-uh.” Jade then remembered what her father told her to do if she ran into trouble. She screamed as loud as she could. “D-Did you hear that,” Rarity said. “Yeah I did.” The sound happened again. “It sounded like Jade.” “Oh no.” My parents came quickly. They were pretty shocked when they saw the diamond dog. They were even more shocked that I was sitting on him. “Jade, sweetheart, how did you do that,” Spike asked. “I just talked a lot. He got annoyed, and I sat on him,” Jade said happily. “That’s my girl,” Rarity said. “It’s that whinny pony,” The diamond dog yelled as he pulled himself out from under Jade and ran away. “Um, what,” Jade questioned as the dogs ran away. “Your father and I came across these very same dogs when we were a little younger. “W-What’s that on your flank,” Spike asked. “Oh my new cutie mark. My talent is finding gems,” Jade said proudly. “H-How are not surprised or super excited about it?” “I guess I’ve always known that my talent was finding gems. I asked you guys if I could go on my own just to be sure it was my very special talent.” “Oh Jade Crystal,” Rarity said happily. “I’m so proud of you.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Wait,” Rainboom said. “So you already knew what your talent was even before you got your cutie mark?” “Apparently.” “Wow.” “Hm, who else should we ask,” Sweet Apple said. “We can ask my sister,” Starlight said. “I like that idea,” Sweet Apple replied. “Bye Jade!” The three ponies made it to the Castle of Friendship. “Hey mom,” Starlight said. “Do you know where Midnight is?” “I believe she’s in her room. Why,” Twilight replied. “We’re going to ask her how she got her cutie mark.” “You mean she hasn’t told you yet?” “Nope,” Starlight said as her and her friends raced up the stairs. “I-I could tell you guys how I got my mark,” Twilight said. “I already know how you got yours mom!” "Everypony knows,” Rainboom added. The three ponies entered Midnight’s bedroom. “Hey sis,” Starlight said. “How did you get your cutie mark?” “Well…” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My family was taking a trip to Canterlot. I’ve always been impressed by Celestia and Luna when they raise and lower the sun and moon. One night, I spotted Princess Luna. “Hi there Princess Luna,” a young Midnight said happily. “Midnight, darling, no need for formalities. Just Luna is fine,” Luna replied. “Sorry, my mom says that I need to use formalities when addressing ponies. She’s been preparing me for princesshood ever since I started school.” “I can see that.” “What are you doing,” Midnight asked. “Well my sister is lowering the sun at the moment, so it’s time for me to raise the moon.” “Can I watch,” Midnight asked excitedly. “Really? You want to watch me raise the moon? Don’t you have something better to do,” Luna asked surprised. “What are your parents doing right now?” “Daddy is teaching Flashlight some guard skills. Mommy is dealing with Starlight because she was having a tiny tantrum.” “Little Aurora, she just turned two didn’t she?” “Yep.” “I remember when Stargaze went through that phase. Anyway, why do you want to watch me raise the moon?” “Well, I always see Celestia raise the sun every Summer Sun Celebration. You only lower the moon at those. I’ve always wanted to see you raise the moon.” Luna looked down at the little alicorn filly. She has never seen a pony so excited to see the moon in over a thousand years. Something felt good about it. It made Luna feel warm. Luna flew up towards the sky. As soon as the sun was completely gone, Luna flared her horn up. A light blue aura surrounded her horn. Luna seemed to glow as she raised the moon. Midnight looked towards the horizon. Not only was she amazed by the rising of the moon, she was amazed over the stars appearing right before her eyes. Once the night sky was filled with stars, Luna returned to the balcony. “Wow,” Midnight said in awe. “The night really is a sight,” Luna said. “How long have you been fascinated by my night little Midnight Sparkle?” “As long as I can remember. My mom used to read children’s books about space and stuff to me all the time when I was little. I remember loving to read about the constellations.” “Oh yeah? What’s that one,” Luna asked pointing to one. “That one’s Orion. His belt has three stars not four.” “Wow.” “Did you know that some stars we see in the sky have already died off. Since it takes a long time for their light to get here, it takes a long time for us to not be able to see their light. This is because the stars are millions and millions of miles away.” “Wow, you know a lot,” Luna said. “Yeah.” “I think you would make an amazing astronomer one day alongside being a princess.” “You really think so?” “Yeah. Even your cutie mark says so.” “What are you talking about,” Midnight said confused. “I don’t have a-” She looked down at her flank to see a picture of a night sky with stars and a crescent moon. “Oh my gosh! I got my cutie mark!” Midnight ran inside the castle. “Mommy! Daddy! Guess what!” As Midnight ran in, she passed a gray alicorn colt. “What’s she all excited about,” he asked. “She just got her cutie mark,” Luna replied. “Really?” “Don’t worry Stargaze,” Luna said nuzzling her son. “You’ll get yours eventually.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Wow that simple,” Sweet Apple said. “You’ve always liked the night and space, and it just appeared when you told somepony about it.” “Sometimes you have to express what you love to other ponies to find that it is special to you,” Midnight replied. “What’s going on in here,” Flashlight asked as he realized the little ponies. “Hey big bro,” Starlight said. “How did you get your cutie mark.” “You really don’t remember?” Starlight shook her head. “We were in the Crystal Empire when these bad guys attacked. Our parents told us to run into the castle, but one of them followed us in. We were cornered when I built up the courage to face him myself and protect the ones I love.” “Oh yeah now I remember. I guess you’ve always been destined to be guard.” “Don’t worry Star,” Flashlight said. “You’ll get your mark eventually.” “Awe. That was sweet. Thanks Flashy.” “Call me that one more time and I’ll-” “Okay,” Midnight said interrupting. “That’s enough story time for right now. It’s getting kind of late. I think you three only have time for one more pony.” “You’re right,” Sweet Apple said. “Come on guys, let’s see how Cheesecake got her cutie mark. The three ponies raced to Sugar Cube Corner where they knew Pinkie Pie’s family was working at the moment. Since nopony was at the front counter, Rainboom rang the bell letting them know somepony was there. “Well hello there Cutie Mark Crusaders,” Cheesecake said. “What can I do for ya?” “How did you get your cutie mark?” “Well you know…” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was a little younger than the average pony is when they get their cutie mark. Of course you three have to know my parents are the premier party ponies in not just Ponyville, but in all of Equestria. But of course, Ponyville is where most of their parties are held. They were in the midst of planning one for a very special colt. “Hey mommy, hey daddy,” a little Cheesecake said excitedly. “Who are you planning a party for?” “Little Pumpkin Spice from across the street from us,” Pinkie replied. “He’ll be excited to hear you two are planning his party. Can I help?” “Though we would love it, and I’m sure you would love it too,” Cheese started. “We’re just really busy with this one. Plus, you’re still a little too young.” “Oh we don’t mean that,” Pinkie said. “Maybe a little young for this big of a party. Maybe a smaller one, okay sweetie?” “Okay,” Cheesecake grumbled. “That’s my girl. Why don’t you go upstairs and play with your sister.” Cheesecake walked upstairs to find her little sister, Chocolate Strawberry, playing with a few toys. “Hey Cocoa,” Cheesecake said. “What wong big sister?” “I want to help mommy and daddy with their parties, but they keep saying no. They keep saying maybe when I’m older.” “Wow. That some tough stuff,” Strawberry said. “Yeah it is.” Cheesecake frowned. Strawberry then walked over to her older sister and booped her nose. “Turn that fwown upside down big sis,” Strawberry giggled. “That’s why I love you Cocoa.” I decided to ignore the fact that my parents weren’t going to let me help them with the party. I knew I would be able to one day, but that day was not that day. Everything was going smoothly, that was until both mom and dad got sick. Pumpkin Spice and his parents stopped by Sugar Cube Corner to check on the party. “Hello,” Pumpkin Spice’s mother said. “Is Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich around.” “Our son is so happy to have them as his party planners,” Pumpkin Spice’s father said. “Oh I’m sorry,” Mrs. Cupcake replied. “We were just informed that they are sick.” “I don’t think they’ll be able to do the party,” Mr. Carrot Cake said. “Oh no. Well that’s too bad. Seems like you won’t have the big party you wanted little guy.” The family began to walk out with there heads down. “Poor kid,” Pound Cake said. “He was probably really looking forward to it.” “Wait,” Cheesecake cried. The family turned around to face the little filly. “I will put together Pumpkin Spice’s party.” “Are you sure,” Cupcake asked. “It’s a pretty big party, and you’re still pretty young.” “Age is nothing but a number. I believe in myself. Mommy and daddy already did most of the planning. All I have to do is follow their plans.” “Do you really think you can do it,” asked Pumpkin Spice. “I don’t think so. I know so.” “Well, are you ready for immense party planning because your parents’ parties are always grand,” Pumpkin Cake added. “I was ready before I was born.” I knew what I was getting into. I knew my parents take their party planning seriously. These kinds of things aren’t just a walk in the park. They take time. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a lot of time. I only had about two days. Lucky for me, my parents already did all the hard work. I just had to follow their plans. I have never worked so hard in my life. I actually kind of liked it. I was able to get all the plans ready for the party. Within just a few days, my parents started to get a little better. “What’s all this,” Pinkie Pie asked as her and her husband walked outside. “Yeah what’s going on,” asked Cheese Sandwich. “Hi mommy and daddy! Are you guys feeling better,” Cheesecake asked happily. “Y-Yes dear. Very much. We were just wondering what’s going on?” “Oh. Because you guys were sick, you couldn’t do Pumpkin Spice’s party. He was very disappointed when he found you two could not do his party, so I decided to take over on the planning. I think I did a very good job. Don’t you think?” “Sweetheart,” Pinkie said proudly. “I’m so proud of you. I always thought you were too young to help out, but I see now that I was wrong. It really looks like you have a nag for planning parties.” Cheesecake smiled brightly. Suddenly, her flank began to glow. She looked down and saw a light pink cake with blue frosting and red candles on top. “My cutie mark! I got my cutie mark!” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “So everypony in your family’s cutie marks have to do with parties.” Sweet Apple asked. “Well, all but one,” Cheesecake said looking over at her sister. “How did you get your cutie mark Strawberry,” asked Starlight. “Huh? Oh my cutie mark? It’s not really that amazing of a story,” Strawberry said. “One day I was helping Mrs. Cupcake and Pumpkin Cake in the kitchen. I just happen to be dipping strawberries in chocolate and enjoyed it. I wanted to make more sweets, so they let me help out with. Within a few hours, I got my cutie mark.” “The sun’s beginning to set,” Cheesecake said. “You three should really get home.” “You’re right. C’mon guys!” Rainboom flew home to his cloud house. He was happy to be back home after a long day of running around. “Did you have a nice day son,” asked Soarin.” “It was a pretty good day,” he replied. “You didn’t get into any trouble did you,” asked Rainbow Dash. “No.” Aura Mist walked into the room. “I’m home,” she called out. Something came to Rainboom’s mind. “Hey Misty, how did you get your cutie mark?” Misty looked to her parents. “He’s never heard the story?” “Why don’t you tell him. I myself am very fond of your cutie mark story,” Rainbow Dash said. “Anyway…” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Growing up, I was made fun of a lot in school. I wasn’t that great of a flier. “What a whimp,” one colt yelled at a little Misty. “Yeah. She can’t even get her measly body off the ground!” “I can too!” “You’re pretty much useless. You’re parents are Wonderbolts. You’ll never be like them. Even your brother, who’s just a toddler, is a great flier for his age. Face it; you’re a burden to your family!” “Hey leave her alone,” Midnight Sparkle yelled to defend her friend. “Why do we have to listen to you!” “Because I’m a princess!” “What’s with you and always pulling the princess card?” “Just leave my friend alone.” “FIne, but she knows everything we say is true,” the colt said as he and his friend left.” “Are you okay Misty,” Midnight asked caring for her friend. “I-I guess.” “You know you don’t have to be like your parents. You can be anything you want to be. You don’t have to be a Wonderbolt. Who cares if you don’t fly as great as a Wonderbolt.” Even though Midnight tried her best to comfort me, what those colts said to me really got to me. I wanted to show everypony that I could do something. It finally hit me when Midnight and I were walking home from school. “I heard your mom started princess training for you,” Misty said. “Yep. Since I’m my mother’s heir, she wants me to be ready by the time I’m coronated. Luckily, I have a long time before that happens. I’m confident I’ll be ready though. My mom says I’m already so much like her.” “At least you’re similar to your mom,” Misty said. “Hey, like I said, you don’t have to be like your parents.” “I just want to show everypony and my parents I can do something. I want to make my parents, especially my mom, proud of me.” “Well what do you want to do when you’re older?” “I don’t know at the moment. I like to fly and all, but I’m not the best at it. I just want to make ponies happy.” Suddenly, a flyer flowing through the wind hit Misty in the face. “That’s it!” “What?” Misty lifted the flyer off her face. “We’re going to Cloudsdale for the Best Young Fliers Competition since the Wonderbolts are there every year, and I’m gonna enter the competition!” “What? Are you even old enough to enter?" "Not the normal league, but I am old enough for the newly founded junior league. Maybe now my parents can be proud of me.” I practiced my routine time and time again. I started to become frustrated every now and again. Mom used to watch me all the time. “Hey Misty. You’re routine is really coming along.” “No it’s not,” Misty yelled out in anger. “What do you mean?” “I keep on messing up. I’m never going to be ready for the competition. This was a big mistake. Just like me.” “Aura Mist you are not a mistake.” “Didn’t you say that I wasn’t planned.” “W-Well yes, but that doesn’t mean anything. You are a wonderful filly, and you will do just fine. I’m just nervous for you.” “Don’t worry mom,” Misty said with a sudden gain of confidence. “I’ll make you proud to call me your daughter!” “Wait Misty-” The day of the competition finally came. I was very nervous. All of the young ponies competing were amazing. Lightning, Midnight, and their families came to cheer me on. “I can’t do this,” Misty said. “What,” Lightning said. “Just yesterday you were saying how you were going to win.” “I know, but my routine is nothing compared to what the other fillies and colts are doing.” “Hey, what did you tell me you wanted to do when you’re older,” Midnight. “To make other ponies happy.” “That’s exactly what you are gonna do. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose. As long as you make the ponies happy out there, you’re gonna do just fine.” “Number 15 let’s go,” the mare backstage yelled. “That’s me.” “Go get them Misty!” Misty went out into the stadium. She saw the one pony she wanted to impress immediately: her mother. Her nerves started to get the best of her. “Okay Misty,” she told herself. “Just breathe. Listen to what Midnight said. All that matters is that you make other ponies happy.” Misty looked over to her mother. Rainbow Dash could tell her daughter was starting to get nervous. “You got this Misty,” she yelled cheering on her daughter. Misty started to feel a sense of pride for herself. “Let’s do this.” Misty began her routine. Everypony cheered. Even though she’s not the best flier, she perfectly pulled off the maneuvers she knew. Just like her mother, she was able to create a rainbow when she flew. Misty looked out to the crowd. Everypony was cheering; Rainbow Dash was cheering louder than anypony. Misty felt happy. She did it. She made ponies happy. That is all she ever wanted. Misty hit her ending pose, and everypony cheered for her. Everypony was happy. Suddenly, her flank began to glow. She had finally gotten her cutie mark. It was a couple of clouds with a rainbow and a heart. “And the winner of the Best Young Fliers Junior League is,” the announcer began. “Aura Mist!” Everypony cheered for her. Rainbow Dash flew out of her seat and embraced her daughter in a hug. “I can’t believe it. You won the competition and got your cutie mark at the same time.” “Are you proud of me now mom?” “Oh Misty, I’m always proud of you.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You actually won the competition?” “Eeyup. Do you not see the trophy in my room?” “Wow, my sister is actually awesome.” “Yeah well-wait,” Misty said. “What do you mean actually awesome? I’ve always been awesome!” The two siblings continued to argue. Rainbow Dash and Soarin laughed at their children. “Our kids are pretty awesome,” Soarin said. “I agree,” Rainbow Dash replied. “We’ve raised some pretty great children. Not just us, but all of our friends have raised pretty awesome kids.”